Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 4: Power of choice

  Chapter 4 The Power of Choice

  Lions, eagles, and badgers are all warm-blooded animals, but snakes are cold-blooded animals, but it is not a symbol of evil that the world understands one-sidedly. The symbol of alchemy is the ouroboros, the double-winged rod represents the **** Hermes in ancient Greek mythology, and represents business, and the single-snake rod is the **** of medicine Asclepius in ancient Greek mythology. Slytherin, representing medical, also has Slytherin graduates in St. Mungo.

  Even though they have a bad attitude and bad temper, there are indeed many people in Slytherin who have excellent grades. Snake molting is considered a process of recovery and rebirth. In some respects, snakes are indeed a very good mascot.

   Pomona has a strong intuition that the bitter boy will most likely be assigned to Slytherin, and the red-haired girl who appears with him will be assigned to Gryffindor. She is a Muggle species. Today is her first day in Diagon Alley. The Muggle parents who accompany her are all about the wizards. They seem to regard Diagon Alley as a tourist attraction. .

Recklessness is an important feature of Gryffindor. The only person in this group who can perform guardianship is the boy's mother, a pale, tired, and vicissitudes-looking witch. Just now, Pomona met Black who wanted to be Gryffindor in Mrs. Morkin’s shop, and now she met a Slytherin who could make friends with Gryffindor, and that "Snape "Madam" is almost dressed like a Muggle. In the time of Greenward, he advocated that wizards were born to rule Muggles, but the witch could not forget her identity as a wizard. She couldn't find other words to describe the people she met today except weird.

   "What are you doing with us?" Severus Snape hissed like a snake, terrorizing two little badgers who didn't know the dangers of the world.

  "Buy a wand!" Pomona said plausibly, "Everyone knows that Ollivander's wand is the best."

  When Pomona saw Lily Evans’s full cart, she knew that the next stop they were going to must be Ollivander. This is not a rule, but people believe that the magic wand they choose when they are in a good mood is most suitable for them, and shopping usually makes people happy. Although Lily Evans’s parents don’t know how to do magic, they do Dressing yourself up as a wizard, with the protection of three adult "wizards", there will be no short-eyed thieves who will attack them.

  "Aren't you buying the textbooks you will use this year, Pomona?" Lily asked her enthusiastically.

If you have a lot of money with you, unless you have extraordinary strength, try to keep a low profile and keep quiet, or else bring a thug who is not easy to mess with at first sight, preferably a half-giant, and walk in the street like this No one dared to make your idea.

Lily Evans is eye-catching like a fire. She wears a Hogwarts school uniform and is covered with innocence and kindness. This kind of person is usually easy to be deceived. Fortunately, she has a good Bodyguard, so she can be unaware of the dangers around her.

She is a lucky girl and she has protection no matter where she is. Pomona feels that she is almost as lucky as her. She also has bodyguards Pete and Mrs. Sprout. The only difference is that she does not have the same integrity as Lily. family.

  "I'm not sure where I will go to school." Pomona answered honestly, "Maybe I don't know how to study in the UK."

   Lily looked stunned, "Are there other schools of magic besides Hogwarts?"

   "Yes, there are many, but there are three most famous in Europe. My father is French. Maybe I will go to Boothbarton eventually."

  "Then you can go to France to buy a magic wand."

  Pomona couldn’t describe Snape’s weird behavior in words. He seemed to hate someone intervening between him and Lily.

   "You just mentioned three schools. Which one is there besides Boothbarton?" Lily asked, unable to hide her curiosity.

"The other is Durmstrang, where only pure-blood students are accepted and black magic is indulged. Grindelwald graduated from there." Pomona did not say anything. Hogg in these three schools Worth’s graduates are the worst. Durmstrang is located in northern Scandinavia, where it’s cold for most of the year, which creates a tough character for the students, while Boothbarton is located in Billy The Niu Si Mountain is the first alchemist who created the Immortal Sage’s Stone with donations from the legendary Nicole Mayor. There are breathtaking castles and lawns. Relatively speaking, Hogwarts has only three founders. And the wizard Dumbledore, who later defeated Grindelwald, is well-known internationally. The decline of talent is the problem of the entire magic interface. Therefore, the appearance of the magical Dark Lord made the entire British aristocracy crazy and believed that This is the rise of the British Isles again.

"Who is Grindelwald?" Lily opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Pomona. Pomona looked back at Snape. Snape frowned. Obviously he didn't tell the dark side of the wizarding world. she was.

  A hybrid and a Mudblood, they will have a harder life than Pomona in a school full of Death Eaters.

  Every Hefpaff must remember to do the right thing, because it is the right thing, and choice is more important than effort.

Pomona felt that Lily Evans had the right to choose. When an ordinary person may be mediocre, he can be happy and even live a long life. Snape did not tell her the potential dangers of the magical world, and let her rush into one for her. Life in an unknown world is extremely irresponsible, even selfish behavior.

  He must have no friends with such a strange temper. If Lily also left, he would have to study at Hogwarts alone, and he would be alone everywhere. But it is extremely unfair for an ordinary girl who does not belong to this world to adapt to an unfamiliar environment and become a wizard. She may even lose her life due to unintentional small mistakes, especially now that there are Death Eaters everywhere in the castle.

  "He is a dark wizard." Pomona said, "He has ruled the wizarding world for 20 years and is active all over the world. He hates Muggles and thinks that all Muggles should be eliminated."

  Lily was obviously stunned by what she heard.

   "Why does he think so? I mean, why?"

   "Because he thinks that if magic is seen again, wizards will inevitably be persecuted by Muggles, so we must live in darkness. Do you remember the medieval witch hunt? You and I are the kind of witches to be hunted by the church."

  Lily covered her mouth in surprise.

   "Enough!" Snape roared, shielding Lily behind him.

Pomona turned her attention to Lily’s parents. "I think you need to know this. The wizarding world is very new, but Lily is not here to play. She will study, live and even get married and have children here in the future. She will meet with you in the future. Less and less, and the help you can provide her is limited. There have been many years of grievances between Muggles and wizards. It can’t be resolved by enthusiasm and kindness alone. No girly wizard is **** by ordinary people like you. At the torture frame, many of them are innocent people who have not used black magic to harm people. Do you have any other children besides Lily?"

   "There is one." Lily's mother said after a long time, "She is Lily's sister."

   "Then why didn't she come today?"

  Mrs. Evans was silent.

  "Parents always leave before their children. The last remaining family members of her are her own sisters. If she doesn't even support Lily, who can help her."

  At this time, she could already see the sign of Ollivander’s wand shop, so she waved at the strange group of people, and took Pete’s arm to the tattered little shop.

  "Do you know? Every college has its own ghost." Pete said with a smile, "Guess who the ghost of Hefpaff is?"

   "Fat monk." Pomona said irritably, "Mrs. Sprout said he was the only one who saw the potential advantages of Pepi Ghost. What are the advantages of that pesky?"

   "Oh, I'm afraid you have to ask him after you enter Hogwarts." Pete patted Pomona's head. "I look forward to your arrival, school girl."

  (End of this chapter)

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