Heavenly Saga

Chapter 245: You Dare To Trick Me!?

After hunting for about an hour, Kraftvoll decided to replenish his inner seishin essences to one of his favorite hiding spots in Mt. Verrater. Before entering the cave, Kraftvoll decided to conjure the Gale Survey seishin spell to make sure that no one was waiting for him in ambush. 

'There's an enemy inside! And he is using the same technique that was used on me when I was a first-grader! Well, it's time to make this cave my temporary base again!' he thought to himself after he conjured the Gale Survey seishin spell.

A moment later, Kraftvoll glanced at his shadow familiar and he commanded to it, "Go inside! If the trap was activated, struggle as hard as you can! We'll defeat the person that is planning to ambush me."

Without a moment of hesitation, the shadow familiar that Kraftvoll had summoned immediately charged toward the entrance of the cave upon hearing its master's command. 

When it took one step at a puddle at the entrance, the water in the puddle climbed at the shadow familiar's body and it froze a moment later. Following the command of Kraftvoll, the shadow familiar struggled as hard as he can as soon as the trap was activated.

The caster of the trap decided to come out because he thought that one of the students was caught in his trap. 'Yes! He's coming out! I'll start chanting now!' Kraftvoll thought to himself. The effect of the Gale Survey seishin spell was still in effect. 

Without delaying any more time, Kraftvoll chanted, "Ye who exemplifies the aspect of groundedness, allow my desire to be fulfilled, pull thy master's enemy down to your center, Gravitational Field!"

Before he started chanting brown seishin aura suddenly enveloped his body. When he started saying his chant, the brown seishin essences from his surroundings suddenly started gathering around him.

While the enemy was on his move toward the shadow familiar that it managed to catch, the brown seishin essences that Kraftvoll gathered suddenly went to the ground below the entrance of the cave.

Upon seeing the shadow familiar that he had summoned, the dwarven boy said in response, "What is this!? A summoned familiar!? Don't tell me-!"

Before he could finish what he was about to say, Kraftvoll's Gravitational Field seishin spell suddenly doubled the gravitational force to the area where he was standing.

The dwarven boy was forced to stand at his knee upon the activation of the seishin spell that Kraftvoll conjured.

'He's that strong, huh? As expected of someone from the dwarven race! Well, I just have to double the power of this seishin spell of mine then!' Kraftvoll thought to himself after seeing the dwarven boy at his knee.

A moment later, Kraftvoll immediately doubled the output of his inner seishin essences toward the Gravitational Field seishin spell that he conjured.

When Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences doubled down the power of the Gravitational Field seishin spell's power, the dwarven body that it caught suddenly fell and he could not even lift his face to the ground.

Shortly after that, Kraftvoll's shadow familiar managed to remove the trap that binds it. Seeing the opportunity, Kraftvoll said to the caught dwarven boy, "You can surrender now and hand over your plate number, or else I will be forced to use brute force in doing so. Choose now."

After Kraftvoll said these words, the Umbrage Vassal that he summoned suddenly reached the sight of the dwarven boy. The moment the dwarven boy saw Kraftvoll's shadow familiar, he lost all hope of winning or even escaping.

Despite the bitterness in his heart, the dwarven boy shouted to Kraftvoll, "I surrender! I'll hand over all of the plate numbers that I looted and even my own!"

After hearing Kraftvoll heard his target, he suddenly showed a hint of a smile on his face. A moment later, he canceled his Gravitational Field seishin and he commanded his Umbrage Vassal to standby.

After the dwarven boy stood up, he reached out to his pocket to get his plate numbers. When he was about to hand it over to Kraftvoll, the dwarven boy shouted, "Ice Jail!"

A moment later, a portion of the inner seishin essences of the dwarven boy suddenly came out of him. At the next moment, those inner seishin essences of the dwarven boy transformed into vapors of water simultaneously. 

Kraftvoll was startled by the action of the dwarven boy despite their agreement earlier. "My familiar, restrain this boy!"

A second later, all of the vapors of water slowly enveloped Kraftvoll's body until it froze making Kraftvoll incapable of moving, The dwarven boy used this chance to ran away as fast as he can.

As Kraftvoll commanded it to, the Umbrage Vassal suddenly chased the dwarven boy who was trying to flee from its master. While all of this was happening, Kraftvoll decided to insta-cast a seishin spell.

He shouted, "Blaze Overload!"

A moment later, a portion of Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences suddenly came out of his body after he shouted those words. At the next moment, those inner seishin essences of his suddenly turned into slivers of fire at the same time.

A second later, those slivers of fire that Kraftvoll had conjured began merging with each other. Using that flame, Kraftvoll was able to melt the ice that was meant to buy some time for the dwarven boy to escape.

After letting himself go, Kraftvoll thought to himself, 'What a rude junior. Did he escape?'

A moment later, Kraftvoll looked toward outside the cave. He saw there that his shadow familiar managed to catch again the one who tricked him. Upon seeing the situation, Kraftvoll suddenly showed a devious smile on his face.

Before confronting the dwarven boy, Kraftvoll was suddenly enveloped with black seishin aura, A moment later, he chanted, "As the symbol of the mysteries of the world, I instruct thee, bring the opposed of light unto this world, Umbrage Vassal!"

Suddenly, the black seishin essences in the surroundings began gathering around Kraftvoll as he chants. At the end of his chant, Kraftvoll managed to summon another shadow familiar ready to follow any of his commands.

Kraftvoll walked toward the dwarven boy as soon as he finished casting that seishin spell. 

"The two of you hold him together. I need to get something from him," said Kraftvoll.

His two shadow familiar followed the command of their master without a moment of hesitation. "You tricked me! Well, I'll get what we talked about earlier without your consent."

While the two shadow familiars were holding the enemy dwarfs, Kraftvoll searched to the pockets of the dwarven boy until he found all of the plate numbers that he had in his possession.

"You can throw him outside now," said Kraftvoll after he got what he wanted. 

After the shadow familiars did what was commanded to them, the summoner, Kraftvoll, immediately started chanting as soon as they reached his side. A brown seishin aura suddenly enveloped him as he was planning to chant another seishin spell.

A moment later, Kraftvoll chanted, "Ye who exemplifies the aspect of groundedness, allow my desire to be fulfilled, fortify thy master's fortress, repel any intruders, Fortified Great Wall!"

The moment Kraftvoll began chanting this seishin spell, an immense amount of brown seishin essences began gathering around him as he utters every word of the chant.

Midway through saying the chant, all of the brown seishin essences that he was able to gather began going to the ground beneath the entrance of the cave. At the end of his chant, four walls were suddenly erected from the ground using the power of the brown seishin essences.

"Guard me. If anyone dared to enter the cave, remind me and attack the intruder without killing him or her," said Kraftvoll before entering deep meditation.

Meanwhile, at the area around the entrance of the cave, the dwarven boy stood up from the fall that he incurred when he was thrown away by the shadow familiars that Kraftvoll had summoned.

'What a jerk! It's a good thing I hid one of my plate numbers in my mouth or a member of the Shadow Corps would probably be escorting me now. I'll get my revenge for that lowborn! How dare he treat me like this!' said the dwarven boy as he goes on his way away from the cave.

Kraftvoll thought that he managed to loot all of the dwarven boy's plate numbers so he just threw him outside the cave after he tricked him. He knew that without a plate number, a Shadow Corps member would escort him back to the base but he was tricked again for the second time.

After that encounter, Kraftvoll managed to get 3 plate numbers as loot from the dwarven boy. After counting his loot, Kraftvoll happily entered deep meditation to prepare for his rematch with the Ice Queen, Elanor.

'I'll get her this time! I will never get this chance again so I better prepare to use my fullest capability to fight her one last time.' Kraftvoll thought to himself the moment before he entered his deep meditation.

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