Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 125 Injured? (Guarantee No. 1 update)

Chapter 125 Injured? (Guaranteed first update)
In the days when there was no league, Chen Yingxiong practiced in the dungeon like crazy, exhausted himself every time before leaving the dungeon, and then lay on the cold floor to rest for half a day before getting up.

If it weren't for his physical fitness being better than the average person, I'm afraid he would have been tossed and crippled by himself.

Even so, he was injured in training.

There is a bruise on the facing bone of the calf of the left leg_this is the imprint he got after colliding with Tymoshchuk in the copy.

Chen Yingxiong rubbed it by himself, grinning in pain.

Then he wanted to stand up, but found that his left leg was very hard, and it hurt whenever he was stressed, and he couldn't exert force at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to end the special training in the dungeon ahead of schedule, then limped up from the ground, thinking that he might as well go to the team doctor Sergey_Pukhov tomorrow and let him take a look.

As a result, when he went there the next day, Pukhov, the team doctor leader, was startled when he saw the bruises on Chen Yingxiong's feet, and insisted on letting him rest, and don't use excessive force, so as not to worsen the injury...

Chen Yingxiong doesn't take it seriously, isn't it just a head-to-head opponent?As for?He wanted to leave the physio room and return to the training ground.

Unexpectedly, Pukhov kept him with a serious face, and started calling Advocaat, and at the same time asked other team doctors to prepare to check Chen Yingxiong's injury.

Seeing this battle, Chen Yingxiong didn't dare to leave.He was really worried, last night was really painful, and he even gave up the copy training in advance because of the pain.

Advocaat frowned when he saw the bruise on Chen Yingxiong's calf—he had no idea that Chen Yingxiong was injured in this position during training yesterday?

He asked Chen Yingxiong: "How did you do this?"

Of course, Chen Yingxiong couldn't say to him, "I kicked against the virtual captain during copy force training, and then I got swollen", right?

He could only make excuses: "Uh... I knocked on the edge of the bed last night..."

Hearing his explanation, Advocaat grinned: "Did you kick the bed like a football?" Then he turned around and asked Pukhov: "Did you hurt the bone?"

Pukhov, who had just checked Chen Yingxiong carefully, shook his head: "Not yet, but almost." Then he turned to Chen Yingxiong and said, "Do you know how lucky you are, boy?"

"Ah?" Chen Yingxiong looked confused.

"You almost broke your leg bones!"

Chen Yingxiong Khan came down: "So serious?"

"You're lucky, it's just a skin injury." Pukhov nodded.

No wonder Pukhov was so nervous when he saw Chen Yingxiong's injury just now.Chen Yingxiong is now the team's top scorer. With his recovery, he will be the biggest boost for Zenit to hit the league championship at the last moment. If he is injured and misses a few league games, Zenit may have another season this season. I got a bamboo basket to fetch water and it was empty...

Chen Yingxiong smacked his lips.

Unexpectedly, the training intensity in this copy is stronger than the outside, and the physical resistance is also stronger than outside... If in reality, he and Tymoshchuk had such a kick, it would not be a problem for him at all .How could I have imagined that my bones would almost be broken now...

If the bone breaks, I might miss all the remaining games of this season!
Thinking of this, Chen Yingxiong felt a little scared.

For the first time, he personally felt Yesenin's warning.

The experience gained in the dungeon is several times that of daily training, but at the same time, the damage received is also several times the usual damage...

This is really not a broad road covered with red carpets and flower petals.

As a result, Chen Yingxiong was banned from participating in the team's joint training by Advocaat on this day, and received treatment in the physical therapy room.

When Chen Yingxiong finished his treatment and returned to the locker room, his teammates also finished training. At the same time, for some reason, the news that he kicked to the edge of his own bed and injured himself spread throughout the team.The teammates were all guessing why Chen Yingxiong didn't come to the training at the beginning, and the bad friends of the Eat, Drink and Play Orchestra even viciously wondered if he had a fight with several girls yesterday for [-] rounds, and today he couldn't get up in bed because of his backache and backache.After knowing the real reason why Chen Yingxiong didn't come to training, a group of people ran to laugh at Chen Yingxiong.

"You're so injured that you can't train? I admire you so much, hero! You don't want to be lazy...I said, this idea is too brilliant, but it's just a little embarrassing..."

"If the media find out about this, your image of the giant bear will be ruined, hero..."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, humans couldn't stop you, but you were stopped by the edge of the bed..."

"Yes, yes, the northern giant bear was injured by the edge of his own bed, that's really unbelievable!"

"Hahaha! I'm here to laugh at you, hero, ahahahaha!"

Chen Yingxiong was so angry that he rolled his eyes, that kind of high-intensity dungeon, if this group of bad friends were replaced, who would laugh at who would not be sure!But he just couldn't tell these people that he received special training and was injured in a very cruel and harsh environment...

How aggrieved!

※ ※ ※

In fact, he suffered more than this injury in the dungeon, his whole body was covered with scars, bruises and redness were commonplace, look at the scars on his calves, knees and thighs, they were all in this intense dungeon Proof of fighting.

But fortunately, they were all skin traumas, not bones, joints or ligaments, otherwise, he would really have missed the team's game due to injuries as Dracula said...

Although the team doctor asked him to rest for a day, he did not participate in the team training for the convenience of observation.However, Chen Yingxiong wasn't really that unlucky—at the cost of physical injury, Chen Yingxiong was promoted to another level, and he was now at level seventeen.

The newly obtained talent points must have been added to "Mountainless".

※ ※ ※

Not only the teammates were surprised that Chen Yingxiong did not come to training during training, but the reporters also found that there was no Chen Yingxiong on the training ground.

How is this going?

Is Chen Yingxiong late?

According to the reporters who have stayed at the Zenit training base for a long time, Chen Yingxiong has never been late for a training.At first, after discovering that Chen Yingxiong was going to a nightclub, this group of reporters was like a bloody chicken, waiting to see Chen Yingxiong being late for training the next day and then being punished by the head coach.Unexpectedly, Chen Yingxiong arrived at the training base on time the next day, disappointing a group of reporters.

Since then, everyone has known that this Chen Yingxiong, no matter what he played the night before or how crazy he played, he will never be late for training.

Now that Chen Yingxiong did not appear in the training, it has become the most concerned issue of all reporters, even more than Zenit's training.

It happened that there was a regular press conference twice a week in the afternoon, and the reporters asked Edvocaat this question: "Why didn't you see Chen Yingxiong in training?"

Advocata didn't hide anything - there was nothing to hide about this matter. Hearing that it wasn't a bone fracture or fracture, Advocaat felt much more at ease, and the bruises and so forth would naturally heal after a few days of rest.

"He suffered a minor injury, but to be conservative, we decided to give him a rest..."

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar at the press conference.

Chen Yingxiong has never been injured before, what happened when he was suddenly injured?
And seeing Edvarkata's cautious appearance, it would be a fool to believe that Chen Yingxiong has nothing wrong with him!
The injury must be serious, maybe he will miss the whole season!
A group of reporters automatically made up their minds again.

"Excuse me, Mr. Advocaat, how did he get hurt?"

"How about the injury?"

"What impact will his injury have on the team?!"


Advocaat knew the group of reporters had misunderstood.But he quickly realized - isn't this a good opportunity?
You must know that in the No.20 four rounds, Zenit St. Petersburg will face CSKA Moscow at their home court. They will definitely not let Zenit go easily, even in the away game they will lose to Zenit, not for Lazenit to come down, but to let themselves go up...

Facing such an opponent, what if his main shooter was suddenly injured?

How will they react?

Is it because the enemy is missing a strong enemy and underestimated the enemy?Or fall into the confusion and suspicion of not knowing whether Chen Yingxiong was really injured or fake?

Advocaat doesn't mind causing some trouble for opponents when it matters most.

He decided to explain it, but this explanation is definitely not to make the reporters believe his words, but to make the trick.

These reporters would never believe what he said, they only believed what they had imagined, so that's fine, let's open their mouths, spread the news, and see what Gasayev will do!
He frowned and said: "As I said, he was just an ordinary injury, not serious at all! The hero is the main shooter of the team. We need his strength at the most critical moment of the league championship! Then It's just a minor injury, don't worry about it."

The reporters wouldn't believe such nonsense. Looking at the way his eyebrows were almost drawn together, he knew that Chen Yingxiong's injury was definitely not simple!
Maybe it will really miss the whole season because of this!
※ ※ ※

Watching the group of reporters finally leave excitedly, Advocaat smiled.

There is a good show to watch, there is really a good show to watch.

But in order to make this drama more complete, in order to make everyone believe it is true, it is not enough to just say a few words...

He went to Pukhov, and Pukhov told him that Chen Yingxiong should be observed for another day for the sake of caution.

This is exactly in line with Advocaat's plan.If Chen Yingxiong continues to miss the team's training for a day, it will definitely make the reporters and CSKA people firm their guesses.

But that's not enough...

At the press conference, Advocaat himself had already made a decision in his heart-Chen Yingxiong would not play in the first round of the third qualifying round of the UEFA Cup.Tyke started in his place.

Chen Yingxiong didn't play in such a game, what the reporters would say, and what the CSKA people would think, Edvocaat felt that there was no suspense.

※ ※ ※

When Chen Yingxiong heard that the head coach arranged for him to train the next day, he still did not train with the team, but did strength training alone in the gym, he was surprised.

"My body is fine, Mr. Manager. It was just a small injury, a small injury!"

Chen Yingxiong is worried that Edvocaat really imagined his injury is serious, and then he will not be able to play for several games...

Advocaat looked at Chen Yingxiong's anxious look and laughed.

"Hero, do you really want to play against CSKA?"

"Of course! Against CSKA, I don't need any mobilization, sir!"

"Then let me help you?" Advocaat smiled brighter.


After Chen Yingxiong listened to Advocaat's arrangement, he had nothing else to say except admiration.

Taking advantage of his minor injury this time, he came up with a plan to interfere with the opponent's preparations. This Jiang is really old and hot... I didn't expect that Edvocaat, who looks honest and honest, is so treacherous!

"So, you don't want to play against the standard scorching sun, hero. Recharge your batteries and get ready to deal with your mortal enemy!" Advocaat patted Chen Yingxiong on the back.

"No problem!" Chen Yingxiong heaved a sigh of relief after knowing that he would not miss the game against CSKA, or even the competition with Pavlyuchenko due to injury.

He doesn't care if he plays the standard scorching sun or not, it's a qualifying match anyway, and without him, I believe Zenit can beat the opponent.

The UEFA Cup qualifiers held little appeal for him.

He felt that his desire would be stronger only if he entered the race.Of course, after entering the knockout round, my desire will become stronger...

He could bet [-] euros and win it by himself!

(End of this chapter)

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