
Chapter : God Ranks and Divine Position

[Note : in this world, gods are beings that was given priesthood by the world.]

Low God. This is a god who have just been granted his priesthood.

Middle God. This is a god who was able to gather some of the scattered authority of his priesthood

High God. This ia a god who was able to gather most of the scattered authority of his priesthood and manages to gain a lot of authorities from other laws and use it to improve the laws in his priesthood. All of the twelve gods of olympus except Ares, Aprodite, and Hephaestus are in this rank.

(Hephaestus currently (Chp 25) have the strength of a high God but due to not having a priesthood he can't be called a god)

Great Gods. This is a god who have gathered all the scatered authorities of their priesthood and intergrated their priesthood into their divine bodies making him/her the incarnation of him/her respective laws. (Zeus, Hades, Posieden).

Primordials. This is a god who have intergrated their divine body with the law. Primordials are also technically immortal since they can only be destroyed if the world is destroyed or they are no longer primordials. Of course if their divine soul is destroyed like Uranus, they are technically dead.

Primordials are divided into three types :

1. Primordial Gods. Although they have their bodies intergrated with the law, they have an incarnation that they can use to travel and interfere with the world and stronger than great gods. They also still have a divine soul and divine personality. (Gaia, Erebus, Nyx)

2. Primordial Aspect. These primordials have everything that the primordial Gods have but don't have a divine soul thus no wisdom. (Uranus, Moira, Tartatus)

3. Primordial spirit. They have everything that the primordial gods have but no incarnation thus cannot interfere or travel the world. This type of primordials can't ever break free from the world. (Vulcan, Uria, Neptune, Atlas)


Divine positions are position created by the world that can give beings blessing just like a god. Divine position can be own by anyone and can strengthen the trength of a god or being by a lot.

Current existing Positions : God King, God Queen, Divine Craftman. King of the monster, Queen of the monster.

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