Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 60 - Auction starts

Zhao Yun was shocked and looked at Chen Yu incredibly. [This chapter starts-Love-You-Sound-Novel Network, please remember the URL (.Aiyousheng.)]

Chen Yu, how could he buy this house for himself?

Although the area of ​​this house is not too large and it is not in a very good location, the unit price is also around 20,000 yuan. If one is counted, it will be at least 2 million!

Zhao Yun became the principal of Wanli Middle School, which is just a recent matter, and wages have not been raised. It is unrealistic to buy such a house for a few years.

“No, no, I know you’re not an ordinary person, but this house is almost 2 million, you can’t afford it. And you have helped me a lot, so you don’t have to do this anymore.”

Zhao Yun didn’t know that Chen Yu was the owner of “Oriental Upland”.

Chen Yu waved his hand and said, “I do n’t have any room to turn around what I set. Since it ’s given to you, you can go on. As for the others, you do n’t need to ask.”

He was just a house, and Chen Yu was not really in his eyes. With his strength, if he wants to make money, it only takes a short time to accumulate a lot of wealth. Reach a level that is difficult for ordinary people to reach in their lives.

But to these, Chen Yu didn’t care. The eyes of ordinary people are focused on wealth and fame, but to Chen Yu, these are nothing more than mere sight. A house and a lollipop are no different to him.

Looking at Chen Yu’s overbearing look, Zhao Yun bit her lip lightly, her eyes blurred.

Who can think of things that ordinary people need to struggle for half their lives, it is just a matter of Chen Yu.

“Tonight, do you want to stay?”

I asked this sentence, Zhao Yun’s voice was a little trembling, a mix of expectation and fear, flooded her mind.

Chen Yu stunned, of course, he understood what Zhao Yun meant, but in his heart, there was always another woman.

She shook her head and Chen Yu said, “I’m going home tonight.”

Zhao Yun shook her hands, her eyes were low, and her frustration came to her heart.


As if what was wronged, Zhao Yun became listless.

“I’ll go first, the Kistler auction the day after tomorrow, and participate together at that time.”

When she noticed the embarrassment of the scene, Chen Yu left a word and left.

Zhao Yun watched Chen Yu walk out of the door, ignoring her image, and shot her **** directly on the sofa. Pick up the plush bear on the sofa and squeeze it vigorously.

“Stupid, stupid, my mother hinted so obvious, even so puzzling!”

Zhao Yun was alone in the room, and she was so happy.

“Hum, I don’t believe you are really Liu Xiahui, you can sit back and relax, and one day I will eat you!”

With his **** bouncing off the sofa, Zhao Yun made a grand statement.

When she came to the table, she would clean up the materials of a table.


这个 At this moment, she suddenly picked up a notebook in doubt.

“Isn’t this the world problem I collected at the time? How was it brought out by Chen Yu? Shouldn’t she want to challenge it?”

韵 Zhao Yun smiled.

When she was a student, she was also an overlord, studying under an elder and a well-known master.

This book is a mathematical problem that she was bored and collected. Many of these problems were far more difficult than those of the Olympic Games. Even many contemporary math masters could not solve them.

His teacher once told him that who can write a four or five question in this book is enough to make the whole academic community crazy.

怎么 How can Chen Yu do it?

学习 “Learning is not a fight.”

Zhao Yun shook her head with a smile, and closed it without opening a look. Humming Xiaoqu, went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the day of Wen Jia’s Kistler Auction.

Long Wenjia began advertising on the upper level of Dongchuan by various means more than a month ago. Almost the entire Dongchuan wealthy figure knows the Wen Jia’s Kistler auction.

On this day, the situation in Dongchuan City gathered.

The auction site is set at “Wenqu Hotel”. This is a big hotel that can go hand in hand with “Oriental Shangjing”. Its owner is Wenjia.

On this day, the entire Wenqu Hotel was very lively. One luxury car after another came. BMW and Mercedes could only be regarded as ordinary, as well as Lamborghini and Porsche Limited Edition. Any car was more than one million.

The entire street, because these luxury cars, are all congested.

“I drop obediently, what day is it today, why are there so many luxury cars?”

A young man was blocked in the middle of the bus, and a young man looked at the grand situation at the entrance of Wenqu Hotel and said in surprise.

“Hey, let me tell you, today is the place where the Wenjia held the Kistler auction, which is full of celebrities in Dongchuan! If you are a businessman, you have the lowest net worth, more than 10 million! If you have the right, At least it must be the length of a district to get an invitation! “

A middle-aged man with a stomach is full of emotion, “This level, we will not reach you in this life.”

The words of the middle-aged man resonated with the owners of the carriage. They looked at the luxury cars out of the window with eyes full of envy.

In the lobby of the hotel, crowds were already flowing.

Although it is a Kistler auction, this time it is also a grand reception, where celebrities and celebrities associate with each other. On each table, there are delicate snacks and famous wines, and at a glance, you know that the price is expensive.

Middle-aged men, all well-dressed, holding their stomachs and holding wine glasses, kept talking and laughing with those around them. And beside them, there are groups of young women with heavy makeup and **** dresses.

Among these women, there are not only the three who are being kept in custody, but also the peripheral women who the big boss paid for.

For a while, the unusual noise in the entire venue was all people’s talking.

“Boss Wang, your factory has made tens of millions more this year, right?”

“Boss Li, I heard that your eighth supermarket has recently opened. I will go to your place to support you when I have time.”

“Brother Zheng, I heard that the actress was slept by you yesterday? What a blessing, haha.”

Alas. . . . . .

话题 Throughout the conference hall, the topics discussed were all things that ordinary people cannot hear in their lifetime.

Suddenly, there were several people including An Xinghao, Ma Jinping, Qian Ming and so on. They also have a lot of family history, and they followed the elders in the family. And faintly, An Xinghao turned out to be the core of everyone.

I looked at the rich and powerful people around them, and they had a strong envy in their eyes. Many of these people have their heads bowed down. Today, I was able to meet all at once. This opportunity is unimaginable to their students.

But only An Xinghao, looking at this group of people, although there is envy in the eyes, but more, it is a kind of pride.

“Xinghao, I heard that soon after, Professor He will come to Dongchuan and see you in person. Maybe you do n’t need to take the college entrance examination, and you will be admitted to Beidu University directly!”

She Ma Jinping said that there was a strong admiration in her tone.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect Professor Ho, who is famous all over the country, to fancy Hao brother, but there is a star in the sky. I heard that there are few students, and the worst is in Dongchuan. It was also received by the mayor himself! “

At this point, everyone is incredible.

Professor He Ho, that is the Taishan Beidou of the academic world! It has made great contributions to the scientific development of the country, and enjoys the special treatment of the country, which is the real weapon of the country! In this way, a dragon-like figure will look at An Xinghao, it is like a dream.

Zhao An Xinghao shook his bangs coolly, with a smug glory in his eyes. Unexpectedly, his father turned out to be a good friend of one of Professor Ho’s students. With that friend’s strong introduction, Professor He moved his mind.

“I just got the appreciation from Professor He. He came to inspect me, and everything has not been determined yet.”

Although modest in his mouth, An Xinghao’s eyes have joy that can’t be concealed.

“But this kind of auction is nothing in my eyes right now. As for these so-called celebrities, they will be surpassed by me in the future!”

Clenching his fists, An Xinghao raised his chin slightly.

These people are just some fame in Dongchuan, and his future is Beidu!

Qian Qianming and Ma Jinping have worship on their faces.

If he becomes a student of Professor He, it is really a carp. As for Chen Yu? I can only bow my head!

At this moment, on the second floor, Wen Xiaodie was wearing a royal blue dress, stroking the railing.

The wine glass was shaken gently, and the scarlet liquid continued to rise and fall on the glass wall. She glanced down at the crowd coming and going, her mouth slightly tilted, her eyes flickering with disdain.

“A group of domestic buns!”

(End of this chapter) [This chapter starts. Love. You. Sound. Novel Network, please remember the URL (.Aiyousheng.)]

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