Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 195: Dress

   After Charlie saw the other person's attitude, he knew that he could not even lean into the other person unless it died or the other person lost consciousness.

   If using a spell to make the other party unconscious will increase the difficulty of treatment, so these people did not consider using the spell to make the other party unconscious.

   Hagrid looked at Charlie and asked, "Charlie, do you have a way to eliminate the energy from her?"

   "Let me think about it." Charlie did not speak after saying a word.

   Hagrid didn't bother him after seeing Charlie thinking, but waited.

   "Yiyi, what's the matter with the strange energy in her?"

  "Young master, these energies are produced by the fusion of the magic power of the young master and a little divine power. These powers contain divine power, so their quality is extremely high, and because they are the death divine power, they will always destroy the vitality of the opponent.

  It is difficult to eliminate it by ordinary methods, but since these forces are discharged from the young master, the young master should be able to recycle it with the magic wand. "

   "Is there any other way?" Charlie asked again because he couldn't get close to each other

  "There are two kinds, one is to wait for the energy to dissipate on its own, but with the current state of the opponent, it should not be able to support that time.

   The second is to counteract these forces with the power containing vitality. "

   After Charlie heard that, there was still no good solution. Then Yiyi said again, "In fact, there is an easier solution."

   "What is it?" Charlie asked quickly

   "Only extract the divine power from those powers, and the remaining power will quickly dissipate without the support of divine power."

   "How to draw?"

   "Young Master, just leave a little pure supernatural power in your wand and place it near the opponent."

   "Alright." Charlie soon discovered that a tiny black energy had penetrated into his wand like the core of a wand.

   Charlie felt his wand, and found that it seemed to be more powerful.

   After feeling it, Charlie said to Lisa

   "Lisa, control my wand to float to that dragon."

   Although Lisa was a little confused, she did what Charlie said.

In this way, Charlie's wand floated crookedly to the Norwegian Ridgeback in the eyes of the three of them. After finishing this, Charlie watched quietly, a trace of black power drifted from the other's wound to the wand, and then Fusion with the wand.

   "Charlie, this way, can it eliminate those powers?" Hagrid asked with some confusion.

   In his vision, Charlie's wand just stayed quietly on the dragon's head, there was no movement at all.

   "Well, this is just the first step." Charlie said lightly

  After a few minutes passed, Charlie no longer saw the tiny black energy wafting from the opponent's wound, and knew that the divine power contained in those energy had been absorbed.

   Suddenly the wand flew up, then shot towards Charlie, and finally landed on Charlie's hand without error.

   Hagrid asked in surprise

   "Charlie, what's the matter? Why did the wand fly into your hand by itself?"

  Charlie is also wondering.

   "Flying curse." But in response to Hagrid's question, Charlie stretched out his other hand like magic, holding another emerald wand in his hand.

   "Oh, so you have two magic wands." Hagrid nodded and said, suddenly he seemed to think of something again. "Why didn't you just send the wand over by yourself?"

   And Charlie was asking Yiyi why his wand flew into his hand.

   "Young Master, this is because the magic wand and the divine power have begun to initially merge, and some connections with the divine power master have been born. Within a certain range, the young master can control the wand without a spell."

   "By the way, Young Master, the other magic wand you hold in your hand has strong vitality. If you hand it to Miss Lisa to use it, you can now understand the power left in the opponent."

   After receiving Yiyi's reminder, Charlie looked at the emerald green wand in his hand. This was the wand Aremia left to herself before she left. He didn't expect it to have huge vitality.

   Charlie handed the magic wand to Lisa and said, "Lisa, you use this magic wand and instill your magic power. Release it to her to remove the remaining power from her."

   Lisa took it and looked at it curiously


   "Well." Charlie nodded

   Lisa tried to input her magic power, the magic wand in her hand started to shine instantly, and finally became like turquoise jade, and then a sprout was drawn on each side of the wand.

   Green rays of light began to be released to the surroundings. The place where the rays of light irradiated, began to be full of vitality, grass sprouted, and flowers bloomed.

   After these rays of light spread to the Norwegian Ridgeback, Hagrid saw puffs of black smoke drifting out and then dissipating in the air.

   Hagrid even discovered that even the wounds on the opponent's body that had not healed began to heal.

   The light suddenly disappeared, and the wand in Lisa's hand returned to its original state, as if nothing happened just now.

   This is caused by Lisa's loss of magic power.

   Charlie quickly held Lisa

   "Are you okay?"

   "It's okay, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a little dizzy, just take a rest." Lisa said weakly

   Hagrid originally had his sight on the Norwegian Ridgeback. After the light disappeared, he subconsciously turned around and found Lisa, so he asked concerned, "Is Lisa okay?"

   "It should be okay. We have removed the power from her, and handed the rest to you. I will take Lisa back." After saying that, Charlie helped Lisa to walk back step by step.

   The two returned to Charlie's dormitory, and Charlie asked Lisa to lie down on the bed to rest for a while.

   Suddenly found that two owls, Xiaoxue Xiaojiu, were quietly staying here in her room, each with a box under their feet, which was a package for express delivery.

   There is a letter at the top.

   After Charlie saw it, he knew that this should be his uncle's reply. Lisa, who was resting on the bed, also saw these things.

   "Brother, is this your uncle's reply?"

   "Well, yes." Charlie took the letter in his hand and nodded.

   "Then you can read it to me." Lisa said weakly

   "Okay." Charlie opened the envelope and read

   "Lisa, we are glad to see your reply.

  Your brother is fine and fine. I hope he can always be safe and safe.

   By the way, according to the past practice, after the Triwizard Tournament begins, a ball will be held in the school. Therefore, your aunt and I specially selected a dress for each of you. I hope you will like it. "Want to chat with more like-minded people, follow "hot web or rdww444" on WeChat and chat with more book friends about your favorite books

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