Chapter 185: Chapter 185
The next morning's Daily Prophet carried as its lead story, 'Lord Potter Thumbs Nose at Traditions'. And went on to say how an 'unidentified informant' inside Hogwarts reported that the new Lord Potter stated he would not be attending the traditional Yule Ball held for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. A tradition that dated back over five hundred years.
After reading it, he passed it on to Hermione to read and said, "So, Dumbledore's made his next play."
"Besides the obvious, what makes you think it's Dumbledore?" asked Wendell.
"I haven't sent my letter to Headmistress Lady Marchbanks, yet; where I'll be telling her I'm not attending," he replied. "Therefore, the only one besides us and Sirius who know, is him. And he's the only one at Hogwarts."
Wendell asked, "What about the aurors?"
"They wouldn't tell," said Hermione. "They know that, if they let slip something like that, Harry'll get you to throw them out.
"Which means, they'll be stuck to guarding him outside... in the cold... in the wet and snow... outside the property boundary."
She shook her head and added, "No, they won't risk that happening. The comfort they get for being indoors is too good a perk to pass up."
"Dobby," Harry suddenly called.
When the little elf popped in he asked, "Yes, Master Harry?"
"Can you get me my communication mirror, please?"
"Right away, Master Harry." And he was gone again.
A moment later the mirror appeared on the table in front of him.
"Thank you, Dobby," he called into the air.
Picking it up he was about to call his godfather when he realised what the time was. "Ummm..." he uttered. "I think I should wait for a bit. Sirius is a late riser and there's not much he can do, at the moment, anyway."
Then changed his mind. "No. I should tell him before Ted leaves for work for the day. He'll want Ted to get onto this, right away.
When the mirror cleared Sirius was already up. "I've read it," he immediately said, before Harry even had a chance to let him know.
"Ted woke me and we've been discussing it."
"The plan?" he asked.
"Ted's going straight from here to his office to look up the relevant wizarding law statutes, then heading over to the Prophet offices to, as he puts it, 'ream 'em all a new one'," replied Sirius. "He'll be there within the hour."
That made Harry feel all warm and fuzzy.
"Thank you, Sirius," he said. "And thank Ted for me, too. He has my blessing to act as Law-wizard of Record for the House of Potter. If he wants to he can tell them Lord Potter will forgive them if Cuffe and Skeeter are either both publicly sacked with the reason printed in tomorrow's paper, or a full and unequivocal retraction that does the same."
Sirius gave a bark of laughter and said, "He heard. He seems to be relishing the legal 'bloody nose' he's about to give them."
After a quick look off to the side, Sirius barked with laughter again and said, "Yeah, he is."
Not having to worry about the remarks in the Daily Prophet this time around, Harry relegated it to the back of his mind. He knew he'd get updated reports on what was being done either directly from Ted or from Sirius.
That left him able to concentrate his thoughts on filling his stomach. The potions seemed to be making his hunger worse. However, he realised it was because his stomach was growing, whether normally or magically, to allow him to take more food in.
As he shovelled more food into his mouth he thought, 'Is this what Ron is always going through? No wonder no one can get his attention while he's eating.'
"How long do those potions have to run, Harry?" asked Monica, watching him.
"No idea," he replied, when next his mouth was empty. "But I hope the hunger ones end soon. This is embarrassing, having to eat this much."
"Well, you're definitely filling out," she said. "You're also growing upwards. Any idea how much taller you are now?"
"No," he replied between mouthfuls. "But, I know my father was about five foot eleven and my mum was about five foot ten. I think I was about five foot... four?... when I arrived here."
Hermione gave herself a nod and said, "Stand up, Harry" And rose to her feet, herself.
When Harry immediately followed suit, breakfast be-damned, she stood close and looked him in the eye.
With a frown she said, "Yeah, you'd have been about five four to five five. I remember I slightly looked down to look you in the eyes. Now I have to look slightly up. Soooo, I'd guess you'd now be about... five... eight?"
"Three plus inches already?" he asked. "You sure?"
"Edge of the door, dear," her mother said to her.
With a look of surprise, Hermione said, "Of course!" Then she grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him over to the door leading from the dinette to the back hallway.
Pulling it shut a little she maneuvered him until he stood with his back to the edge of the door. "Stand up straight," she ordered.
Harry did as he was told, placing the back of his head against the edge of the door as he did.
Hermione took careful note of where he would come to on the frame and said, "Alright, Harry. You can step away now."
As he did and turned around to look, he could see the edge of the door had inch-separated marks on it. Hermione was holding her finger at a point about a third of the way up between five foot eight and five foot nine.
"Wow," he said. "That's well over three inches in... how long?"
"A little over five days," said Hermione. "Sunday morning would make it a week."
Monica said, "At that estimation of your original height at that time, I'd estimate you'd probably be at about five inches in a week. You're growing like a weed!
"No wonder you're eating so much, the calories needed for the body to do that sort of growth must be above the mid thousands. I think you need to consider increasing your intake of soluble fats and unprocessed sugar."
"I'm already eating five meals a day and often coming back downstairs in the early evening to make myself a snack!" he almost whined.
"Andromeda said if you're hungry, you're to eat," she firmly retorted. "So, do so!"
Harry sighed and softly said, "Yes, Ma'a... err... Monica."
"Now, come back and finish your breakfast," she said. "And, if you're still hungry, eat some more.
"And don't think I haven't noticed you've restocked the pantry, fridge and freezer again," she scowled. "You don't need to do that."
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