Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 901: "reconcile"

  Chapter 901 "Reconciliation is as good as ever"

  On June 28, 1914, with a gunshot from Sarajevo, the Crown Prince Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell in a pool of blood. And it was this incident that became the fuse of the First World War.

  June 28 is the day when the Serbian-Bosnian coalition forces were defeated by the Turkish army in 1389, and it was Serbia’s national humiliation day. The selection of the Austro-Hungarian exercise on this day is provocative.

  In the face of such provocations, if they still choose to swallow their anger, what hope does this nation have?

  Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince Ferdinand personally reviewed the exercise. After the exercise, when he returned to the city of Sarajevo, he was shot and killed by the Serbian youth Principe.

  Similarly, on May 13, 1981, if John Paul II was assassinated, it would very likely be an all-out war between the Christian League and the ***.

  A new round of Crusades led by the Pope passed by humans, all because the old man lying on the bed chose to forgive the assassin who assassinated him.

Although the bullet is only a few millimeters away, the entire human history has been rewritten as a result. Just like the arrow that hit the coach Abdul Rahman in the Battle of Poitiers, it only has to be too far away. For a little bit, the battle of Poitiers is an unknown.

Without the merits of resisting the pagans, Charlie Hammer would not have established the prestige of King Merovingian as a palace magistrate, and then raised his ambition to replace him. There would be no three generations of their grandchildren in order to steal the legal coronation crown. The power of the monarchy has been created by the god-granting system.

  The turning point in history is often a trivial matter, but at the time, no one thought about it carefully.

  Opportunities need to be seized by themselves. If there is no opportunity, we must create opportunities. Even if the pope is not as responsive as it was in the Middle Ages, he still has a great influence.

  There are all kinds of people around him, and he may not have time to meet an exorcism priest.

  Even if Joseph is, from a certain point of view, a celebrity in the Vatican.

Because of frequent illnesses, the Pope has a single room on the 10th floor of the Jemelli Hospital. It usually takes 25 minutes to drive from the place where he was assassinated to the Jemelli Hospital. As a result, the ambulance arrived in 8 minutes that day. It will explode in a moment.

  But that is for healthy people. An old man like the Pope, who has run out of lamps, once again forced him to see God.

  After cutting the trachea, the pope could no longer swallow and eat, so he had to leave an indwelling tube in his stomach to eat.

  If it were placed hundreds of years ago, when science and medical treatment were underdeveloped, he would have already died, and this price was obtained after scientists and doctors broke through one theological taboo one after another.

  When Joseph and "Papa" looked at each other, he found that the Pope's face was too pale, almost bloodless.

  Is it really the Pope himself who rescued the doctor from death?

   "I thought, there are no more guests today." The pope said in a hoarse voice.

"I am not a guest. You can understand that I am a different kind of doctor. Test whether your heart is still toward the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Joseph said, standing in front of the four-poster bed, "I heard that you carried the black Madonna with you. ?"

   "Where are you from? Child."

  "America, but I am Latino. After my parents died, I grew up in the church’s orphanage, and I received exorcism training since I was young."

   "I thought the exorcist needed a senior priest."

"Those old priests? Do you know how powerful the possessed people are?" Joseph said with a smile. "What's more, they are slow to respond, and they are also easily influenced by the devil. Nixon once said that when the Soviets started When singing American songs, they will use American thinking mode sooner or later, thinking that Corrado Baducci once said, “between us and the angels, there must be something else, if we think that we are the only intelligence created by God. In terms of life, it’s a bit arrogant, it’s illogical.’ If you listen to the whispers of the devil, you will sing like the devil. Gradually, people will think with the devil’s thinking. I have asked many people before the temptation of the devil. How firm is your belief? Many people say that they are very pious, but few people can persist in the face of the test. There is a big gap between what we think and reality, and this is my purpose."

  The pope did not answer him, not knowing whether he was resting or thinking about how to answer.

  "In English, greed is called Greed. In biblical literature, it has been replaced by Mammon. You confess to the Jews and the Greeks. Next, do you want the Protestants to return to the glory of God?"

  The pope did not speak.

Joseph backed his hands and smiled. "When Satan led the devil to confront the army of God, Mammon felt that it would be better to do nothing and enjoy the happiness of money peacefully. Therefore, he did not fight, but in peace, he urged. People fight each other for a little profit. How did you feel when you were in the EU Constituent Assembly?"

  The pope did not answer him.

"I think it’s very tiring to deal with this kind of people. They are controlled by Mamun and become slaves to the devil. They just want more wealth, even if they don’t use that much. This is especially true for the Protestants. They maintain peace. The purpose is to obtain money. Once war can bring greater benefits, they will not hesitate to cause war. They will not give refuge to refugees who flee because of war and poverty, even Christians who also wear crosses. They must also be driven out of their residences. This stems from their greed for wealth. I have seen a football player. He was once depraved and wasted for a while. Then he looked at his previous video tapes. He was his own He was shocked by his performance. He looked at his vigorous look before, and suddenly realized that his current achievements stem from his inconspicuous basic training. His confession gave me inspiration." Josephton After a pause, I turned my ring. "I want to go back to before the Reformation and use the Seven Sacraments to offset the sins of the Seven Deadly Sins, so that Calvinists and Lutherans can restore the sacraments other than baptism and sacrament. There are many popes who want to unify, and I think I can help you accomplish this goal. Although baptism cannot wash away people’s original sin, the sacrament does not make them truly grateful, not to mention baptism some people only accept it once in their lives, if Without a priest, a relative can do the baptism on behalf of them. For them, it is just a formality, a form of formalism, but we can at least unify the form first."

  "What about their hearts?" the Pope asked.

"Mamun likes to accumulate wealth, leading the demons to unearth gold and various precious metals in the belly of hell, and then decorating the'hall of demons' with these things. During the Renaissance, we used wealth to build churches and hold masses in it. To accommodate the poor and need help, the tallest majestic and magnificent buildings in these cities are still driving tourism and attracting people to travel. This is the same as the apartments in the "Magic City" that have been built but do not allow people to live without money. It’s not the same. When pilgrims travel all the way to Jerusalem, they feel that they are blocked by the city’s entrance tax by the soldiers guarding the city. The mood is the same as those of those who see the house but don’t have the money to buy a house. They want to use it. Money buys'legitimate rights'. If you don't pay, even if the repaired house is broken and moldy, it won't be given to those who need it. In fact, what people do to people is no different from the devil, and that's why you need to repent, and Good sacraments are also part of God’s plan of salvation. Just like you did, forgive the assassin with wisdom and kindness, and resolve this dispute to the invisible."

   "I thought you were here to test how strong my faith is," said the pope.

"Your problem is not wealth, Papa, your problem is women." Joseph looked at the white bed sheet like an angel's feather with a smile and said, "If you are a mortal, there is no such problem. The devil does exist, and you feel it now. Is it?"

   "I have a Virgin."

   "Who does she look like? Your mother, or that woman."

  The pope stared at him blankly.

   "You are angry." Joseph said frivolously, "Why? Because I said it?"

   "We are just friends." The pope said in a hoarse voice. It is not easy for a man who has a tracheal cut.

   "Men and women can be friends, just like you and Mother Teresa, but friends who are good enough to a certain extent must have problems..."

   "Enough!" said the Pope impatiently.

"Satan." Joseph said. "When I asked for the name of the devil, they would say a lot of false names. The devil is good at lying. Are you going to deceive yourself? If you do this, the devil will invade your heart. Husband’s wife."

   "Get out!" the pope said impatiently.

   "Be vigilant, Pope, you are now vulnerable. Don't forget how you escaped after being assassinated last time." Joseph said, "I expect you to bring another miracle."

  After that, Joseph bowed to the pope on the bed, like a star on the curtain call, then turned and left.

  From beginning to end, he did not kiss the fisherman's ring like everyone else.

  After the death of the old pope, his fisherman's ring will be broken in front of the cardinals of the cardinal house by the head of the finance bureau of the Holy See. Then after the new pope is elected, there are special rooms and craftsmen in the Vatican Palace to prepare.

  This process will be completed very quickly, about 30 minutes or so, after the new pope completes the dress change, it can be worn before the first public meeting.

  In the history of Christianity, there was once a British pope Adrian IV. The secular king he faced was Frederick the Red Beard. He accidentally swallowed a fly that fell in the water while drinking. The little fly got in the throat and couldn't get out again, so the Pope passed away.

  And the red beard's death method is not necessarily so beautiful. When he crossed the river wearing full armor, he accidentally fell off the horse, and then sank directly to the bottom.

  It is not people who laugh last, only fate.

  How does it feel to stand on the balcony and wave your hands, and all the people standing underneath are looking up and cheering?

    Today at 521, I saw the ritual sense of soft writing

     The sense of ritual that women understand is the kind of sweetness that satisfies their heart

     A man’s sense of ritual is to sacrifice to the sky, add a yellow robe, this huge ambition

     so men don’t care about women’s sense of ritual



  (End of this chapter)

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