Chapter 74: Hermione's Journey
Hermione Granger knew that she was smart. In primary school, she always had full marks. Except for Physical Education, of course, but that class didn't really count. The teachers loved her, appreciated her dedication to her studies, and showered her with praise.
But there was always something missing. There was a hole in her heart, a desperation to connect with someone remotely close to her age, anyone would do, really. When she had gotten her Hogwarts letter, Hermione was excited with the prospect of learning actual magic, but also the possibility of making a friend. After all, that must have been the problem. She was a witch and so, she should have friends who are also wizards and witches.
However, it wasn't to be. Hermione was just as isolated as she used to be in the muggle world. Her classmates made fun of her for being a bookworm and called her names like 'teacher's pet', and she hated it. Hogwarts was supposed to be a new start, not be more of the same but with magic being involved.
She was barely resigned to a life of loneliness once more until that fateful day she met Harry Potter. He was a Slytherin boy from her year. Hermione didn't like him at first. And it wasn't because she was jealous, because she wasn't jealous, not at all. Okay, she might have been a little jealous. He was just too good at everything. He got every spell from the first time, he answered any question the professors asked him, and most of all, he had friends.
The professors loved Harry Potter – except for Snape that is, for some reason. It was odd that his head of house disliked him so much for no reason, but Professor Snape was rude to everyone. But what irked Hermione the most about him was the fact that he had friends. No one ever called him names or made fun of him. For Merlin's sake, he probably spent more time studying than Hermione and she was the one called a bookworm.
The muggleborn started to observe him, hoping to find out how he was able to persuade everyone to treat him better, and she got absolutely nothing. After a while, she just tried to speak to him, and that was when it clicked. Harry was a genuinely nice guy who did a lot of self-studies. He just randomly picked a subject and when he didn't understand anything, he just looked at a book on the subject. That made him far more knowledgeable than any first year student had a right to be, but Hermione couldn't help but be impressed.
It was surprising that she found herself to be friends with him. He was easy to talk to, about academics and everything, and he was also very knowledgeable of the muggle world, which was weird for a scion of an old family like the Potters, but the muggleborn didn't really care about it, because it made their conversation flow easier.
He was her first friend and a real genius. Hermione was smart, she knew that. They both started learning magic at the same time, but Harry could learn something in a fraction of the time she needed to. It was humbling to see it happen in action. When Hermione wanted to learn a new charm, she thought that she would invite Harry as a bonding exercise. He learnt the spell in two minutes when it took her hours to do it. He just looked at the book, read the instruction and tried the wand movements a couple of times, and just cast the spell.
Harry Potter was the exact friend she needed. He was brilliant, understanding, kind, and had a strange sense of wisdom to him. He was strangely aloof and disinterested in many things – one of which happened to be Quidditch – but Hermione could excuse a few quirks in comparison to how wonderful he was. Harry always tried to help her even when she was being difficult – which wasn't often, of course. He would have been her friend for life if it wasn't for a single thing. He was a Slytherin.
Hermione knew that it was a bad thing to say, but Harry's house changed things. He didn't want anyone to know that they were friends, while she wanted to shout it to the world. Apparently, the upper years wouldn't like it if one of theirs was friends with a muggleborn, which was very bigoted and opened Hermione's eyes to an ugly truth of the magical world. It wasn't perfect and injustices happened all the time, and she was in the repressed minority.
Still, it was hard being alone for most of the day and only spending time with your only friend in a library or an empty classroom to avoid being seen, but it was better than having no friend at all. That was until Halloween happened.
Hermione's memories of the event were all over the place considering how terrified she was. Neville and Ron insulted her, and she went to the bathroom and was attacked by a troll of all things. Neville and Ron did end up rescuing her, but Hermione could swear that she saw Harry in the middle of things, but it must have been a trick of her eyes. It was probably just wishful thinking that her friend would come to save her. Ron and Neville had come to her help so why didn't her friend? Did he forget about her? Did he abandon her because of the other Slytherin?
She didn't know and it hurt. Lucky for her, Neville and Ron apologized for what they had said, and a friendship was formed. After all, there are experiences – like surviving a deadly mountain troll – which, when experienced with other people, will undoubtedly lead to close bonds.
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