Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch9- Honest Work

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The following days saw Harry preparing for the big day. He practiced his culinary skills, perfected his cleaning technique, and even researched massage therapy. As the day approached, he felt a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.

Finally, the day arrived. Harry executed each part of his plan with precision. The breakfast was a culinary delight, the house gleamed from top to bottom, and the bath was an aromatic oasis. Aunt Petunia seemed pleasantly surprised by the efforts, her mood noticeably lighter.

As they sat in the living room that evening, Aunt Petunia relaxed and content after watching her favorite show, Harry found his moment. "Aunt Petunia, I've been thinking. The local library is quite limited in advanced books. A trip to London could provide me with the resources I need to further improve things around here. What do you think?"

Petunia, knitting her brows, looked at him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "London? That's a bit far, isn't it? And why can't you just find what you need here?"

Harry, feeling the weight of her scrutiny, took a deep breath. "The library here is great for general knowledge, but I've gone through most of what they have on advanced home care and cooking. London's libraries have a wider selection. It could really help me learn more and do better here."

Nigel, sensing Harry's tension, whispered a nugget of advice, "Mention a specific book or subject you're interested in, something that sounds practical and necessary."

Taking the cue, Harry added, "For example, there's this book on advanced household management techniques I've heard about. It's not available here. It could really help me keep the house even more organized and efficient."

Petunia seemed to consider this, her expression softening slightly. "And how will you get there? You don't have any money for such a trip."

Harry, ready for this question, replied, "I thought I could do some extra chores or find a way to earn the fare. It's an investment in the house, after all."

Nigel, in Harry's mind, chuckled. "An investment in the house, indeed. Nicely put, Master Harry."

Petunia sighed, seemingly mulling over his words. "Well, if you can find a way to pay for it yourself, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. But you'll need to be back by evening. No dilly-dallying."

Feeling a wave of relief, Harry thanked her and quickly retreated to his room, his heart racing with excitement. Nigel's voice followed him, tinged with humor and a hint of pride. "Well done, Master Harry. You've navigated that negotiation like a seasoned diplomat. Now, the real challenge begins - getting to Diagon Alley without arousing suspicion."

The morning after securing Aunt Petunia's reluctant approval for his London trip, Harry Potter found himself facing a new challenge: earning the money for his journey. With his chores efficiently completed, he sat in his modest room, mulling over possible ways to gather funds.

"Any bright ideas on how to fill my empty pockets, Nigel?" Harry asked, half-expecting a quip from his AI companion.

Nigel's voice resonated in his mind with a touch of playful sarcasm. "Well, Master Harry, unless you've discovered a talent for conjuring gold—which, mind you, would be highly illegal and unethical—we'll have to resort to more mundane means."

Harry rolled his eyes, smiling despite himself. "I was thinking more along the lines of odd jobs, Nigel. Nothing magical, unfortunately."

"A sound, albeit disappointingly non-magical plan," Nigel retorted. "Perhaps you could offer to tidy up the neighbors' gardens or wash their cars. Muggles do love a clean vehicle."

Harry considered the suggestion. "That might work. The Fletchers down the street always have a car or two in need of a wash."

With a plan forming, Harry stepped outside, heading towards the Fletcher household. As he walked, Nigel offered a stream of advice and humorous observations, keeping Harry's spirits high despite the daunting task ahead.

"Remember, Master Harry, a sparkling car might just reflect well on your wallet," Nigel quipped, causing Harry to chuckle.

The Fletchers, a kindly middle-aged couple, were more than happy to take Harry up on his offer, and soon he was armed with a bucket, soap, and a sponge, diligently working on their dusty sedan.

As he scrubbed and rinsed, Nigel's voice provided a steady stream of commentary. "You know, Master Harry, in some cultures, washing a car is considered a meditative practice. You're not just earning money; you're cleansing your soul."

Harry couldn't help but laugh, splashing water in the process. "I'll keep that in mind, Nigel."

Harry paused in his car-washing task, a thought striking him. He entered the library within his mind, a feature of the Technology System (TS) that he still marveled at. He searched for any information on car washing techniques or tips to make vehicles shine. The Scan function of the TS was impressive, allowing him to store vast amounts of information, but it didn’t automatically impart the knowledge to him. He needed to actively read and learn from the scanned material. The TS did offer a function to integrate knowledge directly, but it cost System Points, a currency he was keen to save for more crucial uses.

"Well, Master Harry, are we turning into a car wash encyclopedia now?" Nigel quipped, his tone laced with amusement. "Remember, the key to a good car wash lies not just in the soap and water, but in the elbow grease you apply."

Harry chuckled, sifting through the digital pages in his mind. He found a section on car detailing and quickly skimmed the information. Armed with new knowledge, he set to work with renewed vigor, applying the techniques he had just learned.

As Harry worked, Nigel’s commentary continued, each remark sprinkled with his unique wit. "You know, Master Harry, in some ways, this is quite like potion brewing, just with less risk of explosion or turning someone into a toad."

The Fletchers were impressed with Harry's meticulous work, and by the time he was done, the car gleamed in the sunlight. They paid him generously for his efforts, leaving Harry with a sense of accomplishment and a step closer to his goal.

Flushed with success, Harry moved on to other neighbors, offering his services. Each car wash added to his small fund, bringing him closer to his trip to Diagon Alley.

That evening, as he counted his earnings, Nigel offered a word of caution. "Master Harry, while your entrepreneurial spirit is commendable, remember to pace yourself. We wouldn't want to exhaust you before your big adventure."

Harry nodded, feeling the day's labor in his muscles. "You're right, Nigel. I need to be in top form for Diagon Alley."

The following days were a blur of activity. Harry balanced his chores at the Dursleys' with his car-washing enterprise, each day ending with him a little more tired but significantly richer.

As the day of his trip to London drew near, Harry prepared meticulously. He rehearsed the story he would tell Aunt Petunia and planned his route to Diagon Alley.

"Master Harry, remember, the best lies contain a grain of truth. Stick close to your story, and avoid unnecessary embellishments," Nigel advised, his voice a mixture of seriousness and mirth.

On the morning of his journey, Harry woke up early, a bundle of nerves and excitement. He dressed carefully, choosing clothes that were neat but inconspicuous. After a quick breakfast, he approached Aunt Petunia.

"Aunt Petunia, I'm heading to London now. I should be back by evening," he said, his voice steady despite the fluttering in his stomach.

Petunia, busy with her own tasks, barely glanced at him. "Be back before dark, and don't get into any trouble," she replied absently.

Harry nodded, feeling a surge of relief. "Thank you, Aunt Petunia. I'll be careful."

As he stepped out of the Dursley home, a sense of freedom washed over him. He was about to embark on his first solo adventure into the magical world, a prospect that both thrilled and daunted him.

"Off we go, Master Harry, into the great unknown. Or rather, the partially known, since we've done our homework," Nigel said, his voice brimming with excitement.

Eager and slightly apprehensive, Harry Potter boarded the bus to London, his mind buzzing with the prospect of finally visiting Diagon Alley. He settled into a seat near the back, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery, a physical manifestation of his journey from the ordinary world into one brimming with magic.

"Master Harry, remember to blend in. Act like a typical boy on an outing, not like someone embarking on a magical quest," Nigel advised, his tone a mix of seriousness and playfulness.

Harry nodded subtly, knowing well the importance of maintaining a low profile. As the bus trundled through the streets, he went over the plan in his mind. Once in London, he would make his way to the Leaky Cauldron, the gateway to Diagon Alley. He had learned about its location from Nigel, in exchange for a few precious TS Points.

Upon reaching London, Harry disembarked and navigated the bustling streets with a blend of excitement and nervousness. The Leaky Cauldron, hidden in plain sight from the non-magical world, was a place Harry had only imagined until now.


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