Heavenly Saga

Chapter 106: Plan

Princess Kyomi started talking about the plan to her teammates. She said, "Okay, here's what we gonna do..."

A minute later, she was able to explain everything about every detail of her plan to Belle and the other girls.

To clarify everything, she asked her teammates, "Do all of you understand what each of you need to do in this plan?" "We got it!" Belle and the other girls said in response to their team leader.

As soon as the explanation of the plan was finished, they immediately went to do it.

Princess Kyomi started chanting a seishin spell that she was able to learn from Kraftvoll, "As the element who represents fear itself, I command thee, summon those who lurk in the darkness, Darkness Familiar!"

Two weeks before the tournament, Kraftvoll taught Princess Kyomi how to cast this seishin spell. She requested this specific seishin spell so that she can higher the winning chance of their team in the six-man team competition of the year's tournament.

After chanting the Darkness Familiar seishin spell, Princess Kyomi summoned her own shadow familiar. But unlike Kraftvoll's shadow familiar, Princess Kyomi's shadow was a lot weaker because of the big gap between her seishin cultivation to Kraftvoll's.

After Princess Kyomi had managed to summon her shadow familiar, Belle turned the Aqua Defense that filled up the hole in the earth wall into the water. As soon as the hole opened up, Princess Kyomi's shadow familiar charged toward the enemy human attacker.

The enemy human attacker was the one it set its eyes on. When Princess Kyomi attacked him, he tried to defend against it with all his might. While he was resisting the shadow familiar, he glanced toward their support. The enemy support understood what her teammates wanted her to do so nodded in response.

The human attacker continued defending himself against the ferocious attacks of the shadow familiar that Princess Kyomi had summoned. While all of this was happening, the enemy support started chanting a seishin spell in hope that they will be able to vanquish that shadow familiar.

"Illuminate thy master's path, Purification!"

The purification spell directly hit Princess Kyomi's shadow familiar. As a result of this, it stopped attacking the enemy human attacker for a moment. A moment later, it continued its vicious attacks against the enemy human attacker.

Unlike before, the attacks of the shadow familiar started to become a little weaker than before which means that it took a lot of damage from the purification spell that was conjured by the enemy support.

The one who was resisting Princess Kyomi's shadow familiar noticed that its attack was not as strong as before. He shouted this to their team's support. He shouted, "It's working! Do the purification spell once more! Maybe it will be vanquished the next time!"

The enemy support nodded in response to her teammates. She chanted the same seishin spell again. She chanted, "Illuminate thy master's path, Purification!"

When Princess Kyomi's shadow familiar was hit by the enemy support's purification spell, it was vanquished completely.

If this shadow familiar was summoned by Kraftvoll, it would be able to resist multiple Purification spell without taking any damage at all. This was because there was a big gap between the seishin cultivation of Princess Kyomi and his seishin cultivation

Although the shadow familiar with Princess Kyomi was vanquished, the enemy human attacker was still surprised because he saw that something was going to his way again.

When the enemy supports started was saying her chants earlier for her second purification spell, Belle started chanting her seishin spell. She chanted, "Oh ye who represents the breath of the world, I command thee, let thy owner's enemy be blown by your mightiness, Wind Blast!"

After Princess Kyomi's shadow familiar was vanquished by the enemy support's second p

Purification seishin spell, a concentrated air was launched toward the enemy attacker's direction.

When the enemy human attacker saw that concentrated air coming on his way, there was no time for the enemy human attacker to avoid the Wind Blast.

The only thing that he can do in that situation was to just brace himself against that seishin spell while hoping that the defensive seishin spell that their team's tank had conjured early in the battle would protect him.

Unfortunately for him, the earth armor that was cast to him earlier by their team's tank was completely destroyed by the explosion of the Wind Blast. The great recoil by that explosion made him blown away toward the wall of Alstan Stadium.

The emcee immediately talked after the fall of the enemy human attacker, "One of the attackers of the fourth grade's six-man hit the wall of the stadium! Is this going to be the first graders' advantage? Or did that attacker managed to survive that great recoil? Let's find out!"

Everyone that was watching the stadium cheered very loudly. Despite the big difference in the two teams' overall strength, Princess Kyomi and her teammates were able to pull a feat like this. This made the audience of the tournament respect them more.

One of the academy's great seishin healers went to the fourth grader's team's fallen, human attacker. He started healing him as soon as he reached him because if he did not do very early, it might cause a big problem.

Fortunately, the enemy human attacker just lost his consciousness. This only meant that he will be unable to continue fighting anymore.

After confirming that, the great seishin healer of Verrater Academy showed a cue to the emcee. The emcee nodded in response to the great healer's cue so he immediately announced it.

The emcee announced to his sound-amplifying seishin device, "One of the members of the fourth-graders' team has fallen! Now, the team of the first graders has the advantage in terms of numbers!"

The cheers became even louder than before. The audience started to get more excited as the fight got more intense.

After they heard the emcee's announcement, Princess Kyomi and Belle glanced at each other's way and they showed a wonderful smile to each other.

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