Heavenly Saga

Chapter 268: The Reinforcement Is Here!

After the vanguard for a few dozens of minutes, the archer division began their attack as well. 

To send the cue for the calvary division, the commander of the cavalry division shouted at the top of her lungs, "CALVARY CHARGE!"

With that shout, all of the soldiers that were riding their own horses charged toward the opposing army. When the commander of the army of the enemy kingdom saw the incoming cavalry, he also decided to deploy his men toward the battle without hesitation.

The numbers of each side showed that the army where Kraftvoll belonged was on the disadvantaged side. Even though that's the case, Kraftvoll could not let his guard down for even a second.

The situation was so grave to the point that one second of carelessness would lead to his end. As time passed by, the outcome of the battle become clearer that the opposing army was overwhelming Kraftvoll's side.

Since they were very overwhelmed, the inevitable happened in the next few minutes. The soldiers of the calvary of Kraftvoll's side were annihilated by the overwhelming number of the opposing army.

This resulted in a chance for the calvary division of the opposing army to charge toward the vanguard. When Kraftvoll heard the trotting sound of the horse charging toward them, he could not help but worry about the situation.

While he was clashing with a soldier, Kraftvoll was thinking very hard about what he was going to do as hard as he can. Fortunately, he was able to think of one in the end.

After slashing his current opponent, Kraftvoll picked a spear that was used by a dead comrade of his from the vanguard. Before the horse of the calvary trampled him to death, Kraftvoll used the spear that he managed to pick up to stab the horse.

The rider of the horse was unable to make any moves against Kraftvoll so he fell as his horse died from impalement. Like he did previously, Kraftvoll used the body of the dead horse as a shield against the incoming calvary after he stabbed its rider to death.

Due to the intrusion of the calvary, the formation of the battalion, where Supreme Commander Bato had stayed, broke which caused great disarray among its soldiers.

The real goal of the cavalry division of the opposing army for their sudden charge was not just to break the formation of the battalion. They were also aiming for the head of the leader of the army where Kraftvoll was enlisted.

As soon as the soldiers that were guarding the Supreme Commander noticed the aim of the opposing army. The commanding officer that was considered as the assistant to the Supreme Commander immediately shouted his command. 

"The enemy is planning on attacking the Supreme Commander! Defeat him at all cost!" shouted the assistant of the supreme commander.

Without any form of objection, all of the soldiers that heard the command immediately formed a formation to protect Supreme Commander Bato from the incoming cavalry division of the opposing army.

Kraftvoll heard the command of the assistant of the supreme commander so after the cavalry division passed him by. Kraftvoll also decided to charge behind the charging cavalry division.

Since there were still some enemy soldiers in front of the vanguard division, they naturally decided to attack Kraftvoll who was attacking the cavalry division of their army. Fortunately, Kraftvoll was able to notice it so he was able to defend himself.

As Kraftvoll slashed every enemy that comes to him, more and more of the enemy soldiers continued to attack him relentlessly.

Although he was very worried about the supreme commander, Kraftvoll was very occupied fighting with the soldiers in the vanguard that he was unable to give his aid to the old commander.

Due to the sheer number of the calvary that charged toward the center part of the formation, almost all of the soldiers that were guarding the old commander were already decimated while they were trying to defend their leader.

Seeing the situation, Kraftvolld decided to charge toward the cavalry who was attacking the old soldier that invited him. On his way, he was sliced by some soldiers but he was able to reach the cavalry.

Kraftvoll vicious attacked as much as many cavalry soldiers that he could use his two swords. Earlier, he threw the spear that he used so this was his only choice as he attacked the ones that wanted to take the life of the old commander.

Despite his attempt, Kraftvoll's attempt to save the old commander failed miserably.

After defeating all of the soldiers guarding their supreme commander, the cavalry decided to attack the Supreme Commander Bato. Due to his peerless skill, Supreme Commander Bato managed to kill dozens of cavalry until he was impaled by one of them in the stomach.

That's when the commander of the enemy army shouted, "RETREAT! THE REINFORCEMENT OF THE ENEMY IS HERE!"

As they were retreating, Supreme Commander Bato fell on his knee as he coughed up some blood after he was impaled in his stomach. When Kraftvoll saw the supreme commander on his knee, he immediately ran toward him as fast as he can.

"OLD SIR! IS THERE SOMEONE HERE FROM THE MEDIC UNIT!?" Kraftvoll shouted as he held the old commander as to not let him fall.

"There's no need for that, young soldier. Any treatment is worthless for me. some vital organs are hit, after all," said the old soldier.

While that was happening, the reinforcement of the Bahaghari Kingdom pursued the retreating opposing army. Unfortunately, they were unable to take revenge for the old supreme commander because they were able to escape with minimal casualties.

The battalion commanders of the reinforcement rushed toward the old supreme commander's side. They saluted him as he was saying his last words.

"This is going to be the end for me, soldiers. After serving in the army for almost half a century, my end finally came. Promise me one thing. See to it that the victory shall be in the hands of the Bahaghari Kingdom! Now, to victory!" shouted Supreme Commander Bato.

After saying those words, he whispered something at Kraftvoll's ears as he drew his last breaths.

"Young man, I saw your fight earlier. remember that this is a battlefield. Wavering for even a moment would cost you your life. The only thing that I could say to you that you must have peace of mine. In war, there is no right or wrong because both sides had their own reasoning in doing so. That's why you must fight will all you got as to show your respect to the bravery of your opponent."

After Supreme Commander finished saying these words to Kraftvoll, he drew his last breath a moment afterward. Kraftvoll gently closed his eyes as he lay the body of the late supreme commander on the ground.

A moment later, Kraftvoll decided to give his solemn salute toward the old commander. At the next moment, Kraftvoll suddenly heard a voice in his head saying, "Young one. I restored your seishin power. You can use it anytime you want."

After hearing those words from The Valkyrie, Kraftvoll shouted at the top of his lungs, "Sky Soar!"

Suddenly, some of his inner seishin essences came out of his body at the next moment. A moment later, those inner seishin essences transformed into translucent air that lifted Kraftvoll to the sky.

"What the fuck is that freaking thing in the sky!?"

"He's flying!?"

"Is he a magician!?"

All of the soldiers from the Bahaghari Kingdom's side had mixed reactions after seeing Kraftvoll soaring through the sky. Some became extremely afraid of him and some were in awe of the miracle that he had done.

Kraftvoll soared toward the running enemy army using his Sky Soar seishin spell as fast as he can. When he reached them, they also had the same reactions as the soldiers from Kraftvoll's side.

Kraftvoll used this chance to conjure a seishin spell while the soldiers of the opposing army were staring at him from the ground.

Before he began chanting, Kraftvoll was suddenly enveloped with a red seishin aura signifying that he was going to conjure a fire seishin spell.

At the next moment, he began chanting while saying, "Ye who represents destruction, heed my words, destroy those who refuse to yield to me, Explosion!"

As soon as Kraftvoll began uttering his chant, the red seishin essences from his surroundings began covering him. Midway through his chant, those red seishin essences began turning into slivers of fire one by one.

Instead of hiding from Kraftvoll, the soldiers below him watched him because they were too fascinated by what they had been seeing at this very moment.

Before Kraftvoll could even finish saying his chant, all of the slivers of fire began condensing together. The moment Kraftvoll finished his chant, he launched the concentrated ball of fire toward the soldiers below.


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