Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 67


Looking at Tina, Tina also had her mouth on tea. Apparently, he could have gone off topic. It’s only a shame on the spot, but it’s better than being grumpy in front of Lilia. Rather than that, the rest is also a matter of princes. All you have to do is hang in there on your own because you made good on your promise.

With that said, I recall. I had received an invitation to a royally-sponsored nightclub, but how was Tina? Exactly. I’d like to think the prince didn’t make the same mistake, but I decided to ask just in case.

“Tina. I have a night club tomorrow, but you haven’t even gotten an invitation, have you?


Tina turns away. The moment I saw it, Lilia’s eyebrow butt hung.

“Is it arriving?

“Ah, haha…”

“That one……! People…”

– You almost called me stupid, didn’t you?

– What’s that idiot thinking…!

– Mm-hmm… I wonder.

Don’t you understand how annoying Tina gets? Lilia desperately suppressed her feelings, which she seemed to manage with anger, and took a slow, deep breath, prompted by her sarcasm. A little while between doing it once, twice, three times, but it calms me down. Lilia slapped the table with her fingers until she had settled down somewhat.


“Yes! I don’t know!

“Hmm…? Why are you so nervous?

Tina leaned her neck and inquired, causing her cheeks to pull away from her eyes. Maybe Lilia did something from that reaction, but I don’t have anything in mind. With that in mind, Sakura told me with a laugh.

– Lilia, I’m so scared of your face. Tina’s scared, too.

– Oh…… I’ll be careful.

I meant to calm down, but apparently I couldn’t hide my expression. I pasted a smiling mask while reflecting only a little. That’s how I laughed at Tina, and Tina still seemed anxious.

“I’m sorry. Tina, I need to ask you a favor.”

“Yeah…… What?”

“Will you bring me that invitation? I’ll have a word with His Highness.”

Tina seemed to be on a roundabout, but I guess she found out Lilia wouldn’t back down, she nodded honestly and left the room.

And a moment later, Tina came back with an invitation.

“Thank you. You can go back to your room now. Because you don’t have to be at the club tomorrow night.”

With that said, Tina kept her eyebrow butt down, but smiled.

“Yeah…… I’m sorry, Lilia. I can’t say no…”

“You don’t have to worry about it. Be careful and go back.”

Tina finally left the room, worried to say, don’t push it. I dropped it off, sat in the chair for a while longer, drank tea, and eventually slowly exhaled and rose.

– Come on, shall we go…

– Ooh!

Sakura replies with great pleasure. But I could see the sawdust trembling slightly from my anger. Apparently, Sakura also has something to think about. When I heard Sakura’s voice like that, Lilia’s anger had also rekindled.

Lilia slowly heads to the door. Alyssa tried to stop him on the way. He turned to Lilia and was freezing for some reason.

That’s how Lilia left the room without anyone interrupting her.

Later Alisa speaks. That was a ghost who looked like Lilia, he said.

It would be polite to have someone tell you that they would visit, but that’s not what I learned. Lilia walks down the hall smiling. I was sober with some people along the way, but when everyone saw Lilia, I took a big distance and was upright and correct my posture until Lilia passed by.

I guess you don’t even want to get involved in trivial things about Lilia right now. I can see that. Sakura seems desperate to laugh. By the way, I was also very different from Saila.

“Oh, Lilia, ma…”

I was butt shrugged and softly cleared the way.

Walk a little and reach the prince’s room. In his position, or on the side of the door of the room, two soldiers were eyeing his surroundings.

“Oh, isn’t that Master Liliane”

A soldier sounded unexpected. Anyway, before I pulled it off, I guess I thought it was unusual because I hardly ever came to this place now. Lilia smiled at the soldier.

“I’d like to see Your Highness, could you please take over?

“… Huh!

The soldier took a short breath and immediately bowed his head respectfully. It just makes me a little uncomfortable with the reaction as if I had seen the devil’s brakes, but the soldier honestly knocked on the door, so I’ll be good.

– No, the devil’s brake is still cuter.

Sakura shrugged so, and Lilia tried to complain about it, and the door opened.


A woman in a maid’s clothes turned up. I looked at the soldier, and then Lilia, and I opened my eyes in amazement. When I made a smile about what I was so surprised at and pointed it at her, the momentum closed the door well.


Awkward silence flows. Lilia’s smiling mask fell off and two soldiers who saw it were unwittingly retreating one step later.


My voice leaks out of Lilia’s mouth.


With no expression, a voice of laughter.


That’s how Lilia tried to touch the door of the room.

“Sorry, my servant is being rude…… let’s!?

The prince looked up and looked at Lilia’s expression and was backing down a lot.

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