Harry Potter: Se’x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 262: Ch 287 - Break Hermione’s Door ~Obsessive Love~

"Those scars on your back," Hermione said. It wasn't really a question, but he decided to answer it like one anyway.

"That's where I cut off my wings, yes," Lucifer replied, he didn't see the need to explain about burning them off.

"What about Hell?" she asked.

"Well at the moment I've ditched the day job," Lucifer said with a sigh.

"Did you enjoy ruling hell?" Hermione asked, looking into his eyes for truth, "Even if you don't kill them, doesn't the Devil enjoy torturing people?"

"Of course not," Lucifer replied, volume in his voice now.

"I told you before, It was Dad's way of punishing me for defying him. Not a fun job. Eons of keeping demons in line is no picnic let me tell you. A four year vacation is hardly even a blip in all the years I've put in."

Again she didn't speak. Lucifer wasn't sure what to say.

He had the strangest desire to pull her into his arms and tell her everything was going to be alright, but he knew doing so would only scare her.

Moments passed without a word between them and somehow the silence calmed Lucifer.

She hadn't actually run away even if she hadn't relaxed out of her flight or fight mode.

He tried to be hopeful.

"I've always told you the truth, Hermione, and I always will," Lucifer said gently.

"Why me?" She asked with a slight hint of desperation in her voice.

"I- I don't know," Lucifer replied softly. "I- well you're different from any mortal I've ever met."

"You're special."

She didn't seem to have a reply to this.

Lucifer himself hadn't been aware of how true it was until he'd said it out loud.

"It matters to me that you see me as I am," Lucifer said even more softly after a moment, trying to be as gentle as possible with her, "Not as history and religion paints me."


"I-" Lucifer began, his new and confusing emotions overwhelming his usual poker face. "I don't have an answer for that one either."

This seemed to soften Hermione's face just a little, and Lucifer sensed it was time to give her some space.

He closed the door on her.


It took a long time for Hermione's breathing to slow down after Lucifer left her alone.

After all, he was the Devil, the actual Devil, or so he claimed, and Hermione didn't have any other explanation for what she'd seen.

Still, it didn't make sense why she was still so panicked.

He hadn't hurt her and then he'd left.

Everything was fine.

What wasn't fine was that the Devil existed at all. It felt like the entire world had come rushing up to destroy her sense of reality.

If the Devil and Hell existed then so did Heaven and the afterlife.

Hermione had actually been sleeping with a being who had the power to learn where a soul went after its body died.

That alone was quite something to wrap her head around.

And yet, the most confusing part of this whole thing had been the look on Lucifer's face while he'd been talking to her.

It was plainly obvious that he cared.

She'd seen real human emotion etched in every line of his face though she still had no idea what he cared about.

Still, the Devil's capacity to care confused her.

Yes, he'd broken her bathroom door but he had at least asked her to open it first and once inside he hadn't made a single move towards her, almost like he'd been trying to respect her space.

Then there was everything that had happened before she'd found out.

He'd been helping her to find out about House-Elves...not to mention always saving her life.

Why would the Devil do that? Had it all been just to manipulate her? Could he have been faking those emotions?

Did he have some evil plan in the works?

Hermione had so many questions she hardly knew where to start, but what did that matter?

She had no clue who to ask those questions to, apart from Lucifer, and no matter how often he claimed to always tell the truth her instincts said she needed another source.

She also couldn't help but wonder if Lucifer was the Devil did that mean hell really existed?

And wouldn't that mean heaven existed as well?

Was the killer of her father being tortured in hell now?

Who decided where people went after they died? Was this something she could ask Lucifer?

Did she even want to know?

Then again there could be some other very reasonable explanation for why Lucifer was completely invulnerable and insanely strong.

He could even believe he is the Devil because of those extraordinary abilities.

The question then was where did he get his powers from?

When she finally left the bathroom, and tiptoed only around to see Lucifer in the bed, reading her journal no less, it took everything she had not to jump.

No wonder he could read her thoughts. Is it true that if you speak of the Devil he appears? Does it work the same for thinking about the Devil?

"What are you going to do with my journal?"

"Nothing Devilish, I promise," he smiled again, it made Hermione feel all tingly inside and jump on his chest.

The problem she was having now is why the Devil wanted to help a nobody, plain ordinary human like her, save elves.

She was still holding out hope that he was just a very delusional man with ridiculously strong skin.

"How many people owe you favours?"

"Well I've been giving favours for thousands of years," Lucifer answered. "Would you like a peek at my ledger?"

"You have a ledger?" Hermione asked, feeling incredulous, she was having a conversation with a real celestial being!

"What's it written in, blood?"

"Before the written word I did have to keep it mostly in my head, but I do try to keep it up to date," Lucifer smiled.

"Even my IOUs expire."

"How long does that take?" Hermione asked, getting slightly anxious.

"Do I owe you a lot for saving my life, even if I didn't realize I was making a deal with the devil at the time?"

Suddenly Lucifer stopped reading her journal, and glanced upwards to look at her. "I saved your life because I wanted to. You owe me nothing, Hermione."

"Then why are you here!?" She exclaimed loudly.

"I already told you," Lucifer said softly.

"You're special."

"What if I don't want to be special?!" Hermione said, she could feel her eyes tearing up. How she wished she could go back to not knowing.

"I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to change that for you," Lucifer said softly, reaching forward with his hand to gently stroke her face.

Hermione couldn't help it, she flinched back from him.

"Ah, right, sorry," Lucifer said, taking his palm back to rest on his thighs, "Forgot. Won't happen again."

Hermione didn't know what to think.

All she knew was that his hand on her face had felt good. What was wrong with her?


Author's Note

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