I could see my wife, standing with some of the relatives with the look on her face one will know she had been crying for long time, as I walked up to them, her face was cover with fear as if the land should open and they should all cave in, the doctor called two of us into his office, so sorry she had a severe vaginal tear, and later she was diagnosed of having of HIV courtesy Zengo's father this news is like what shattered the hope of our daughter of living, she was a virgin when her mother and grandmother deceitfully lure her into the ''Ritual of sexual cleansing 'Josh shook his head so the father too is into this Ritual stuff'' yes my son.

We thought that was all until she began to cry out from her sleep that someone is hurting her, since is not all the hyena that use to do this evil thing that Zengo and his generation were doing it was hard to trace where this problem was coming from, he took a deep breath Josh my son I accepted that I was weak as a shepherd because the incident make me to draw closer to my Lord and maker and I discovered many truth I was ignorant off even as a shepherd' 'the good book say's for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. My son I use to read but is not in my heart. 

 it was not living in my heart because I suppose to have taken authority over the wicked powers of Zengo's father his name was Antango meanwhile I did not say anything to my wife because it was glaring that she had been forced to do the Ritual after two months when ever she screamed from her sleep I will just pray for as I know how, my son I could see the truth more clearly now'' the good book say's You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free'',

After two months my wife summon courage to come and confess to me it was a bitter confession, I could not say anything'' so many thought flooded my soul, how could you a wife of the priest surcome to the cultural belief of your mother that was against our religious beliefs, you can see that there are many Prisoners on the pews, in bondage to the cultural belief of her mother and lineage despite being a wife to the priest, we both knew that the lives blow had hit us hard. This particular evening Alicia smiled for the first time and said daddy he hurts me, I screamed for help because it was like a rod of fire in me' but no body will come to my rescue I called out to you daddy know one answer me, the Ritual cleansing has made me felt as if an dirty since that time.

Daddy I can't keep living like this I had a dream I saw angels by river singing song, the water was so pure glittering like diamond I smiled and I told them am coming for a bath that night Alicia passed on in her sleep, He stood up and walked to where the church organ is, son she knew how to play this since her demise we have not found a player, I know she will be playing in heaven, My wife never returned after this event she moved to the village to be living with her mother due to guilty and shame, because it was really the talk of the town.

But I found courage and faith to carry on in these sheep the lord gave to me they have really been a source of encouragement and joy to me the creator has been faithful, my wife confessed that she was warned, by friends but wanted to carry out the wish of her mother, she died few months ago and I have tried to reach out to my wife to returned but did not yield to my pleading ,Antango too died few months ago due to HIV. I learnt she has invented over sixty young women with this in which my blessed daughter was one of them.

Please son go back home the meaning of your dream is that you should consummate your wedding the lord is trying to confirm it that it is the reason why your wife's grandmother was saying it but she could not understand herself, through consummation it shows the rightful owner has come; my son sex is not what many think it is just enjoyment between a man and a woman is more than that is spiritual our lord said in the good book'' What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two saith he shall be one flesh.; this evil forces they know the truth especially the word in the good book and they bow'' that is the reason why is written there in John 8:32 And he shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. My son this our God upstairs is such a loving father he wants to communicate with us as close as friends but we don't know his ways, the solution is with with you but you don't know, like I don't know too till it was too late I lost my daughter the only consolation am having right now is the glorious morning of resurrection when we meet to part no more.

The incident brought me so close to the Lord now, Please go back home and go and consummate your wedding, I know that by now you will be confused what will the people say? Josh looked pale but handsome he ran his hand through his hair 'Priest, the state of mind of my wife is something else now; I know for sure priest that the least thing she will want to do is having sex with any man with what she had been through.

My son I can understand but remember the captor is so wicked he wanted to take over her world spiritually and then later physically if Precy should come out of this trauma she will longer after him for real, she may even returned to Malawi without any family member knowing because she is now fully working under their spiritual remote control, Zengo's family and his generation is so evil.

I will join you in prayers please that is just the meaning of your dreams and the confirmation is her grandmother, please she is a star that deserves to twinkle, we want her back on that stage, please let us forever avoid what happened to my wonderful Alicia.

Josh was happy for the trip at the same time sad, happy because he never knew he will meet with some one who will offer him the solution that has ben causing him and his wife heart ache, just like that he thank his star for the journey ,he had traveled just to know more about how Zengo use to operate, but confused about the consummation, how will that happened, she is so sick and it looks as if her deliverance is tied to time. He never wanted to loose any one of this wonderful people in his life from Precy to her grandma.

It was like the journey back home took ages he did not know may be it was him caring the plane and the passenger or it was the plane caring him and all the passengers now that he was going back his heart filled with fear looking more handsome but white like ghost because of fear in his heart.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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