Harry potter: the ring maker

Flowing time

'Man , where's Colin Creevey when you need him?' Nick thought regretfully after Draco got out of having this moment saved forever. After lunch Nick went back to the workshop to practice illusion spells for the rest of the day. Time passed by after that and before he knew it October had arrived as he simply lived his life day by day. By this point in time Nick had made a total of ten other rings and had improved his illusion work considerably. He wasn't a master of the field by any means but he at least knew his way around the subject.-

Out of all the rings he made all but two of them were melted down into raw materials afterwards. They were simply things such as a ring that could serve as a lamp or one that could ward away toads. Of the two rings that Nick kept one of them was a plain silver ring that was fashioned in the shape of an eye with the band of it being a simple one. This was the ring that Snape had commissioned and was made with all the knowledge Nick currently possesses on illusions and how to discern them.-

He named it the eye of truth and got an uncommon grade for it though the system clearly valued it highly as he got 34 points for making it. Snape of course required a test before being satisfied with the ring when it was presented to him. It was a simple affair as he simply put the ring on and had Nick use a variety of illusions , both obvious and not. The ring reacted to each and every single one of them which was satisfactory for the man as he paid the fee for the work and went about his business with a new accessory.-

[RING NAME: Eye of truth


Abilities: Autosizing , illusion detection , area of perception

Description: A ring created for the sole purpose of detecting illusion and warning it's owner of them.

System appraisal: A fine creation made by an up and coming ring smith.]

The second ring that was kept however was entirely an accident on Nicks part as he had wondered what would happen if he put his understanding of the entire world into a ring. The answer as it turns out was that he failed the forging utterly as the amount of power required to imbue a ring with such an extreme topic was far being his current means. He failed to imbue his understanding of the world fully onto the ring he made but the failed creation itself was enough to cause Nicks jaw to hit the floor.-


Grade: RARE

Abilities: Autosizing , broken land , corrupt space , twisted time , lifeless , toxin air , putrid waters , dim sun and stars , shattered moon.

Description: A horrendous ring that represents the failed attempt to create a world and as such will erase an area of the real world 25 feet wide upon coming in contact with magic.

System appraisal: A failed creation that holds a terrible power made by an up and coming ring smith.]

Nick wanted to melt this ring down very badly as it's mere existence was a threat way beyond his means to control. Instead of keeping the dreadful thing Nick instead found an opportunity to take it into the lake before tossing a spell at it from far away. He broke out in goosebumps when the spell struck the ring as there was no sound nor ominous feeling. The 25 foot area simply vanished in an instant and the lake water collapsed to fill the void left behind.-

None the less Nick still received a heft amount of a 112 points for the creation of the ring. Add on the points he got from his other creation during this time and he now held 463 total points to be used. 'I suppose I have been neglecting the system a bit so lets see how many mystery tickets I can get.' He thought shortly after waking up on October first. He made his way to the workshop and smoothly entered before locking the door behind him.-

'Ok so the first ticket cost 100 points.' he purchased the ticket and the price shifted up by fifty points for the next. After purchasing another ticket the price rose again to a new one set for 225. 'The price increases by half of what the current price is after each purchase it seems , this will get expensive fast.' he thought seriously. This of course meant that he could only afford two tickets as he was missing a bit of twelve points for the next one. Nick took the first ticket and tore it causing a familiar mist to fill the entire room before coalescing into a roulette wheel.-

Nick spun the wheel eagerly "BUUUURRR!" the unique sound of the pointer flicking each of the wheels spokes filled the air for two whole minutes as to wheel spun. Soon the wheel started to slow until it stopped on a tiny wedge and the wheel burst into mist again before rushing into Greed. Nick paid the system no attention for the moment and tore the other ticket in half causing a repeat of the previous event to appear. Once the roulette was totally done Nick finally looked at the notifications.


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