Chapter 18: Innate Weapons
Innate weapons are weapons that can communicate with laws of the world through the runes in them. These innate weapons are similar to the primordials as in they are more bonded with this world than the gods or any other beings.
Runes are divided into two; innate and acquired. Every rune were originally acquired but it can be improve into innate runes by making said rune imrpove it's ability to communicate with the laws of the world.
Hephaestus will be able to hold the Divine Craftman Position due to his ability to create innate runes and inturn create innate weapons.
The cyclops also have the qualification to create innate runes if they learned it. That's why they also had the qualification to hold the Divine Craftman Position.
Any weapon can become an innate weapon by making the runes in their body innate. This can be done if they have Hephaestus help or the weapon itself have done a great achievement thay causes the world to reward it by improving the runes in it.
The ranks of weapons in the world are :
1. Mortal Weapon. Normal weapons that don't have runes in them.
2. Acquired weapon. Weapons that have acquaired runes in them.
3. Innate weapon. Weapons that have innate runes in them.
Innate weapons and acquired weapons also have their own ranking. Low -> Middle -> High -> Ultimate
The system of innate weapons that Hephaestus wanted to make is a system that makes weapons become something similar to gods.
Unlike the one from his past life where innate weapons are born directly from the world. His innate weapon system won't do that.
Instead his innate weapon system will grant already made weapons that have fullfiled certain condition like being of very good quality, making a great achievment in the world, or having an owner who become a very very powerfull god a chance to become innate weapon by improving the runes in them.
Namely the first condition since Hephaestus is currently the only one who can make innate runes, he plan to monopolize the birth of innate weapon since the other condition is very hard. Especially with the boost of 'Divine Craftman' position which will make his bond with the world less while still having the boost of priesthood.
Heohaestus also will need to deal with the cyclops. Although the cyclops are technically the god of eyes, aftey forge weapons for Zeus, Posieden, and Hades they have gained a bit of weapon authority which grants them the ability to create innate runes if they learn them. Meaning during Hephaestus's sacrifice if he dies then they will be able to gain the 'Divine Craftman' position since when the innate weapon system, the knowledge of runes will be spread across the world.
That's why Hephaestus plan to make them surrender to him and become his subordinate god.
(Subordinate god = gods that have given up their everything to another god. These gods are the servant and closest beings to their master. By becoming a subordinate god, they will grant their master ability to control their laws. Like Thanatus who is the subordinate god of Hades which cause his Death law to be lower than the underworld.)
However it will be very hard. From what he heard after they broke free from Tartatus they have been rampant in the world, capturing most of the beutifull race in the world, extorting food from weak race even if they don't need it, etc. They also doesn't forge anymore, opting to fullfill their carnal disire.
Well if they don't want to he can just kill them when they try to attack him.