Chapter 4: chapter 4

The festive mood in Nongo made it look like a busy village as mothers especially ones that are preparing their daughters for the '' Sexual incitation camp for girls that have reached the age of puberty and about to embrace womanhood, are all over the village. They will be taught many things in the camp one of which is how to satisfy their husbands in bed, one of the most important parts is the use of hyena that will perform sexual purification with girls or ladies involved in this season of the sexual cleansing rituals to make the families involved happy as the village head Moriya promise to pay the money that is going to be given to a hyena, instead of the families that their daughters are undergoing the sexual incitation should pay him, Everyone in southern Malawi know that hyena are males they normally hire to have sex with their daughters in the sexual initiation camp this is a popular cultural practice in which is like fading away among some indigenes but for locals like Moriya and her village, they stick to this cultural practice. There are many of the hyenas in the village and the neighboring towns on getting home, Nandi her childhood friend noticed that it's going to a week now instead of following her inside she will stand by the wooden door of the fence to talk with her and bid her farewell but being childhood friend she knows Moriya can be naughty sometimes but it continued like that Nandi turn back and left for her house after all she can't force herself in she thought to herself as she turned back, Eden welcome her and told her the condition of Precy that she has been having high temperature and her face have changed that she was so sick that she suggests that '' the rag they use to stuff her mouth should be removed" I don't think she has the power to scream let alone calling Josh to help her they both bust out Laughing'' Moriya said I think the Josh she use to call is that handsome boy that used to throw her into the air and the whole world will be clapping for them Ummh!! and her mother killed my own son, as she said that handsome boy' that used to throw her into the air Eden and her daughters were filled with envy' and Moriya with revenge and regrets' Grandma but you said you want her to partake of the sexual cleansing ritual, Eden asked her mother-in-law Moriya and she asked this to torture Precy the more with Pain of circumcision still not healed they are talking about the sexual cleansing ritual that a hyena will be involved, Yes she assured her that she did not forget, but how are you going to get her to the camp she told her to leave that one to her, the sexual cleansing was in three days. Back in Manhattan in NewYork some fans ran to Josh as he came out of his Tesla SUV he took some snapshots with them but tried to avoid any reporter that might be around, he went to locate a friend who were both living together in Lille in France because his Dad told him they should still make more contact in getting to know where about of Precy, he took a deep breath looking so worried apart from training for the Olympics that they supposed to have started together he was now just bothered that what could have been my sin that she chose to treat me this way? he asked his father Hugo told him never to jump into conclusion until ' we see her that is just it, he looked more confused he ran his hand into his well trimmed hair cut, he looks more handsome, and he has noticed that when ever he heart is in turmoil outside he will look more handsome that people will be commending him as if they are just seeing him for the first time, most of his relatives in Canada kept telling him how handsome he was looking then he knows the issue on ground is taking it toll on him, but why is fate doing this to me am burning inside but everyone is telling me how great am looking; he returned back from Canada he could not spend the days he promises to spend with his blood sister, he was always with his phone still trying to contact friends, he made a call to Lousia that she should just claim down everything will be okay despite all the jewelries that Eden and her daughters have sold, they are still looking for away to take the remaining bangle in her hand, she advised Moriya that Nandi's daughter who is the village quack nurse should be called because Precy was so sick, so that she will be okay before the sexual cleansing, Liza was sent to go and fetch Gina the nurse she complained to Moriya that she was having Malaria fever due to the Mosquitoes bite that in the night they should release her hand so that she will be able to wade off the mosquitos and the wound from the circumcision is not healing properly due to cuts may be she was not still during the process, oh!! don't mind her she is always fearful she will be talking as if everything is well, Gina prescribes some drugs for her, " Yes let me get them myself because the way am looking at Lira and Liza they may not know what I ask them to get, everybody knows them in the village that they are so dull in learning that the only thing that is on their heads is the braided hair nothing else so she told Moriya that if she is giving the money she will buy the drugs and come and administer them to her but they should let her eat, she called Moriya aside as she was leaving why are you tying her down, Is she mentally okay? Moriya who had been looking for a lie to tell Gina about the whole situation heaved a sign of relief'' Yes she is having a mental problem and Gina there is no need to tell your mother infact we have planned to take her to see the natural medicine man in the village but ma why the medicine man they can just make the matter worst, oh! is that what you think Gina? yes ma, let's try the hospital after she gets better from this severe malaria, okay but as I have said there is no need to tell your mother about it. she gave her the money for the drugs after she left she breath in and out oh my God, she has not finished talking when Lira brought the Pap they force-fed her again, Liza and Lira had gone to talk with Nesto who is also a hyena that there is a business for him a job of sexual cleansing since it was the season in the village; Nesto asked but the community has already chosen Zengo oh' why are you talking like this you are coming into our grandma's house to do the cleansing they gave him the details of the person who he will be doing ritual of sexual cleansing for, our step sister from abroad she is very rich infact you need to see her glowing skin, her beauty but the only thing is that when Moriya pays you we will have own share out of it in which he agreed after the drugs been given to Precy her temperature was back to normal but still not feeling so well Moriya Order Eden to change the stain bedsheet with blood of circumcision on it, but why she asked can't you Understand that tomorrow is the sexual ritual cleansing I have hired Zengo to come and perform it with that thing inside the room Lira and Liza Laughed because of the way their grandma talked, they have not finished laughing when the thought of Nesto hit Liza ''oh Granma Nesto is the best hyena please consider him, she looks as if she was considering what they have just said but Eden their mother said no that Zengo is the most Popular because he is the one they normally hire for any girl who may want to prove stubborn and apart from that he has a very massive manhood, everything about him concerning being a hyena is heavy duty he is going to do the job very well can't you see that he is strong she has downloaded very thing before she realize what she was saying because is written over the face of Moriya and the twins the question of '' how did you know? Moriya took a deep breath and never said anything again she was trying to get even with Lousia and her family and she fell into the pit of Eden up till that hour Eden never knew that Moriya knew her secret that the twins were not Ken's own his late son but is too late to fight she was just secretly tasting the bitter pills she used her own hand to drop inside her mouth now pouring the vengeance and the regrets venom on her innocent granddaughter who knows nothing about what has happened. Zengo finally won the selection battle as Nesto and the twins lost out, like Mother like daughter Eden too had gone to inform Zengo about who was going to do the sexual ritual cleansing for, the glowing skin tone, the beauty, lying helpless on the bed being tied down, that she may want to prove stubborn but he must force her to the extent that by the time he finishes'' with her, she will not be able to walk for days Zengo laughed wickedly as he assured her that she suppose to trust him concerning the ritual. The job that is passed down from his father to him he bragged to her '' That is a school subject he must not fail'' he even used Eden's hand to touch his Massive down below as they laughed heartily, Zengo who had been a long time peasant farmer he was in his forties, he has a big chest but not athletic built like Josh is hand are hard like clamp due to farming Job he is use to do, Precy never knew the next welcome package that awaits her from her grandma while Moriya thought she was doing the right thing for her granddaughter to be a partaker of the tradition they held high in their society and everything was just forced down which is against the wish and consent of her granddaughter.

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