
Chapter 35: Persephone

When Metis died, some goddess fought to be Zeus new wife. One of them was Demeter. During Demeter seduction, a child was born between her and Zeus, her name was Persephone.

Persephone is quite special because she was born as the goddess of spring due to inhereting Demeter's authority over spring that was given to Demeter by the world for giving up her earth authority when the four elemental pillar came to existence.

When Demeter lost to Hera, she was heart broken. That's why Demeter put all her heart in taking care and loving Persephone. She took care Persephone in an island full of tress, flowers, and even special plants. They live peacefully with each other. Until one day, Persephone went missing. She was kidnapped by Hades to be the queen of underworld.

As Persephone was taken by Hades to the underworld, she was very frightened. She was scared of what Hades would do to her. Hades bought her to a palace where he lived. There a table was prepared for their talk.

Hades "Persephone, with the agreement of your father, Zeus. I have bought you here to be my wife"

Persephone "What ?"

Hades "Yes I have decided that you will be my wife"

Persephone "Why ?"

Hades "To bring life yo the underworld of course. Actually your mother would have been a better candidate but she has been used"

Persephone "Don't talk about my mother like THAT ! And what do you mean ?"

Hades "See when a god is married to another god, their authority will be shared with each other and affect their priesthood. This is why Zeus and Hera chose each other. With hera's authority, Zeus can make sure that his children won't be too powerfull and Hera with Zeus authority will be able to become very powerfull. Haven't you realized that wherever Hera went, lighting would accompany her ?"

Persephone "I see, so by marrying me the goddess of spring which is very involved with plants and life. You hope to make the underworld give birth to life ?"

Hades "Yes by marrying you plants and animals related to death should be able to be born"

Persephone "I still don't see how that benefits me"

Hades "You will hold the authority of the underworld. You will gain great power. And most importantly you will have ME!"

Persephone "Well I supposed that's true. Alright I agree to be your wife !"

With the agreement of Persephone, life started to grew in the underworld and power started to grow in her.


While Persephone was talking to Hades, Demeter was panicking. She search for Persephone everywhere. She even use her authority to make a meeting between the twelve gods of Olympus. Asking for their help in finding her Daughter.

In the meeting Demeter found out what happened to her daughter from Helios.

Helios "Yea.. I saw her taken away by Hades"


Hestia "Now now stay calm Demeter. Think for a moment, would Hades really do this ?"

Demeter "Well... I supposed no. After all Zeus is king. Posieden is ruthless. Hades is indifferent."

Hephaestus "Well I wouldn't say that. Hades is indifferent to nearly everything. But he still cares about his property. If not why would he banned the gods from going to the underworld"

Hera "Yes that's true"

Hrphaestus "So the only thing that would make Hades do this is that someone that he thinks owns Perpephone gave her to him."

Selene "Yes and who does he think can own Perpephone ?"

Helios "Oh I know ! Her parents"

Athena "Well it can't be Demeter... which means it can only be.."

Zeus "Alright it's me"

Demeter "Why....?"

Zeus "Well I owed him a favour so...."


Zeus "Or else what ?"

Demeter "You'll see !"

After Demeter found out about what Zeus did. She forced the plants in the world to be in a state of dying. This act causes many animals to die. If this was a normal greek muth world, this act would've cause the world to create winter to make the animals go to hibernation to keep them alive. But since winter have already been created and now is not the time for winter, many animals died.

It was so bad that Zeus had to the Underworld to talk to Hades about Persephone. There they agreed that on every winter, Persephone would visit her mother.

Since then the underworld added a new queen. The world added a new myth. And the gods found out about another drama in their immortal life.

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