Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 116 You Are Pooh, Your Whole Family Are Pooh! (Guarantee No. 2)

Chapter 116 You Are Pooh, Your Whole Family Are Pooh! (Second update on guarantee)

Chen Yingxiong found it very strange. When he came to training, his teammates looked at him very strangely, and all of them were smiling, but they didn't know what they were laughing at.

At first, he thought it was because the zipper of his jeans hadn't been zipped, so he lowered his head to look for it, and found that the bird was locked up well.

Is there something dirty on your face?Wiped it, nothing.

"Hi, hero. Have you watched TV news, newspapers, or surfed the Internet in the past two days?" This was the first sentence Denisov said after meeting Chen Yingxiong.

"No, I'm busy learning how to drive." Chen Yingxiong shook his head.

Then he saw that Denisov seemed to be relieved, and the teammates around him suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Ah! Hero, your goal the day before yesterday was amazing!"

"Yes, yes! It looks like a giant northern bear!"

A group of people were talking nasty and flattering words, but Chen Yingxiong couldn't figure it out—the goal was nothing exciting, is it worth letting them brag about it?They scored more exciting goals in the past, and they didn't react...

This is one thing that confuses him.

Another thing that puzzled him was that during training, whenever he got the ball, he would hear the collective "Pooh Pooh" chanting from the fans outside the training ground.

What does this mean?
He doesn't understand.

This was the first day of training after the holiday after the competition. For Chen Yingxiong, the atmosphere was not just weird, but...very weird!
※ ※ ※

After the training was over, when Chen Yingxiong walked outside the training base and was about to call a car to go back to the apartment, he found Uncle Ivanov greeting him with a smile: "Pooh, how are you!"

Heard that name again!

Chen Yingxiong felt baffled. Uncle Ivanov did not know him. He has been running this newsstand here for a long time. When I was still living in the training base, I would often buy newspapers and magazines from him. He and himself are very familiar...

Why does he call himself "Pooh"?
When did I have such a title?
He stepped forward, intending to ask questions, and at the same time scanned Ivanov's newsstand, intending to buy some newspapers to take home.

At this moment, he saw a very eye-catching photo, with his back turned to the camera celebrating a goal, but there was another poster on his back, the character in the painting was... Winnie the Pooh!
The photo appeared on the front page of a newspaper with the headline above it proclaiming "Scary 'Winnie the Pooh'! Ball No. 14!"

"Damn it!" Chen Yingxiong blurted out in his mother tongue.

※ ※ ※

"... In the match between Zenit and Nalchik Sparta yesterday, the most eye-catching thing was not the goal, nor the victory, but Chen Yingxiong's celebration after the goal... This let us see A different Chen Yingxiong! He used to be so arrogant that many people hated him, but this time he seems to be taking the cute route..."

Chen Yingxiong threw the newspaper out.

You are so cute!
You just take the cute route, and your whole family takes the cute route!
The incident was also being told on the turned-on TV, and the host was overjoyed. "...yes yes, the Winnie the Pooh poster of the hero is so cute! Especially with the movement of him twisting his body...lol! This is the shot, everyone! We got a lot of fans Calls, especially female fans and kids fans, they rushed to express their support and love for Chen Yingxiong's celebration! But I want to say that it must not be Chen Yingxiong's idea, because... let us Watch this slow motion..."

Chen Yingxiong's attention was attracted by the TV.

"This was captured by a camera in another camera position..."

On the screen, he saw Anyukov run straight to the bench after his own goal, and then took something from Denisov.

The screen freezes here.The host's voice sounded: "The key here is that Anyukov took something from Denisov, so what is it?"

The screen suddenly cuts to his back to the camera celebrating the goal.

"Winnie the Pooh!"

Chen Yingxiong shivered.

"It's actually like this. Anyukov took over the poster from Denisov, and then... everyone, pay attention to this. Under the cover of Arshavin and Kerzakov, he took advantage of it to celebrate the progress. During the ball, he successfully took the poster on Chen Yingxiong’s back! And we see Chen Yingxiong’s expression...he is still happy for scoring a goal, and he doesn’t know anything about what happened behind him, hahaha !"

"Fuck it!" Chen Yingxiong discovered the culprit!
Careless in making friends!These bitches...

At this moment, he received a call from Dracula.

"Hero, there is a new advertisement endorsement invitation, are you interested?"

Of course I am interested in making money, Chen Yingxiong came to the spirit: "You say."

"A clothing brand under E-Land Group, I hope to invite you to be the spokesperson."

"E-Land Group? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It is the largest fashion company in Korea."

"It sounds awesome. The asking price will not be low, right? What brand is it?"


"..." Chen Yingxiong paused, "You didn't come here to amuse me, did you, Mr. Aurora?"

"It's not me, it's someone who is interested in you..."

"You got interested after someone posted that thing, right?"

Dracula finally laughed: "Hahahahahaha——"

Listening to this long laughter, he must have endured it for a long time, right?Chen Yingxiong rolled his eyes, Mr. Aurora is becoming more and more human, which is not a good thing...

"Just laugh at you!"

"Okay." The laughter stopped abruptly, "Give me an answer, so I can reply to them."

"The answer is—refusal." Chen Yingxiong replied firmly without any hesitation.

"You really don't think about it?"

"Absolutely not!"

If he really endorsed some Winnie the Pooh costumes, wouldn't this nickname be with him for the rest of his life?He is not that stupid, he will give others a reason to make fun of him!
※ ※ ※

The next day, when Denisov walked into the locker room humming a song, a black shadow rushed towards him, blocking all the light, and he only felt that his eyes were dark...

Before he could react, he had already been grabbed by the collar by Chen Yingxiong.


In the past, Chen Yingxiong used to call him "Team Leader", but he suddenly called him by his name, which meant that he must be angry.

Denisov knew in an instant that the kid finally knew... He quickly raised his hands: "Don't shoot! I surrender! It's just a joke, hero!"

"A joke? You made me the laughing stock of everyone!" Chen Yingxiong put his face in front of Denisov, opened his mouth wide and spit at him.

Anyukov shrank in the corner, looking at Denisov sympathetically. He had been blown by Chen Yingxiong with a drool blower just now.

When the bear roared at him, it was not a human being that he was snuggling in front of him, but a brown bear living in the Siberian jungle...

"We invite you to Katyusha!" Denisov hurriedly begged for mercy.

"I can go there myself!"

"We invite you to eat Ruilongju Chinese food..."

"Thank you, I know the boss there very well."

"We... er... have it!" cried Denisov. "I know a very good tattooist!"

"so what?"

"Don't you really like the nickname of the Northern Giant Bear? I think you can tattoo a giant bear on your body!"

Chen Yingxiong froze for a moment, and involuntarily let go of Denisov's collar, and the regiment leader took the opportunity to slip out.

He stuck his neck and said to Chen Yingxiong: "You can think about it, Yingxiong, anyway, I think it's pretty cool!"

Tattoos are already a fashion symbol for young people nowadays, although for many Chinese people, tattoos still have some inexplicable ties to "gangsters", "hooligans", "gangsters" and "underworld". Ambiguity.

But in foreign countries, tattoos are a very normal thing. There are many sports stars who like to tattoo themselves. The most famous one is Beckham. He has tattoos almost all over his body...

Chen Yingxiong is still an undeveloped virgin land.

He is not against tattoos, but never thought of them before.

Now being reminded by Denisov, he felt that it was really feasible.

He turned around and grabbed Denisov who was about to slip away: "Where is that friend of yours?"

※ ※ ※

"Are you sure it's here?" Chen Yingxiong looked around. He and Denisov were standing on a rather dilapidated street.The dim street lights can't give this street any warm light.

The houses on both sides of the road are old and dilapidated, but they are very lively.Strong men with tattoos on their arms and necks roamed the streets. Drunk men collapsed under street lamps, sewers, and trash cans in the dark...a lot of makeup was applied on their bodies, with pungent smells on their bodies. Scented whores stand by the roadside waving.

"Come and play, handsome boy!"

"Strong man, you are satisfied!"

Chen Yingxiong covered his nose and pushed away a prostitute who took the initiative to pull his arm, and asked what he had just said.

This is not the "most beautiful in Europe" St. Petersburg he usually sees, but a dark world completely unfamiliar to him.

"Of course, right in front." Denisov pointed forward.

Chen Yingxiong looked in the direction he was pointing, and in the colorful neon lights, he saw the inconspicuous signboard: "Dog Shit Tattoo".

"..." Chen Yingxiong was shocked by this domineering name, and he turned to look at Denisov.

"Ha, you have a personality, right?" Denisov laughed dryly.

"Too personal..."

The signboard of this tattoo shop is very small, and the storefront is not very conspicuous.

"Monster! Monster!" cried Denisov, standing in front of the shop.

This name made Chen Yingxiong almost fall...

A shit tattoo shop run by a monster...

What is this all about!

As soon as he raised his head, a... a ray of light came out from inside!Chen Yingxiong felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the light like stars almost dazzled, so he didn't know what he saw.

After his eyesight returned to normal, he saw a...a white man with a bald head. His whole body was covered with holes and various metal ornaments.

Chen Yingxiong looked up at the bald man who came out of the store, the person Chen Yingxiong needed to look up to... He couldn't be taller than a man!
"Hello, Igor." The bald man spoke, his voice hoarse, like the kind of voice that pharyngitis has never healed.

"Hello monster!" Denisov raised his hand in greeting, then pointed to Chen Yingxiong next to him. "I'm bringing my friend for a tattoo!"

The bald "monster" turned to look at Chen Yingxiong, then nodded, turned around and walked into the store.

"follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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