Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 61


“I wonder what you’re doing?

Lilia’s voice echoes in the hallway. Low, very low voice. A scream leaks from around you, but I don’t care about that. Lilia was quietly looking at the five people in front of her.

“Hey, what are you…”

A big boy makes a trembling voice. Apparently, he doesn’t know about Lilia. I’m just a little surprised about that, but it still doesn’t matter.

“Ba, silly. It’s Liliane. Dear Liliane Ardis,”

A woman leans in her ear. Although Lilia also sounded because the hallway was quiet.

“What’s Liliane… Oh, um…?

Lilia’s face doesn’t have to be known. She seems to know the notoriety. I would like to do something about the notoriety, but I will only use it this time.

“Mr. Lilia……?

Ray’s fine voice arrives. Seemed like Lilia was the only one I could hear because she had a small voice. Lilia stared at the big student without even giving her a glance.

“What the hell, you don’t have anything to do with the Duke’s house or anything! What are you doing here!

Lilia’s eyes narrowed and the four around her turned pale. If you know Lilia’s notoriety in any detail, you shouldn’t be able to throw up words like this.

“I just wanted to go through here…”

Lilia’s mouth angle hangs. It’s a very enjoyable laugh, but naturally it’s not like it can be appeased.

“Who are you talking to?

Lilia walks slowly to the big students. Ray and I would be younger than Lilia in the same grade, but that should be the boy, his physique is much stronger than Lilia’s. But still, I was totally scared and shivering.

“No, um… Me, is…”

“Apparently you were bullying this girl…”

“Oh no… we’re just…”

“Asoba? I see, Asoba”

Lilia nodded as she was convinced. Seeing the five people in front of her snort many times, Lilia smiled gently,

“Shall we play with me then?”

Five people stopped moving. Five expressions stain despair. Now, what am I going to let you do, I’m slowly approaching you with a laugh,

“What are you doing”

A voice came from the back of the five. Lilia pounds her tongue inside that voice.

The prince was about to walk in. On the prince’s side were students who looked a little younger and students from the same classroom as Lilia, one at a time.

– You failed…

If you saw this without knowing anything, Lilia would definitely be the bad guy. Even Lilia thinks so. At least I tried to get around the idea that only Ray had to protect him, but Sakura said with a sneaky laugh.

– It’s okay, Lilia.

– That it’s okay… What is it?

In the eyes of Lilia, who tilts her neck in the heart, the prince looks in turn at the seven who are parties. Five people, Lilia, and finally Ray, who make their expressions shine as if they had gained hope. Very well, I turned a hard gaze on Lilia.


“What is it?

I feel like I’m here. But the prince’s words were not what he expected.

“Bring the boy next to you here. You won’t feel comfortable with them.”

Lilia opens her eyes wide and complains. He returned to me as soon as he heard from Sakura, but exposed me to a lot of dumb faces. Lilia immediately erased her expression and bowed her hand to Ray.

“Can you stand?

“Ah, yes…”

Take Lilia’s hand and Ray stands up. And as he passed beside the five, he stopped once. Lilia smiled at the five openly alarming people.

“I’ll take this kid. This child is mine from now on. Though I won’t tell you not to put your hands on it, think about it in the future.”

All five snorted heavily at Lilia’s words. Then we pass as we go.

The prince who welcomed Lilia had a frightened look on his face. But he said nothing, and turned his gaze to the five again.

“Well, do you have something to say?

To the prince’s words, two female students tried to speak up,

“I forgot to tell you, I’ve heard more or less about what’s already happened. I’m not telling you not to lie, but be prepared for it.”

In the end, no one said anything, and it dripped on the spot.

Then no one uttered a word for a while. Eventually the prince sighs small and gives instructions to the classmates he was coming with. Ask for the rest.

“Yes. I’m in awe”

Be polite and head toward the students. The prince did not see the result and turned his attention to Lilia and the others.

“We’re moving.”

That’s what I said, prince walking away first. As for Lilia, I’d like to just be dispersed because it seems like a one-off solution, but I just can’t ignore the prince, and I had no choice but to follow him.

I was guided to an empty classroom on the ground floor. The prince first entered the quiet classroom, followed by Lilia and Ray. Confirming that the two of them had entered, the prince closed the door to the room. Close the lock tightly and walk to the back of the room. Lilia also made a little distance, followed by it.


The prince speaks out and stops. And then I looked back, staring at Lilia.

– Maybe this time they’ll say something?

– What do you think?

“Liliane. Thank you for this one. Thanks.”

That’s what I’m saying, I’m going to bow my head. Sakura as well as Lilia seemed surprised by this, and the two of them were about to be stunned.

And now the prince sees Ray. Ray also stared back at the prince. With more powerful eyes than usual. And when Lilia was surprised, the prince opened his mouth.

“What are you doing, Rayford?”

“No, nothing. They just bullied me.”

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