
Chapter 33: The Fight of Sun and Moon

On a huge temple in the land of the gods, a firght of the sun and the moon have begun. The competitor are the group of Helios and Selene and the group of Apolo and Artemis.

The winner of this competition will be the ownership of the suncar and the moontercycle. This two artifacts are gifted by Hephaestus with the ability to guide the direction of the sun thus have the mission of making the alternation of the sun and moon.

If any of the sun and moon gods gain ownership of these artifacts, they will be able to gain the time authority of the sun/moon thus making the stronger. That's why these two groups are fighting.

Zeus who created this competion used the Venue created by Hephaestus during the renovation of Heaven/God Realm to host this competition.

The competiton has three parts. The first being the driving competetion where these two group will drive vehicles to test their driving capabilities.

On this first competition. Both Helios and Apolo rode a replica of the sun car each while Artemis and Selene rode a replica of the mooncycle. Both of these two groups rode their vehicles through the sky. Sometimes they passed through mountain peaks and sometimes they passed through some metiors and stars. They even met with Astraeus the god of the star and Eos the goddess of Dawn having a tea party with Hetia on a star. They ride so fast that in a blink of an eye they met with the eastern border of the world where they met with the spirit of Uria who is traped in the earth pillar. When He saw them, Uria was quite happy and created a guest house using earth to have a chat with them. Both of these two group agreed to take a break and accompany Uria. However, sadly for Helios and Selene when they were happily talking with Uria. Apolo and Artemis sneaked out and use their vehicles to go to the finnished line which in the god realm. When Helios and Selene realized whar happened, it was already too late. Artemis and Apolo was already a quarter of the way. With this adventage Apolo and Artemis became the winner of the first part of the competition.

The second competion was a group fight where Helios and Selene will be Group 1 and Artemis and Apolo will be group 2. This competiton have the goal of testing the strength of these two grouo of gods since being the wielder of these two weapons needs proper strength. In this part of the competition, Helios and Selene won using their expirience in the Titan War and their divine body which are stronger than Apolo and Artemis's due to them living longer.

The third part of the competition was a test of desire. In this part of the comoetion, the group of Gods have to go in the tower of desire, an innate weapon created by Hephaestus with a seven headed beast born in Tartatus. The corpse of this beast was gifted by Zeus to Hephaestus as one of the reward for renovating heaven.

The tower has seven floors corresponding to the seven head of the beast.

The first floor is the floor of greed where the four gods expirience an illusion where during their flight of guiding the sun and moon, they met a pillar of Wealth. In this floor, the can only win if they defeat their desire and continue guiding the sun and moon. The result is that all four gods won.

The second floor is the floor of Hate. In this floor, during their flying they met with the being they hate the most. If they stoped their flying and fight the being the lose. But if they keep flying they won. On this competition, Artemis lose thus leaving only Apolo, Helios and Selene.

The third floor is the floor of love. Where each of the three gods will be asked by someone they trust/love for a chance to ride the mooncycle/suncar. The result is that Helios lose. Leving Apolo and Selene.

The fourth floor is the floor of pride where they will meet some mortals talking bad about them

The fifth floor is the floor of envy where these two gods will meet someone they envy. They also had their desire for the thing they envy strengthen.

The sixth floor is the floor of sloth where they will have their desire to rest stengthen.

The seventh floor is the floor of conflict where they will have a conflict that force them to chose between continue guiding the sun/moon or continueing their conflict.

The result of this is that both Apolo and Selene won them all. And due to them being a group with Helios and Artemis who each lose their challenge. Zeus decided that both these groups will split their ownership of these two artifacts. Both of them will alternate on the use of the mooncycle and the sun car.

And So, after this competion both the sun and moon went to their correct position and the day and night came to the world.

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