Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 43: Sneak attack

  Chapter 43 Sneak Attack

   Regarding the understanding of the wizarding world, Muggles are still at the level of children's books. They seem to think that flying on a broom is a wizard.

What a lovely misunderstanding. From the age of 17, you can learn Phantom Transformation as long as you pass the ordinary wizard rank test. In addition, the Floo network and door keys can be used to travel, and there is no need to ride a broomstick. The wind discovered by Muggles flies slowly in the sky. Muggles are obsessed with wizards, but wizards look down on Muggles. Sometimes this is the case. The more arrogant the more people are infatuated. Conquering is like breaking the wrist. Whoever gives up first loses first. If the opponent is too weak, even if he wins easily. It’s not very interesting, but if it is evenly matched, this game will become very interesting. For some people, war is a game like playing wizard chess. The dead and alive players of chess pieces will not worry at all. What he enjoys is The process of "winning".

   Female praying mantises attract male praying mantises in autumn and let them mate with them, but other insects are almost extinct at that time. Female praying mantises need nutrition to lay eggs, so they call them to eat the male praying mantises.

  This creature is very similar to the female praying mantis, except that they transform into human form and marry people when they need to reproduce offspring. Normally, humans are their prey.

The dementor is to absorb people’s happy memories, while Veeva simply ingests all people’s memories. This is the innocence of the people in the Ministry of Magic, thinking that if everyone does not learn black magic, there will be no black wizard. .

Humans need the ability to protect themselves. Werewolves multiply rapidly by biting people. Sooner or later, they will replace humans as the most humanoid creatures on the planet. If wizards don’t want to “lose,” they must give up their past prejudices. Those who fight are internally constrained. How can a person who doesn't even know who his true enemy is able to win the final victory in the melee.

Yes, ordinary wizards are regarded as scourges. The kiss of a werewolf that avoids fear is essentially the same as dancing, socializing and falling in love. When they think that the goal is almost the same, they get married and have children. The purpose is to multiply, but people will praise love, but will The wolf bite is told to the children as a terrifying and eerie story, making them afraid of the darkness and the monsters hidden in it.

The heart trembling because of fear and the heart trembling because of love sometimes make people confused. The poisonous snake is obviously deadly, but it has beautiful colors and patterns. It is obviously a warning, but it still stares at it. It looks and thinks it is beautiful, that's how people are stupid by themselves.

  The sorting hat once sang at the new birth ceremony: You may think I am not pretty, but don't judge people by appearance. If you can find a hat that is more beautiful than me, I can eat myself.

   Ouroboros is a symbol of alchemy. It is a snake that eats itself. The broken hat that has been worn for a thousand years is a product of alchemy like the basilisk.

The person on the chessboard can’t see where she is, so that cute sweetheart Pomona always cries. Although she is at the chess player’s position, she sees the scenery that the chess pieces can’t see, but it’s boring to play chess alone. What's the point of finding an opponent, a close opponent, or surrendering after only a few moves.

   "Come to mind!"

  She really heard the spell, she placed herself in a dark forest without even thinking about it, and soon she heard the curse.

   "Why Occlumency is better than Harry Potter when you are in a deep coma!"

  Did you **** forget that the caster must look directly into the other person’s eyes when using Pantograph? How can you contemplate a person with closed eyes?

  She thought with disdain, she just wanted to walk out of the darkness and return to the edge of the moon-filled forbidden forest, but found that she couldn't go out anymore.

   Then she tasted a slippery touch on the tip of her tongue. At first she thought it was a potion, and she felt a little sick, and wanted to vomit it out, but later found that it was something else, so she accepted it.

On a sunny day, two girls were playing by the river. One of the red-haired girls spread their palms and looked at the opposite brown girl who was a little older than her with expectant eyes. However, the brown girl The girl was frightened and knocked out the small daisies in her palms.

  "Don't do this, Lily, mom said you don't do this!"

  She is lying, Lily, your mother has never asked you like this.

   "Do it, Pomona." Albus Dumbledore said behind her back, "They will at least be alive if you do this."

   "At least, leave a little memory." She begged Dumbledore, "You can lend her the Pensieve."

  The slippery kiss suddenly ended.

  "You did it?"

  She didn’t want to admit it.

"When the Dark Lord found Lily's parents and wanted to find her hiding place from their memories, the memory of her in their minds was cleansed. He once said that this was the perfect one he had ever seen. Forgetting nothing, he also told us that if he found the operator, don't hurt him. He didn't expect it to be you." The slick man said in confusion, "How can a person like you be made like this by a mouse?" "

  She was not angry at all. Who told her to be careless at the time.

   "Is it because of it?" He touched her belly "It made you weaker?"

  It was the first time he stole something from her mind. She thought about how he did it.

   "I want to get rid of it." He seldom said tactfully, although she knew it would most likely be the same as Neville, she still felt reluctant to let it go.

   "It shouldn't have been born from the beginning, just like Tom Riddle. That was a mistake!"

  Do you also think that women who want to give birth to children even if they are abandoned by men are stupid?

  Pomona was a little disappointed.

"I can't... I entered the house that day, and it was just like the Potter's house back then. I really regret why I didn't kill the mouse." Then he started stroking her stomach again. "It's the Shenfeng you taught me to be invisible, I I’ve been thinking about why you don’t use it to protect yourself. Just now I passed by a delivery room. The doctor said that witches’ birth would have an effect on magic. I don’t think I can love this child forever. When you wake up, we will make a new one. Just forget about it."

His voice is similar to pleading, some people will evoke painful memories of others when they are alive, such as those Death Eaters who have not been imprisoned in Azkaban or executed, and Harry Potter, the one who grows up and Lily Gryffindor with the same eyes but the same face as James.

   "You can't leave me behind, and then go with Lily." He said in the same tone as singing, "I don't want to be left alone."

  Perhaps, it is me who should apologize, and I shouldn’t use the resurrection stone to revive a person who wants to be liberated.

  She went back to the dense forest again. After killing Voldemort, Harry Potter was lost and dropped the resurrection stone in the forbidden forest. She picked it up.

It was a dark stone, and it didn’t look very eye-catching, but she knew that it once belonged to Salazar Slytherin, and then told Dumbledore the secret. The old fool couldn’t stand the temptation and wanted to use it. The counterfeit of the Gunter family resurrected Arianna, but she was cursed and lost her life.

  In Eastern words, this is something that a wise man must have lost. Everyone has their own weaknesses. People who think they are invincible are often more vulnerable.

  "This time it’s not a competition, shall we die before anyone else?"

  Your head is really kicked by a unicorn, how come you come up with such a genius!

  She wanted to sit up and teach him a lesson, but she felt that her feet were empty, and then she screamed and fell heavily on the grass.

  She looked back at the thing that tripped her, and found that it was a "dead".

  Severus Snape, wearing a Slytherin uniform, was lying on the edge of the forbidden forest in the moonlight, with a bruise on his head, and his side face quietly resembling an angel after falling asleep.

    (*^3^) I hope someone can draw a picture of a young Snape sleeping in the forest for the cover as a cover, let’s give a book review, it seems to be on stand-alone



  (End of this chapter)

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