Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 127 Speeding Taimei (2400 monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 127 Speeding Taimei (2400 monthly ticket plus update)

Ren Tianhua looked at Chen Yingxiong with a smile... the woman beside him was wearing a peaked cap and wide sunglasses.

"Your girlfriend, hero?" he asked.

Chen Yingxiong curled his lips—why does everyone think that Sharapova and himself must have a relationship that is beyond the normal relationship between a man and a woman...

"No." Chen Yingxiong denied solemnly.

The smile on Ren Tianhua's face became even wider, his eyes were almost narrowed.

"I see."

It's really hard for Chen Yingxiong to explain this problem to the store manager. So far, Ren Tianhua didn't recognize Sharapova, and the diners in the store didn't notice her.

"What would you like to eat, miss." Ren Tianhua put the menu on the table and asked Sharapova in Russian.

Sharapova looked at Chen Yingxiong, which meant "you order".

Chen Yingxiong didn't know whether Sharapova had eaten Chinese food, but he had eaten here, so he ordered some dishes according to his own habits.Of course, the taste is made according to the taste that Russians like.

Chen Yingxiong did not intend to invite Sharapova to eat authentic Chinese food. He said that the Chinese food here is good, and he said it from the perspective of Russians.Anyway, he has brought so many Russian teammates here to eat, and everyone thinks it is delicious, so he thinks this restaurant should be considered delicious for Russians.

Ren Tianhua turned around and went to order the kitchen to cook.

Sharapova looked curiously at this small shop.

The decoration is very Chinese to her.

At this time, since it was relatively late, there were not many tables left for the guests who ate here.If Chen Yingxiong hadn't come to the door, Ren Tianhua would have closed the door.

The food was served by the store manager Ren Tianhua himself. At this time, the students who came to work here basically all went back, and today is not a holiday, so there are few waiters.When he was busy during the day, it was Ren Tianhua who personally served the dishes and poured the water.

"The dishes are here, take your time."

After finishing speaking, Ren Tianhua retreated aside with great interest.

Sharapova took a bite, and the pupils behind the sunglasses shone with surprise.

"It's really delicious!" She lowered her voice and exclaimed.

Chen Yingxiong smiled: "That's right, I don't want to see who brought you here? Authentic Chinese, can the Chinese restaurant I took you to be bad?"

Then he gave a thumbs up to the store manager Ren Tianhua, praising his delicious dishes.

"How did you find this place?" Sharapova asked with a smile.

"When I first joined the Zenit youth team, I said I would treat everyone to dinner, and they brought me here. This restaurant is quite famous in St. Petersburg." Chen Yingxiong explained.

He didn't use his chopsticks to eat because he had already had dinner.And he knows that these dishes are not to his taste.

After taking a few bites, Sharapova put down the cutlery and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Is your injury really okay?"

Sharapova asked this question when the two met in front of the hotel.She was surprised that Chen Yingxiong was able to drive to pick her up, so she asked this question.

At that time, in order to avoid those reporters or passers-by, Chen Yingxiong urged her to get in the car quickly, without elaborating, only saying that it was not in the way.

Chen Yingxiong shrugged: "Of course no problem."

"But those media..."

Chen Yingxiong laughed: "Do you believe what the media say?"

Sharapova was ridiculed and got angry: "Then why don't you come out and explain clearly?"

"Why should I explain? Let them guess if they like to guess."

Sharapova is now convinced that Chen Yingxiong's injury is really nothing serious.But this also made her move to come over meaningless...

Seeing that Sharapova remained silent, Chen Yingxiong seemed to have thought of something: "You don't plan to visit me in the hospital, do you..."

"Who wants to see you!" Sharapova rolled her eyes and buried herself in her meal.

Chen Yingxiong chuckled.This silly girl took the initiative to recruit.

The focus of my question is actually on "hospital", but the focus of Sharapova's answer is on "seeing".It turned out that she came to see me...Chen Yingxiong didn't know why, but when he thought of this, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

As if she had been read through her thoughts, Sharapova was in a complicated mood, and she couldn't taste the taste of the meal.

As a result, both of them seemed a little taciturn in the subsequent dinner.

※ ※ ※

Ren Tianhua originally planned to watch the fun, but Chen Yingxiong seemed to have found a very beautiful girlfriend this time.There are not many tall women who need to look up to.

But who would have thought that apart from the two of them communicating a little at the beginning, the rest of the time was spent eating alone, and neither of them looked at it in a daze.

Such a great opportunity, but he didn't know how to take advantage of it.Ren Tianhua looked anxious for Chen Yingxiong—is this still the so-called "nightclub little prince" Chen Yingxiong who is popular with countless female fans?
Could it be that the young couple are having a fight?
Can't put?
You were chatting and laughing just now, why did you suddenly stop talking?

※ ※ ※

After dinner and paying the bill, the two walked out.

Ren Tianhua delivered it to the store door: "Come again when you are free, hero." He looked at the woman next to him who was still wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap, "Also, I wish you all a good time!"

Chen Yingxiong knew that the enthusiastic boss still misunderstood the relationship between him and Sharapova, but the relationship between them was really not as explained by others.Because even they themselves don't know what kind of relationship they should have with each other, and what kind of mood they should use to face it.

After bidding farewell to Ren Tianhua, Chen Yingxiong said to Sharapova, "I'll take you back."

Sharapova stretched out her hands in front of Chen Yingxiong.

"Why?" Chen Yingxiong didn't understand what was going on.

"Give me the car keys."


"I want to go for a ride, can't I?" Sharapova urged.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yingxiong's reaction made her angry again: "You know how to drive?"

"Give me the car keys, and you'll know if I can drive!"

Sharapova suppressed her anger and gritted her teeth.

※ ※ ※

Chen Yingxiong regretted it. He regretted very much that he had handed over the car keys to Sharapova...

Now sitting on the passenger seat, he is wearing a seat belt, his hands are still holding the handle above the door, and his legs are curled up, almost up to the seat...

"You...you drive slowly!!" Chen Yingxiong shouted while he was still panting.

This time it was Sharapova's turn to laugh: "That's called driving! Whoa-aha!!" She was still in the mood to shout!

"Crazy woman! Gua mother-in-law!!" Chen Yingxiong was so frightened that he yelled out his native language. He was really scared... He sat in the co-pilot seat, which is said to have the highest death rate in car accidents, and watched the ever-changing situation ahead.

There was an oncoming car, and she rushed over.There were cars on both sides, leaving only a very narrow passage, and she rushed over.

Those dazzling headlights lit up in front of Chen Yingxiong, making him unable to see clearly. Under such circumstances, Sharapova stepped on the accelerator.

She even crossed the double solid line and overtook another car in the face of an oncoming car!Three cars whizzed past each other. For a second, Chen Yingxiong thought that his life would be handed over to this melon woman speeding party, but in the next second, it was as if he rushed out of the tunnel. Swish With a bang, overtaking!
But he was still so frightened that all ten toes clenched tightly...

There's an intersection ahead, but it's a red light...

"Red light!" Chen Yingxiong wailed.

There are not many cars at the intersection, but even if you run a red light like this, once you are photographed, you will be the one who will be fined!
But Sharapova didn't intend to step on the brakes at all, and Chen Yingxiong's heart was raised in his throat again - at this time, he didn't even care about scolding...

I saw Sharapova slam the steering wheel when she was at the intersection, and at the same time pull up the handbrake very quickly!
There was a continuous creaking sound, the tires rubbed violently against the ground, and even thick smoke rose. Then Chen Yingxiong saw that the intersection outside the window suddenly turned to the left, and the corner building on the right appeared in his line of sight. ahead!
Just when he thought the car would hit him head-on, his sight changed again!
A new road appeared before his eyes...

Out of the corner of his eye, he only caught a glimpse of Sharapova's hand moving quickly. He didn't know exactly what she was doing...

This is a rookie!

Then the car rushed forward, still very fast!The accelerator pedal was stepped on with a bang.

"C-Come here?" Chen Yingxiong, who was still in shock, asked.

"Have you ever seen a drift, kid?" Sharapova replied calmly.

"Can I give you the middle finger?" Chen Yingxiong asked.

"Hooligans!" Sharapova yelled.

"Your sister...you drive my car over the speed limit, grind my tires with drifting, and grind my engine at high speeds with high throttle in low gears, and you still mean to call me a hooligan?" How can a normal woman become so cute now?

"Hmph, I didn't expect such an arrogant guy to be afraid of drag racing!"

"You let me watch Schumacher racing in front of the TV, I am very happy! You are not afraid of death, I am afraid of death, okay?" Chen Yingxiong, who just graduated from driving school and got his driver's license, could not adapt to this wild driving style at all... He Still in a state of being cautious for fear of a car accident.

Just when the two were racing and bickering, they heard a shrill siren suddenly sounded behind them, and the red and blue lights of the police lights were reflected in the rearview mirror!

"I rely on!"

Chen Yingxiong was speechless, this crazy woman even called the police car, this time she is dead!

He was about to stop Sharapova when his body suddenly fell to the back of the seat—the woman sped up again!She wants to get rid of those cop cars!

Chen Yingxiong's face was ashen...

※ ※ ※

The siren sounded louder and louder, and the cars with flashing lights behind him changed from one car to four now...

Finally, the black Land Rover Discovery 3 that was openly speeding in the urban area was blocked on the side of the road.

Sharapova tapped the horn on the steering wheel angrily.

"Are you stupid? Let you run!" Chen Yingxiong, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said sarcastic remarks at this time.

"I'm not familiar with your car. If it was my Land Rover, I would definitely run away!"

"Stop complaining about the car. You should think about what to do when the police find out that the speeding person is the famous Maria Sharapova." Chen Yingxiong crossed his arms and leaned on the passenger seat A look of watching the fun.

Sharapova turned her head and glared at him: "Aren't you the same!"

Chen Yingxiong spread his hands and shrugged: "What am I afraid of? This is not the first time negative news has been published in the newspaper. Besides, I am afraid of death, but I am not afraid of the police." He said leisurely.

"Aren't you the city hero of Zenit? Go talk to the police. Maybe it's your fans..." Sharapova was trying to get away.

At this time, four police cars had completed the encirclement, and the police from one of the police cars came down and approached the Land Rover.

Sharapova quickly lowered her head and pressed down the brim of her peaked cap. In order to drive, she didn't wear sunglasses. Now the only camouflage left is this cap.

Seeing her flustered look, Chen Yingxiong sighed, opened the car door and walked down.

"Hi, buddy." He greeted each other in Russian.

When the policeman who came up saw Chen Yingxiong, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Hero!" he exclaimed in surprise.

Chen Yingxiong is quite satisfied with the policeman's performance, which shows that his fame and charm are still great.

"Ha, ha...it's me, look..." He pointed to the car behind him.

The policeman tilted his head and saw the man sitting in the driver's seat with his head bowed and wearing a peaked cap.

"Your girlfriend?"

Chen Yingxiong originally wanted to deny it, but when he thought about it, what should he say?If he denied it, wouldn't it be more troublesome if the other party asked about the relationship between this woman and him?

Just admit it, so that the other party will not ask again.

So he nodded: "Yeah, my girlfriend and I went out for a drive, and then...uh, accidentally, accidentally speeding..."

Hearing his pale explanation, the police laughed heck.

Chen Yingxiong himself knew that this explanation was stupid—from one police car chasing to four police cars chasing, this cannot be said to be accidental speeding anyway...

The police fan didn't give them face just because he was Chen Yingxiong, but shook his head: "This is not acceptable, hero. If I were the only car, I would let you go, but now..." He looked Looking at the driver sitting in the driver's seat who has been refusing to look up, he said, "You have to go to the bureau with me."

※ ※ ※

PS, He Gengxin, 72 Series, Mingmei and the others come back from dinner, and they will add updates immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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