Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 20: Poor Hogwarts

  Chapter 20 The Poor Hogwarts

  Dumbledore is not there. He is still eating in the school lobby in the morning, but he ran away in the afternoon and didn’t know where he was.

  Now Pomona is trying to find a way to get the approval note for reading in the restricted area. Her own dean is not there. Who else can she find besides Professor McGonagall?

  She didn’t know what intrigue the adults were playing, she only knew that it was irresponsible to involve an ignorant child in it, and it happened that the ignorant child was herself, so this anger was even more unforgettable.

  For God’s sake, today is her first day of school!

It is notorious for her to regain silence under the full view of the beater Liu. The sight from the corridor makes her uncomfortable. She is a low-key Hefpaff, not Slytherin and Gryffindor. As if the feeling of floating in the clouds made her very restless, she wanted to go home, just like those Muggle newborns crying in the hallway.

   "Love is like lightning, it is so unexpected..."

  Professor McGonagall’s office also has a radio, and the song is playing inside, and Pomona has an inexplicable urge to jump off the Gryffindor Tower on a broomstick.

  Hahaha, that's so fun, the thoughts in the mind of a crazy Hefpaff girl are so crazy.

   "buckle buckle."

  "Please come in." After the knock on the door, Professor McGonagall's voice came from inside. Pomona opened the door. Professor McGonagall was sitting behind the desk writing and drawing, and the radio that was singing was also turned off.

   "Professor, I have a question for you." Pomona said as she closed the door.

   "Of course, just ask if you have any questions." McGonagall put down the quill and looked at her expectantly.

   "Can I transfer?" Pomona said seriously, "I think I have the right to drop out, right?"

   "Many freshmen are as maladapted as you are, Miss Martin, but as long as you try to blend in, you will find that school life is very interesting."

  Pomona sat slumped in the chair opposite to Professor McGonagall. Her life has undergone drastic changes since she got the first wand. She felt that she was about to lose control like the beating willow.

   "What is bothering you, Miss Martin?" Professor McGonagall asked in a low voice.

   "I think something must be wrong with me." Pomona stared at Professor McGonagall and said.

"Why do you say that?"

   "Sometimes I can see some illusions." To be precise, it is not "seeing", but appears in the depths of my mind, a dark shadow in a thick fog "and I have always had a bad premonition."

   "I think, this is normal." Professor McGonagall got up and poured Pomona a glass of water. "Little wizards of your age have very unstable magic powers. That's why you must learn to use magic."

  Pomona felt that Professor McGonagall’s answer could not solve her problem, and she still felt distraught.

"However, your condition may also be related to your pedigree." After placing the water glass in front of Pomona, Professor McGonagall sat across from her and said, "Veeva sometimes predicts like the Centaur, Hagrid. When he first entered school, he was also emotionally unstable for a while, and then he went to the forbidden forest once."

   "Are you encouraging me to go to the Forbidden Forest?" Pomona opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Didn't you and the principal say that students are forbidden to go to the Forbidden Forest?"

   "Student, of course." Professor McGonagall laughed weirdly. "But your situation is different from them. Have you ever thought of staying in school as a teacher, Pomona?"

  Pomona felt like she was struck by thunder again.

"Mixed-blood giants, half-blood goblins, I believe you know who I’m talking about, our herbal medicine is indeed short of a qualified professor, and you have also talked to Professor Slughorn before. The potions class requires a lot of medicinal materials. Many of them are cherished and expensive. Our budget is limited. If our greenhouse can be used, there will be a lot of money left. You should notice, plus the housekeeper and the forest manager of Hager. There are 24 faculty members in total. In addition to teaching 1,034 students, we also have to manage thousands of acres of industry and the castle that has been built for more than a thousand years. There were four college builders. When the school was located here, many agreements were signed with other races. To put it simply, our school needs talents like you."

  Pomona was dumbfounded and said, "But I'm only eleven years old this year..."

"Yes, you have seven years to consider whether to stay or not. Herbology is a compulsory course for the ordinary wizard rank exam. We hope that the students' scores can be improved on the existing basis. Now the professors are you. Your teacher will be your colleague in the future. If you have any questions in the future, you can speak directly as before. Hogwarts is not only the home of the students, but also the home of the staff..."

   "Do you owe people money now?" Pomona interrupted Professor McGonagall.

  "We do have a little disagreement on the sponsorship." Professor McGonagall still maintained a perfect smile, "but not to the point of debt."

   "Can I ask why?"

   "Can you keep a secret?"

  Pomona thought about it, and Zheng nodded her head.

"You know we have an old school friend. He was originally called Tom Riddle. Now people call him the Dark Lord. He once asked Dumbledore for the position of professor of dark arts and art, but Dumbledore did not agree. Now he is in the wizard The nobles are very influential, and the Minister of Magic has recently been suspicious of Dumbledore, so we..."

   "I see." Pomona interrupted Professor McGonagall. "Then can we reduce food expenses?"

   "I'm afraid not." Professor McGonagall took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You never know how much adolescent boys can eat."

  Pomona’s mind flashed again in Snape, who had just met in the Slytherin cellar. It was clear that Ciris Black was much handsomer than him, but he was not as profound as Snape’s image of her.

  Should an adolescent boy be like him?

   "I'll think about it." Pomona stood up. "By the way, Professor McGonagall, I need to check some information in the restricted book area. Can you give me an approval slip?"

  "How do you know that the content you want to check is in the restricted area?"

   "Trust me, there is absolutely no relevant knowledge in the seventh grade herbal medicine textbook."

  "But you are still a freshman, I can't give you a special case."

  Pomona couldn’t help but sink her face, “If you can transplant the beating willow in less anxiously, there won’t be so many things, and I don’t want to sacrifice my rest time to deal with a problem that a student shouldn’t handle.”

   "Don't be angry with Pomona, this is Hogwarts. Books are not only available in the library."

  Professor McGonagall smiled and said, "You can ask Nick, who is almost headless. He usually floats near the tapestry where the giant stick and silly Barnabas are on the eighth floor of the castle. Maybe you will find something unexpected."

has a problem.

  Pomona instinctively told her that Professor McGonagall had something to say, but she was only Dumbledore’s assistant, and the real problem was the amiable-looking Mr. Principal.

   "Any other questions? Miss Martin?"

   "No more."

   "Good luck, then." Professor McGonagall said, and then she lowered her head and began to write, not paying attention to her anymore.

  (End of this chapter)

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