Heavenly Castle

Chapter 119 - Summons

Chapter 119: Summons

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

A few days later.

The truth about the incident in the capital was never revealed to the public.

Thus, all kinds of rumors and speculation were going through the capital. The main subjects of those rumors were fleeting knights, the Karluk Kingdom’s King, and golems of Heavenly Country.

That those arrogant knights dared to meddle with the Heavenly Country and were routed.

That Karluk Kingdom is engaged in a secret war with Heavenly Country.

That Heavenly Country is trying to destroy the Karluk Kingdom.

Numerous such rumors existed and probably due to their loudness, no one talked about Grey and his comrades.

「For some reason, the root of most of those rumors are foreign merchants and Reginshion Company.」

As Taiki said that with a laugh, Ayla made an awkward smile.

「It might have been slightly forced. Diego-san and the others were probably too enthusiastic.」

Having said that she raised her gaze and looked at the scenery displayed on a screen. The screen showed townspeople on the plaza, engaged in lively discussions about the rumors.

「According to the investigation, the marquis won’t be able to avoid loss of his standing due to this incident. However, at the same time, a letter announcing a conference came from the Karluk King.」

When Ayla said that, Mea tilted her head, seemingly puzzled.

「A conference? With Taiki-sama?」

Smiling at Mea, who was unable to follow the flow of the conversation, Yuri spoke up.

「They surely know that Heavenly Country was involved in this incident, and most likely conjectured that Grey-sama and his comrades were given shelter by it. Therefore, they most likely want to negotiate from the point that they punished the marquis, so Heavenly Country should make some amendments as well…… I presume. Nonetheless, they have no physical evidence, so if we make sure to properly hide Grey-sama and his comrades we should be able to feign ignorance. 」

And after Yuri, who by now completely stopped acting like an airhead, explained so, Taiki let out a dry laugh.

「Well, for now, since we were called, let’s make an appearance. After all, I was allowed to put a store right next to the capital. We have to repay them for their courtesy.」

Having said that, Taiki stretched, and standing up from the chair, looked around.

「Aifa-san. Shall we go?」

「Yes. I shall accompany you.」

Aifa agreed with an immediate reply.

Massive carpet, beautiful stained glass, and an extravagant chandelier. High ceiling, guards lined up on the sides, Karluk King and the Prime Minister sitting on the platform at the end of the room.

Though he already visited that hall once, Taiki was walking, curiously looking around, as if he came for sightseeing.

Depending on the outlook, that might seem like a lack of manners to some, but if it’s a King of a powerful country doing this, no one would suggest that.

That looked like a composure to walk as if during a stroll, despite being in the middle of an enemy country, while the curiosity with which he surveyed surroundings appeared like ridicule of a weaker country’s vain attempts to flaunt its non-existent power.

Thus, the guards that stood on the sides actually felt strong awe, while terror was gradually encroaching on the duo waiting at the end of the hall.

Taiki walked without noticing any of that, but Aifa followed after him somewhat triumphantly puffing his chest. The last one was A1.

Taiki made a greeting upon reaching the platform, to which Inishida, the King of Karluk, frowned and spoke.

「…King of Heavenly Country Taiki-dono, we appreciate you responding to our invitation.」

「Same here, thank you for the invitation. Your Majesty Inishida.」

As Taiki replied with a smile, the prime minister gulped. His face was completely pale, appearing even somewhat sick.

Making a sour face Inishida slightly lowered his head and muttered.

「……First, let us apologize for our impoliteness.」

「What might that mean?」

Taiki tilted his head upon hearing Inishida’s words. Then, a slight hint of blush appeared on Inishida’s face.

「……To tell the truth, we underestimated you. That talk about the conditions of slaves, we were sure that there is no way for it to succeed…… But the result is the current state of affairs. By now, most of the new slaves go to Taiki-dono. As a result, we can’t even hold an auction.」

「No, no, it’s all a coincidence. Well, how should I put it, we happened to get lucky I guess.」

It was Taiki’s attempt at being modest, but those words turned Inishida’s face even redder.

「……On top of that, those golems that appear if the treatment of the slaves is unsatisfactory. Those are completely unthinkable for us. Those golems made no exceptions, attacking even if the person in question was a noble, and the other party cannot say anything since they were the ones who broke the agreement in the first place. Those who didn’t come under attack surely panicked seeing that and hurried to make improvements to the treatment of their slaves. It served well to demonstrate the power of Heavenly Country, right?」

「Really? Well, that explains why the number of people treating slaves cruelly gradually decreased.」

As Taiki nodded, smiling shyly, veins showed on Inishida’s temple.

「……Truly, you are worthy of being called a matchless strategist. Not only did you suppress Blau Empire through the power of arms, but even took an economic war to our Karluk Kingdom……」

After muttering in frustration, Inishida raised his head.

「However, We want to hear a proper explanation on the recent incident. What happened right in the middle of the capital? Originally, we went to suppress the gang that indiscriminately attacked nobles, but our forces were defeated.…… Then, there are a large number of eye-witnesses reporting the presence of golems of Heavenly Country nearby.」

Narrowing his eyes, Inishida looked down at Taiki.

「……For what reason did Taiki-dono lend a hand to such a dangerous bunch. And for what reason are you still giving them shelter?」

Being asked so in such clear terms, even Taiki couldn’t help but return a wry smile.

「No, no, that is, well, how should I put it……」

As he hesitated to speak, seemingly troubled, Inishida immediately regained his vigor and continued with follow up questions.

「We would like to hear a satisfactory reason. In the first place, according to the agreement between our country and Heavenly Country, both sides are not to interfere with the slaves handled by the other party. Although they are escapees, the group that targets nobles consists of slaves. Even if there are those that are not slaves, such people still must be punished according to the law of Karluk Kingdom.」

Declaring so he waited for Taiki’s response. In turn, Taiki hummed as if being deep in thought and then nodded as if realizing something.

「Indeed. It’s only natural for those who violated the law to be punished according to the laws of that country. 」

As Taiki sounded like he was pretty much agreeing with the word of Inishida, the prime minister, who until now remained silent, spoke up, flustered.

「Your Majesties, please allow me to interject! Eh-ehm, I think that this event is but an unfortunate accident. Thus, how about this. We would not place any fault on Heavenly Country…… If we do this, there would be nothing for neighboring countries to make of this.」

Saying that in a tone that suggested others should be grateful for that, the prime minister clapped once.

「However, there is but one request for Taiki-sama…… Ehm, it’s very difficult for me to say this, but please, do not expand the scale of your slave trade any further.」

As the prime minister said this with a servile smile, Inishida clicked his tongue and folded his arms.

As the two waited for an answer, Taiki, still having a slightly troubled smile, spoke up.

「Well, I’m sorry to say this, but we will decline.」

As Taiki declined with such a short line, the two froze, looking at him from the platform.

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