Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 41: Cryptography

  Chapter 41 Code

"who is she?"

   "Pomona Sprout."

   "She... how does she look different."

   "Compound decoction, Neville." A slick voice said, "Didn't Harry Potter drink that thing often?"

  If you can think of a way to improve its taste, I will be very grateful to you!

  The thought of the creamy taste of the potion made her nauseous. She wanted to open her eyes, but she could only feel a burst of white light, and then a personal probe came over to block the light.

   "He's here, don't you want to see him? Open your eyes."

  She felt like water had entered her ears in the shower. She didn't really hear anything, but she still grasped a piece of clothing by feeling.

  It was a sweater. A wizard wouldn't wear this Muggle dress, but she knew who was here, so she relaxed, her mouth was as sweet as sugar.

   "How did she become like this?"

  "Same as your mother." The man said coldly, "You are really brave because of you, two women, Longbottom."

  Don’t hurt him, he hasn’t experienced enough?

  Pomona wanted to punch the man, but she felt extremely painful, like a huge force tearing her body apart, making her wailing.

   "Cut your heart!"

  She heard a man shout, and a green light shot from the wand and hit her. All she saw was evil and madness in the face of that man.

  "Why are you doing this?" Pomona shed tears, and the irrational person seemed to have realized something when she was about to pass out, and threw away his wand.

  "You shouldn't open the door to him." A devilish voice whispered in her ear, "Goodwill will not always be rewarded. Remember the story of the farmer and the snake?"

  In a cold winter, the farmer returning home from the market found a frozen snake on the side of the road. He was very sorry for the snake, so he put it in his arms. When the heat on his body warmed the snake, the snake quickly woke up, revealing its cruel nature, causing fatal injuries to the farmer and biting the farmer. Before he died, the farmer said, "I should have received this kind of retribution for saving a poor poisonous snake!"

   "You deserve it." The voice said "Stupid woman!"

  Is that why you hate your mother?

  Pomona severely slapped the inhumane thing, and then the pain began to sweep through her body again, and she began to scream again.

   "Go away!" She heard the man say in disgust, "Don't be like a block of wood."

  "Why are you alive?" Neville said cryingly, "I attended your funeral."

  "Are you crying, Longbottom." The man looked back at Neville. "Don't stand there, go call the doctor!"

  Why don’t you wash your hair, it is always so greasy.

  She fainted in the severe pain, and when she woke up again, she had left Hogwarts and came to a house that looked dilapidated.

   "That's it." Professor McGonagall walked to the door of the house with his skirt hem, and pointed his wand at the door lock, "Alaho hole opens."

  The door lock is easy to open, not like the legendary house where you can close the magical animal.

  "Are you okay?" Frankon Barton bent down and looked at Pomona with concern. "Your face doesn't look good?"

   "I have... bad feelings." Pomona trembled, her tears falling silently "I'm sorry."

   "You don't need to apologize to me, come and eat a chocolate." Frank took out a candy from his pocket. "You will feel better after eating."

  Pomona wanted to say that she had chocolate in her pocket, and she also used chocolate for breakfast, but she still accepted the chocolate that Frank gave her.

  The entrance is a bit bitter, but it is more sweet. The fruit core is filled with wine. For dinner, she ate some salad. At the moment, there is still a residual taste in her mouth. It feels like a good dinner.

  "Do you like the taste?" Frank asked.

  Pomona nodded.

  "This is brandy. I think it will be better if you add some wine to the dessert. Alice prefers rum. Come and have another one."

   "No need, one is enough."

  "Put it in your pocket and take it out next time you feel sad." Frank insisted on putting it in Pomona's palm. "Although I don't want to see you cry again."

  "Who is Alice?"

"My wife, we got married this year." Frank looked at Pomona up and down, and suddenly said, "Well, maybe you will be a threat in a few years, but it's okay. Next time I have the opportunity to introduce you to me, I I believe she will not be jealous."

   "Why, because I'm not pretty?" She pretended to be angry.

   "No, it's because you are too young, Professor Martin." Frank laughed and said, "Oh, Dumbledore, he has so many spooky ideas."

  Frank seemed to like the old madman Dumbledore very much, and Pomona was a little distracted. She wanted to find a like-minded person to share Dumbledore's gossip.

"I am sorry."

  He saw a man on the ground kneeling and crying and confessing, but his face was low, and she couldn't see what he looked like.

  It’s not your fault, you shouldn’t be the one who should repent.

"Please forgive me."

  Pomona suddenly understood why Avada’s life, the drill curse, and the dementia curse were unforgivable curses.

  One day the surgeon will regret his decision, but unfortunately he has no time to switch back to the past.

  "Do you have anything to say? Why do you look anxious?" Frank was waiting for her to fight back, but she didn't want to talk to him now.

  She has important messages to leave to someone.

   "I heard Dumbledore say that you are a mixed-blood Veeva." Frank said blankly, "Does the full moon affect you too?"

"No... I just, just." She was very anxious, the more anxious she became, the more she stammered, and then she saw the crab claw orchid in the corner of the house, ran to it and knelt beside it like a ghost, and then said to it, "Beware of the time converter !"

   After finishing speaking, she felt much more comfortable, as if something was spit out after eating. Then she stood up and found that Professor McGonagall and Frank both looked at her weirdly.

   "Is that your talent?" Professor McGonagall said, "Talking to plants?"

  Pomona thinks that children with this kind of talent must be weird. Who would chat with potted plants?

  "It's not me." Pomona looked at Franklin Barton. "You are the last direct heir of the Longbottom family. Does your mother know if you join the Auror?"

   "Shhh, this is a secret." Frank put his finger on his lips and made a silent gesture. "Although the entire Ministry of Magic already knows."

   Pomona felt that his weird sense of humor might have been infected by Dumbledore. The entire Ministry of Magic knew how his mother didn’t?

   "Come in." Professor McGonagall said to the two of them, "The others will come soon."

Pomona had a lot to ask, but in the end she silently entered this house isolated in the wilderness. They couldn't apparate in Hogwarts. They came riding on a flying broomstick in the dark. , Although the full moon in the sky is not as round and bright as the full moon, it is still very dazzling. She hopes that no one will find them here.

   "The sound is going on." Frank flicked his hat. "Don't worry, someone is covering us."

  "What does this mean?" Pomona noticed, and Professor McGonagall used the brim of his hat to signal.

   "Let me wear a hat? You are so funny." A man in a black robe with greasy hair held a glass of whiskey in his hand, put it on his mouth but didn't drink it, and smiled sarcastically.

  "Why? Is it because it doesn't conform to the aesthetics of the Dark Lord?" She said in a desperate manner.

  That greasy hair, why can't it be covered with a hat? It is also the Potion Professor. Slughorn wears a hat when he dispenses the medicine, and his hair is not as ugly as his.

   "It doesn't matter to him, this is my style." He drank the wine in the glass with one sip, and then let out a long sigh of relief, "Oh, this is probably the only wonderful thing in the Order of the Phoenix."

"And you are the worst existence among the Death Eaters." She wore a hat and rushed away. What's more shameless is that he and Lucius Malfoy's well-dressed and meticulous hair, full of classical beauty Peacocks come in and out, where does his confidence come from?

  "What did you see him for?" Marlene McKinnon noticed their interaction and frowned and asked her.

   "Unless I'm blind." Pomona gritted her teeth and said, she was just fortunate that someone saw Dumbledore's essence like her, and then could spit out together.

  McKinnon opened his mouth, and said nothing in the end. There were still many dishes to wash in the gathering place.

  (End of this chapter)

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