Chapter 4: Pontus is posieden ???
As the world became more perfect. Two dimentions were born. They were the underworld and heaven. Similar to uranus, pontus, and uria they were suppouse to only have the world as their parents. However perhaps due to 'Atropos' head the world stated immitating greek mythology. It send the god of the new heavenly realm, the god of the underworld, and the escaped personality of pontus into the unborn child of Kronos and Rhea. It was also then that Kronos forsaw that he will die due to his children causing him to eat them
And so their children were born.
Their first child, Hestia the goddess of kindness was eaten by her father.
Their second child, Hades the god of the underworld was born and eaten by his father.
Their third child Demeter, the goddess of plants was born and eaten by her father.
Their fourth child, Hera the god of the connection between man and women was born and eaten by her father.
Then Posieden the reincarnation of pontus the god of the sea who was also eaten by Kronos.
Rhea was so disgusted that she helped her youngest son Zeus hide from his father which allowed him to grow.
Gaia seeing a chance to retaliate to Kronos for killing his father helped Zeus, she helped zeus break his sisters and brothers from their imprisonment. Guided them to ask the cyclops for weapons. Convinced some of her Titan Children to not help Kronos. Etc
With gaia's help, zeus and his siblings were able to win the war.
This victory made zeus and his family the new gods of the world and at gaia's request, they only imprisoned some of the titans that helped Cronus in tartatus while the rest was let go. Of cource they also punnish the titans that still refuse to obey them even if let go such as atlas who was force to hold up the sky.
And so the world goes to a new chapter of it's existence.