Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 263: Partition

   Chapter 263 Partition

  The greatest glory of a person is not that he has never failed, but that he can make a comeback every time he fails.

  The Malfoy family has been in depression several times in history. Draco doesn't have to inherit the family business. Lucius is still very young anyway. If Pomona really can't have a child, then she will raise Skopi as her own son.

  The Malfoy family will become the "royal family", inheriting from the legacy of the old bat, anyway, he said that it was not her child that he would not want it.

Letting Muggle breeds who are accustomed to democracy and freedom understand the concept of "king" is as difficult as letting pure blood understand why house elves want to be liberated. Oh, hell, house elves are meant to be enslaved, why should they be given to them? free? If Hermione Granger is still committed to the liberation of the elf like the whole "vomiting" in the school, then her official career will be as difficult as Arthur Weasley, and the ability to judge the situation and the situation is the same.

"Do you think Draco will fall out with his family for Astonia, and run away like Sirius?" Pomona used a transformation technique to turn the fruit into puffy, that kind of fluffy animal looks at He didn't match up with a wizard in black at all, but he let them run wild on his body, looking good-tempered.

   "He won't." Severus said without hesitation. "He will always be a Malfoy. If Malfoy wants it, he will get it."

  Pomona tilted her head, digesting the meaning of this sentence.

   "As long as he wants to marry Astonia, then he will do everything he can, and the compromise must be his parents."

  "This is the same as a wayward kid who wants to buy a toy and uses the same tricks in the end, right?"

   "That's right." He lit a cigarette and took a sip very comfortably. "You finally got the hang of it."

  Pomona commanded Purongrong to attack him, and they hit him like a giant monster, but he was indifferent.

  "You have only been with Minerva for two years. Are you qualified for the course in Transfiguration?"

   "Transfiguration has many branches. It's a department. I'm just a little teacher." She leaned on his arm lazily and comfortably and said, "Who would have thought that the'king' would care about a small person like me?"

   "The last ‘king’ cared about a big man. Let’s see what good things they did, how many people in the world died because of their two families."

  "I hope they are ordinary comrades." Pomona said tiredly. "Just like us before, find an unknown place to live in seclusion. No one will disturb them."

  "They don't want to waste their talents because they are men." He touched the scar on his neck. "They want to leave a trace of their own existence in the world."

   "Leave a name in the history books." She said blankly, "and the greed for the Deathly Hallows."

"Dumbledore has never taught the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord has nowhere to go during summer vacation. He never cares. But you helped me contact Slughorn. I actually think of going to your house even more. Every time I see you through the double-sided mirror. I want to lie on the curtains of the bed, I keep wondering where is your home?"

  "Don't you like the Forbidden Forest?" she asked in surprise, because she liked taking them into the Forbidden Forest.

  The forest is home to her. Although most human women are more used to the bustling life in the city, sometimes she will meet Ollivander, who collects magic wand materials everywhere.

Not all trees can be used as magic wand wood. It must be a tree with a tree guarding pot to inhabit. Although the tree guarding pot has a mild temperament, it will be very aggressive if something threatens the safety of the tree and itself. The wizard You need to give them some terrapins or fairy eggs to get permission. Take the wood. If you want to defeat them, you need to use the confusion spell. This spell is really convenient and easy to use. It can be offensive and defensive.

   "I don't like forests, but traveling with you is acceptable."

   "I want to find a guardian tree to plant in Malfoy's house. The land where the werewolves lived is defiled." She said with disgust, "Why did you build the greenhouse in that place."

   "I thought you could clean up that place." He kissed the back of her hand. "It seems I was wrong."

Werewolves want to save Fenrir Greyback because he can lead them to a better life. Ordinary werewolves get food by stealing and killing. Werewolves follow Death Eaters, at least they can pick up Death Eaters like scavengers. The corpses left behind to eat, it is really much better than before.

  The same downright pureblood can live a decent life with the Dark Lord, and only needs to obey Voldemort's orders. He has many followers, many of which were bought by Severus.

The same trick Severus now applies to the Death Eater family. As long as the Dark Lord does not come back, they are grateful for helping their Malfoy family at a critical moment. If it is to avenge the winners who suppressed them, they will be happy to join the battle. of.

  The sorcerer is a soldier of all the people, Scotland advocates the spirit of martial arts, and it is not a soldier who wears a military uniform.

  Practical combat is the best teacher. The da created by Harry Potter is an example. Severus is top in duels, but his performance on the battlefield is not as good as Moody's.

   "It's a pity that Moody is dead. He can be a good coach and train an excellent Auror."

   "The old fool wanted to make up for the debt he owed to the Dark Lord before, and he was particularly lenient with later students." The old Slytherin bat shook his head with disgust, "I hate those little monsters."

The result of the loose management of the school is that Hogwarts has not trained an Auror reserve for three consecutive years. The reason why Nifadora Tonks became an Auror is because she is a natural disguise Magnus. Not cautious enough, and as open and tolerant as in school, you can be friends with anyone.

  Lupin is really a good person. If he weren't for the werewolf, Pomona would bless him and Tonks physically and mentally, but he would be a werewolf.

  "Too much freedom will cause chaos. Humans and beasts are different. They need order and law. You can’t do whatever you want."

  "Why do you still fight against me if you agree with my point of view?" he said angrily.

   "Use the drill spell on the confined students? Are you kidding me?"

   "Yes, that's how Dolohov trained when I was a Death Eater." He answered very seriously.

   "Merlin's beard, you are crazy!" Pomona shouted.

   "I grew the fastest when I was a Death Eater. Neither you nor the White Wizard can do that."

   "I won't torture students with the unforgivable curse!" She turned the puff pastel into a bird, and turned him around his head like a snowman.

   "Well, that's my fault." He said perfunctorily, putting his cigarette **** in the ashtray, and then came over to make out with her again.

  His mouth was full of smoke, not her favorite chocolate ball filled with the sweetness of strawberry cream, but it reminded her of the phoenix in the principal’s office.

  It likes to lie on its stomach in the ashes, sometimes spreading its wings, flying out of the principal’s office, and patrolling along the path from Hogwarts through the Forbidden Forest to Hogsmeade.

It is a very reliable bodyguard. It is responsible for protecting the safety of teachers and students when Dumbledore is away. The forest trail runs from the school grounds through the entire forbidden forest to Hogsmeade Station. This journey is a bit far away. The eight-eyed spider that came out to hunt was bad.

The children are asked to go to Hogsmeade on a specific Saturday for safety reasons. Children under the third grade have no ability to protect themselves. It is dangerous to sneak out and play. When she returned to school yesterday, she saw that there was no traffic on the road. To this end, they had to travel a long way and a long circle before reaching the main entrance of the school.

In the school, there are teachers who catch kisses between men and women, but Mrs. Padif teahouse doesn’t care about this. Although everything inside is decorated with tacky lace, even the small round tables, it is a good place for couples to date. In a small foggy corner, the two said that they listened to interesting words, and others listened to meaningless love words. She always wanted someone to do this, but this person was never a potion professor because he was too dark. It's impossible to have anything to do with pink.

  He is a smart and logical person, how can he not use his brain to do stupid things?

What a person thinks in his heart is different from what he looks like. Who would have thought that he was actually a gentle person like a deer, but he also seemed to yearn for flying and freedom. If his patron saint could be replaced by some kind of flying bird, He can protect everyone like the phoenix patron saint of Principal Dumbledore.

   There was a "puff", and the birds that circled them all disappeared, just like the little fish that disappeared in the bowl, but Pomona was alive, and just now the magic power dissipated.

   "How about the game, Severus, using the forest path as the dividing line, it depends on whether Slytherin caught more eight-eyed spiders or DA caught more."

   "What is the prize?" He seemed to be still immersed in a pink dream, and said in a daze.

  "Tickets for the top box of the Quidditch World Cup final next year."

  He became sober all at once.

   "Can I participate?"

   "No, no." Pomona smiled and shook her head. "You still have to deal with the werewolf problem."

   "Damn it." He stood up with all his willpower.

   "What did you tell Lucius just now?"

  He looked back at Pomona with a puzzling expression, but his eyes were very shiny, and his brain was clearly spinning.

   "I don't know." He said coldly, "What can I say to a peacock."

  After speaking, he left and went to the study, leaving even greater chaos for Pomona.

"Damn snake." She stood up angrily and walked towards the fireplace. She didn't intend to stay in this snake den. She had a strong instinct. She was calculated by Slytherin, and it would be better for Malfoy Manor to come less in the future. .

  (End of this chapter)

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