Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 30

Alisa 1

My name is Alisa Phyllis. I’m a maid who works for the Duke of Ardis house. It wasn’t until I was twelve that I started working here. My father stopped me that it was too early, but my mother, a teacher as a maid, had given me permission, so I knocked on the gate of the Duke of Aldis house while I felt sorry for my father.

For my part, I still wanted to study a little more because I still had something to learn. But where you want to work, the Duke of Ardis family is not always looking for people. Especially on this occasion, I was familiar with age and magic. I was so confident about magic that I didn’t think I had a hand in missing this one.

I really wanted to work at the Duke of Ardis’ house. Rather, the more determined I am to be a maid for it. The reason for this is simple, because I wanted to give back a little to Master Liliane for saving my life before.

I had some exams, but fortunately I was able to pass them safely and I ended up working as a living maid at the Duke of Ardis house.

Naturally, we start by circling around about the seniors and remembering to work in this mansion. The guidance of the seniors was very demanding, but also very gentle at the same time.

One day I asked my predecessors what the Dukes were like. All I know is the kindness of Master Liliane and the gentle smile of her husband, who helped me. Seniors told me right away.

My husband, Mr. Kelvin, is like painting a literary martial arts, so be it. You think the arms of the sword are top notch, but also academically? His wife, Lady Asha, is a leader in magic and has created many magic formations.

My eldest son, Master Cross, is as familiar with swords and academics as my father. They’re going to say tough things to us, but you think you’re tougher on yourself than that? They face failure sincerely, and if they blame someone for a misunderstanding, even if the other person is a maid like us, they will bow their heads.

Unlike your family, my second son, Theo, says he’s a little weak. She’s often at home for that, and she’s stuck around all the time when she sees her sister. She misses her sister very much.

Her sister, eldest daughter, Dear Liliane. I thought I was a very sweet person……

“I don’t say anything bad. You better stay out of this, not that one.”

“Huh…? How so?

“My arrogance, selfishness. He’s a very tyrannical man, and the second word comes reprimand. Really……”

“What are you talking about”

The old woman, the maid chief who gives us instructions, was staring at the seniors. Seniors quickly bowed their heads and quickly escaped. I think they’ll just be extra pissed off later……

“Alisa, it was.”

The maid chief spoke to me and I stretched my spine.


“You don’t say anything from me about Master Liliane. Look with your own eyes and judge. Right…… Beginning tomorrow, for a week, act with those who are the exclusive maids of Master Liliane. Then you’ll know what it’s like.”

That’s what the maid chief said, and she returned the blemishes and went. I dropped it off,

– I can see Master Liliane!

Nature and feelings were exalted and I was in a good mood to do the rest of the work. I think it’s simple while I am.

The next day I greeted you that way. I have learned the meaning of my predecessor’s words.

Master Liliane was a very tyrannical man. You will soon be reprimanded for anything. Watching that for a day, the image in me collapsed away.

Disappointed, I did. Indeed, I did not exchange words with Master Liliane. But I always thought you must be sweet because you helped me.

No, I think he was trying to assume. Though my house is a baron’s house, it is for once aristocratic. Naturally, Master Liliane’s story was telling. But I didn’t try to believe it.

But. Still. The fact that I was saved in life by Master Liliane does not change. Any person, I will do all I can for this person. When I decided to do so and kept working, at some point I was appointed exclusively to Master Liliane by my husband. Apparently, the seniors finally stopped.

With that order, I began to work exclusively for Master Liliane, but only with the increased number of reprimands nothing else changed in particular, and instantly time flowed.

Master Liliane like that, for one day only, has gone very crazy. You say something about bumps all the time by yourself, you scream something, as I recall. I couldn’t do anything about it, I just could watch.

Others seem to have decided not to get involved as much as possible in today’s strange lady, and I’m the only one on Master Liliane’s side. As soon as I obeyed what I was told from time to time, I realized. That I haven’t been once pissed off today.

Master Liliane is still whining to herself. I don’t know what this means, but I wanted it to stay in the right direction if possible.

Most importantly, the next day I was always back on track.

Then the moon flowed further, when I forgot about Mr. Liliane’s bizarre behavior and so on. Master Liliane, who lived in the dorm, suddenly returned to the mansion. I didn’t prepare anything because it was so sudden, but Master Liliane stopped coming out as it was when I could also cage in your own room.

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