Chapter 15: Finding a new home amd forging some weapons.
After Hephaestus created the vulcan clone. He left the island of Limmos with the materials that he found for his forging. Especially now that he plan to let 'Vulcan' take his place as the rising gos of fire and son of Hera.
So he walked for decades before finding a mountain near the border of the world. Thankfully although he can't be called a god since he lost his priesthood, he still have the qualities of a god such an immortal body, a unique aura that can keep away other beings, and the ability to convert any energy into divine energy.
And so he made his home in that mountain. He created a cave deep inside the mountain where he made a forging room that uses a diffrent fire called earth fire to power his forge. He also made a strorage room to put his materials. An armory where he will keep his tools and items that he will make. A private room where he can meditate if he wants. A guest room for guest that visits. Etc.
And so Hephaestus started his new life. He would crafted many things.
He crafted a pillow that can be turned into a spear that he named chastiefol.
He crafted a sword that can devour and enslave souls using it's frost that he named Frostmourne.
He crafted a gauntlet using the hands of a Titan corpse that he name Earthsong due to it's ability to bring the use great strength.
He crafted an axe using the lighting left by Zeus in the Titan Battlefield that he named Stormbreaker.
He crafted a scepter that has the ability to control dead souls called Ghost Lament
He created an orb that has the ability to create water by converting the energy around it and then manipulating it called water orb.
He created a sword made of the hotest metal he could find and sealed a diffrent fire called the fire of destruction in it that he called ragnarok.
He created a whip that can use the wind element and moonlight to strike it's enemies that he named dawnwind
He created wings using the corpse of a duvine beast that can grabt the user the ability to fly and summon fire.
He created a book that can record anything around it
He even created a new forge for himself that can be caried anywhere and store his diffrent fires.
Heohaestus's frequent forging of powerfull weapons that has many laws in it cause the world to notice him. And so after creating thousand of weapons, with each weapon having it's own unique style and aplication of the laws. The world finally gave him the craft priesthood. Since then a new god is born, Hephaestus the god of craft.