Harry potter: the ring maker

Organic smithing experiments(2)

This time Nick not only lowered the intensity of the energy but he also changed the intended enchantment to a fire based one. This caused his spirit to turn red and flickering despite actually being stable as it took on the properties of the element. With a light tap of his hammer Nick backed away from the anvil quickly since according to the crafting method elemental failures tend to be rather dangerous. Surprisingly nothing seemed to happen despite the enchantment clearly going into the wooden ring and binding to it. A quick examination later revealed why that was to Nick.-

The wood was no longer normal in appearance but instead had glowing red emberlike cracks throughout it. The system recognized this as a finished ring apparently and gave him ten points for making it. Nick was confused why it had taken so little effort to have his first success with enchanting an organic material. He carefully considered the details of the experiment to try and figure out what was the the reason behind it but was having trouble. Left unable to find the crux of the issue Nick resorted to what some might consider cheating by appraising the ring with the system.-



Abilities: Detonate

Description: An unstable experimental ring made of oak that took the property of burning during the enchantment process.

System appraisal: It's basically a magical grenade that will go off with the slightest infusion of magic.]

Nick finally figured out what the reason was after reading the appraisal , organic materials unlike most metals have their own traits that have them predisposed to certain enchantments. Wood in this case burns naturally and as a result is predisposed towards fire enchantments increasing the possibility of them succeeding. This unfortunately was little help for Nick's experiments.-

His goal wasn't to just be able to put a specific type of enchantment on the material but rather any enchantment he desired. Nick simply shrugged after understanding this and stored the exploding ring away in Greed so he didn't accidentally set it off with his next experiments. He failed for the rest of the tests he performed but learned a tiny amount with each failure bringing him ever so closer to his far away goal. Soon dinner time arrived and Nick went to the great hall to eat , he forgot to clean himself off however before arriving as he was too lost in his thoughts.-

It was only after he sat down to eat that Nick realized that there was something wrong. He noticed that everyone was looking at him funny and quickly found the problem 'I'm covered in sawdust.' he thought with an awkward chuckle. "Sorry about the mess , I got a bit carried away with something I was working on." he explained while waving his wand over himself collecting all the sawdust into an orb that he then banished. "What in merlin's saggy beard could make you look like that?" Seamus asked curiously and the whole table leaned closer to try and hear Nick's answer.-

"If you must know I was trying to figure out how to make a ring out of wood since I don't have a furnace quite yet. The results tended to explode but I'd be lying if I didn't say I enjoyed learning from my mistakes." Nick said with a grin. He didn't know that Dumbledore was also listening with a charm and smiled when he heard him. 'Ah , the drive to learn and improve , always a treat to find it in a student.' the old wizard thought pleased.-

"Not to worry mate , we'll be able to remedy that tomorrow since we just need to go pick it up from the three broomsticks." One of the twins said with a grin. Nick smiled happily "Great! I've been sorely missing the feel of a hot furnace while I work my craft." he said brightly. "It shows mate , who honestly chooses to sit next to a fire in a hot shack like that? While drinking hot tea no less! Starting to think you are part dragon or something." Ron said jokingly. "Did he actually do that?" Seamus asked surprised. -

"Yeah , just earlier when we went to visit Hagrid. Bloke sat down right next to the fire that was going and drank tea without breaking a sweat , it was nuts." Ron answered seriously. Dumbledore asked Hagrid if that was true which stumped the man for a moment. "Well now that I think of it he did look pretty comfortable near the fire." The large man said honestly. "How interesting!" the old wizard said with a smile after hearing this. The rest of dinner was fairly uneventful after that as no one seemed all that interested in learning more about his experiments.


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