Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 50


The next day. When Lilia took a seat in the classroom, the two usual surroundings came. Return Lilia appropriately to the two of you who are going to say hello. I find it annoying, but just don’t ignore it, Sakura says.

Go on, one more. Sarah also came to Lilia.

“Good morning, Master Liliane”

The other two peel their eyes a little. I wonder what you think now. Lilia checked it sideways and smiled at Saila.

“Yeah. Morning, Saila. Very good morning.”

The other two eyes are wide open and utterly stunned. That was just as surprising not only for these two, but for everyone currently in the classroom.

– You’re all surprised. Yeah, yeah, that’s a good thing!

– Sakura. You’re not having pure fun?

– Yeah. I got that kid just for this.

– Yep…

– I’m sorry. It’s a joke, so don’t be serious.

I doubted my ears about Sakura’s words, but apparently I didn’t mean it, so I’m relieved first. Now, and when I did my gaze on Saila, the other two faces entered nature and sight. They both look at Lilia like they want an explanation. Lilia, who received that gaze, answered nothing, though.

Saila shakes the subject about yesterday’s dinner. Lilia replies to that, faintly. Lilia’s attitude looks grumpy at first sight, but considering she often doesn’t respond, it would actually be better. At least that’s what those in the classroom judged and understood. Lilia said she allowed Sarah to be on her side.

“Oh, dear Liliane. Why are you talking to them?

Chris takes his surroundings and smiles and comes to Lilia. Lilia gave it a smile.

“I got this kid. Is there any inconvenience?

Chris has narrowed his eyes and looked at them like he was exploring something. Lilia takes that gaze straight. Eventually you guessed something, Chris snorted with a smile.

“No, there’s nothing to complain about. But be careful.”

I’ll hunt you down from the presence of that sarah, and I’ll catch you if I’m normal. Everyone in the classroom seems to think so, and Chris’ surroundings and so on have an unpleasant smile. Sarah was pale, too.

“Yeah. Thanks for the advice. I’d mind.”

What Chris is trying to say actually means exactly what he says. Be careful not to be blamed by those around you. It’s just that. Watching Lilia snort firmly, Chris nodded satisfactorily, too, and went back to his seat.

– When you change the way you look at it, it sounds like words mean something completely different… I wish we were dignified and friendly.

– There are many things in the aristocratic community.

In response to Lilia, Sakura had an uninteresting relationship. Lilia sighs inside and turns her gaze back to Saila. Poor thing was wolfish.

“Oh, you know, Dear Lilia…”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Better get back to your seats, ’cause we’re almost in class.”


Saila still seemed anxious, but she was going back to her seat for the most part. The other two go back to their seats, leaning their necks.

– I was wondering if those two were going to say something, but you didn’t have anything.

– I could have said something else.

I’d say it was more convenient that way. Because it gives you an excuse to crush it without worrying. Sakura, who heard it, sighed at this.

Classroom doors open and teachers and princes come in. They were both tilting their necks, either because of the strange air from one case of Lilia and Saila, but soon the prince took his seat and the teacher stood before the teacher table.

Now, the teacher spoke up, and Lilia listened to Sakura’s lectures as usual.

When you’re done with your morning class, there’s nothing for this place. When Lilia heard the teacher’s declaration of termination, she immediately left the classroom behind. I’m anxious about Saila, but I wouldn’t be able to help if it was too overprotective.

Receive a sandwich in the dining room. The cooks are also used to having freshly made sandwiches available when Lilia arrives. The look on their faces giving it to Lilia was always somewhere fun.

– I wonder what the ingredients are today.

After receiving the sandwich, Sakura always seems to enjoy herself. You care about Lilia, who eats sandwiches every day, and even if this one doesn’t say anything, the ingredients in the sandwiches are ready for you every day. Sakura always seems to be looking forward to that and can’t help it.

As for Lilia, she thinks she can eat anything as easily as she wants, so it’s a problem she doesn’t care so much about. But it seems important to Sakura, so much so that he admired the cooks.

As usual, I finished my meal in the library room and as I was teaching Ray to study, Ray casually opened his mouth.

“With that said, I’m starting the exam next week, but is Lilia okay with your own study?


The school is divided into two parts of the year, the previous semester and the second semester. I had three exams each semester to examine my academic achievement, and I thought it was time for the exam news. But I didn’t think it would start next week.

“Is that it? Dear Lilia, could it be that you hadn’t noticed…?


Lilia sat quietly in the chair and exhaled slowly. And I asked quietly in my heart.

– Sakura. What do you mean?

– Hi-no! I’m scared, Lilia! The teacher said everything right!

– What? When?

– About last week’s head. Lilia listened to me all the time, so I think she ignored me.

Lilia’s temples move slightly. You perceived Lilia’s displeasure, and Ray gently took a distance from Lilia.

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