Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 228: Hagrid's return

"Then he will see through my thoughts?" Harry thought and said

"Not only to see through, but also to control it. In the past, the Dark Lord always liked to invade the victim's mind, create hallucinations and torture them crazy, until they were tortured in all kinds of ways, and when they prayed for death, he would kill them. Snape watched Harry tell Harry Voldemort's habits little by little.

"The correct use of Occlumency can protect you from foreign invasion and influence. During this period, I will try to invade your mind. You must resist." Snape looked at Harry and said seriously, "Get ready."

After speaking, Snape began to invade Harry's memory. Harry continued to resist this invasion in pain, but he didn't get good results.

His memory was constantly being checked by Snape, which made Harry extremely angry and painful.

After repeated attempts, Harry still couldn't resist Snape's dementia.

Snape kept stimulating Harry with words after seeing this scene. "You are a cowardly and shameless coward like your father."

When Harry heard Snape's abuse of his father, his brain filled with anger. "He is not!"

After a roar, Harry got rid of Snape’s influence and used a spell to shoot down Snape’s wand

With the advent of Christmas, the school has become deserted, and even more deserted than before. Perhaps because of Umbridge, the students who were willing to stay in school in the past have gone back to spend the Christmas holiday this time.

Even Harry and Ron, who had been spending Christmas at school before, left the school this time and came to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix to spend it, because at this time Ron’s parents are here, and there are Blake and others. Member of the Order of the Phoenix.

And this time Charlie took Lisa and Irene back to his uncle Bud's house to spend this Christmas holiday.

Weasley, who was covered in gauze, sat on the long table and watched the little guys in front of him sing Christmas songs happily. A song ended and everyone applauded.

"Merry Christmas! Welcome back your father." Molly said, standing behind Weasley, looking at the child.

Then Molly took out the Christmas presents for everyone, and then distributed them.

At this time Harry and Blake walked down, and Molly immediately greeted Harry warmly after seeing Harry and gave him a warm hug, and then gave Harry the gift prepared for him.

Harry happily accepted the gift, and then took it apart. It was a red scarf. Although the value of the gift was very low, Harry liked it very much and put the scarf around his neck.

And Arthur Weasley, who was sitting at the other end of the long table, raised his glass and said, "To Mr. Harry Potter, I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him."

Speaking, all the people present raised their wine glasses with drinks or beverages in their hands.

"To Harry!"

After dinner, Harry went down the stairs when he heard a hoarse voice. "Little boy, stay here cheeky.

Harry Potter is you who stopped the Dark Lord, the friend of the Mudblood, the betrayer of blood.

If my mistress knew"

Suddenly an angry voice interrupted it.

"Kreacher! Enough nagging, go away!"

The house elf Kreacher said flatly after hearing his master's roar. "Yes, my master, Kreacher is loyal to the Black family to the death."

Speaking of Kreacher, he walked out of this room with a full family tree. Blake walked in and looked at Harry and said apologetically, "Sorry, he has been unflattering, and he was like that when I was little. At least I don't like it."

Harry listened to Black's explanation, then looked at the family tree of the Black family painted on the wall and asked. "You grew up here?"

"This is my parents' house. I gave it to Dumbledore as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. This is the only thing I can do." Blake reached out and touched the wall and said nostalgic. "This is the Blake family tree. ."

Speaking, Blake pointed to a portrait on the wall and said, "This is my crazy cousin. I hate many of them. My parents are paranoid about pure blood."

"My mother erased my profile picture after I ran away." Black said, pointing to the black mark on the family tree, "Interesting woman, I was sixteen years old."

Harry asked curiously, "Where have you been?"

"Your father's house." Black looked at Harry and said, "The Potters have always been warmly entertaining me. I see a lot of his shadow in you, Harry, you two are so alike."

Faced with Black's remarks, Harry said uneasyly. "I don’t think so, Sirius. In my dream, when I saw Mr. Weasley being attacked, I didn’t just look at it. I was the snake. Later in Dumbledore’s office, for a moment, I'm thinking."

Harry got a little excited when he said that, after taking a deep breath, Harry continued, "Is this feeling between Voldemort and me? Is it because I am more and more like him? I always feel very irritable. If after experiencing those things What if there is a sudden change outside the door? What if I become a bad person?"

Blake quietly listened to Harry's narration of the doubts in his heart, and then stepped forward and said to Harry, "Harry, I want you to remember what I said, you are not a bad person, you will always be a good person, just met Some bad things, do you understand?"

Harry nodded after listening~www.NovelMTL.com~ After seeing Harry’s appearance, Blake continued, “In addition, the boundaries between the good and the bad in this world are not so clear. Each of us has light and In terms of darkness, the important thing is which kind of person we choose to be. This is who we are."

After that, Blake gave Harry a hug. "When all this is over, we will truly have a home."

The short Christmas holiday was quickly over. Hogwarts students soon returned to school again, and the originally deserted school began to be energetic because of these enthusiastic students.

"Harry, Hagrid is back." Harry walking in the crowd suddenly heard Hermione's voice coming from behind him.

Harry turned to look at Hermione and said, "Then let's go and see him."

After speaking, Harry and Hermione ran towards Hagrid's cabin.

It didn't take long for the anxious three of Harry to come to the front of Hagrid's hut. When they wanted to knock on the door of Hagrid's hut, there was a voice that disgusted them. 11

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