Harry Potter: Magic and Guns

Chapter 21: Helga Hufflepuff

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The entrance to the Hufflepuff common room was located in the basement, closest to the Great Hall. The first-year students, guided by their prefects, exited through a side door in the hall. After just a couple of turns and a descent down some stairs, they arrived in a large room resembling a wine cellar, filled with many wooden barrels.

The Hufflepuff prefects at the time were a boy named Gallier and a girl named Helga. Though they weren’t siblings, their faces bore a slight resemblance. Their warm, sunny smiles were nearly identical, giving off an approachable and friendly vibe.

“This is it,” Gallier waved to the young wizards. “The entrance to the Hufflepuff common room is right behind these barrels. Unlike Gryffindor or Slytherin, we don’t have a password. And unlike Ravenclaw, there’s no need to answer any riddles. If you want to enjoy the warmth of our common room and relax on our soft sofas, all you need to do is remember this—"

With a grin, Gallier walked up to the second row of barrels and pointed to the bottom of the second one. “All you need to do is tap the bottom of the barrel in rhythm: ‘Hel-ga, Huff-le, Puf-fle.’ That will open the entrance. But if you get the rhythm wrong or miss a beat…”

Gallier laughed. “I promise, you’ll spend the rest of the day smelling like vinegar. The barrel will spray it right on your head!”

“But that’s not entirely a bad thing,” he added with a chuckle. “The vinegar from these barrels is better than anything you’ll taste anywhere else. It’s always mixed with some kind of delightful scent, which changes every time. We’ve counted at least thirty-seven distinct flavors of Hufflepuff vinegar. If you’re lucky enough to get a new flavor, make sure to bottle it and add it to the collection in the cabinet. Everyone will be thrilled.”

As he spoke, Gallier knocked the bottom of the barrel in a rhythmic pattern, and the barrel swung open to reveal a passage leading to the common room. The young wizards followed him inside.

The ceiling of the common room was relatively low compared to the vast rooms of Hogwarts, like the Great Hall. However, at three meters high, it didn’t feel cramped. The room was circular and located in the castle’s basement, but since Hogwarts was built on uneven ground, it felt much more welcoming than Slytherin’s cold and damp common room.

Despite it being nighttime, the green vines hanging by the round windows were thriving. When the sun rose, warm light would flood the room. The primary colors of the room were yellow and black, blending into a cozy, sunset-like warmth that made the room feel both relaxing and inviting. Soft, plush sofas circled the room.

In the center of the common room was a large hearth, and near the fire, many kitchen-like tools were neatly arranged. Aside from providing warmth, this area also served as an excellent communal kitchen. On one nearby wall was a cabinet filled with hundreds of small bottles and jars, containing a dazzling array of spices and seasonings.

The warm, dusky atmosphere was also accented by a variety of vibrant plants. As the new students poured into the room, the plants swayed, and some even hummed cheerful tunes. The magical flora were welcoming the new students. At the most prominent spot on the main wall, a honey-colored wooden fireplace, intricately carved with the image of a badger, stood proudly. Above the small hearth hung a portrait of the gentle Helga Hufflepuff.

After a brief introduction to the common room, the two prefects led the male and female students through two separate doors, each leading to their respective dormitories.

Harry easily found his dorm. The door to his dormitory was a round, barrel-shaped wooden door, and the room was remarkably soundproof. Once the door was closed, the noise from the corridor disappeared instantly. Four four-poster beds were warmly illuminated by copper lamps, and winter bed warmers hung on the walls. In terms of comfort, the Hufflepuff dormitory was arguably the best among all four houses.

Before collapsing onto his bed, Harry glanced around, taking in the sight of the roommates he would share the next few years with.

This year’s student body was smaller than usual, due to the chaos caused by Voldemort’s reign a decade earlier. With fewer than a hundred new students, it was clear that marriage and childbirth had become less common during that turbulent time. Ravenclaw’s first-year intake this year was only 23 students, and the twelve boys were divided into three four-person rooms.

“From now on, we’re roommates,” Harry said, turning to the other three with a smile and a wave. Apart from Neville, who Harry had met earlier, the other two boys seemed a bit reserved. After all, Harry was taller than them by a head, and his build was more imposing.

“Harry Potter,” he introduced himself formally, even though they already knew his name. He extended his hand with a friendly smile.

“Neville Longbottom,” Neville quickly replied, glancing at their other roommates. Compared to the nervousness he felt during the Sorting Ceremony, Neville seemed much more relaxed now that he was back in the dormitory.

“Rolf Scamander,” said a boy with deep golden-brown hair, shaking hands with both Harry and Neville.

It was clear that once Rolf sensed the friendly atmosphere, he relaxed a bit too.

"Scamander?" Neville scratched his head uncertainly. "I feel like I've heard that name before, but I can't quite place it."

He smiled apologetically at Rolf, his confused expression making it impossible to be upset with him.

"Maybe it's because of my grandfather?" Rolf shrugged. "He's been retired for some years, but you might have read one of his books."

"What book?"

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," Rolf said with a grin. "If you're interested in magical creatures, I’ve got a few extra copies with me—the 57th revised edition, actually. It hasn't been released yet, and it includes nineteen newly discovered creatures."

"That's really generous of you," Harry nodded appreciatively at Rolf before turning to the last boy in the room.

The curly-haired boy had a scholarly look about him, and only when Harry’s gaze fell on him did he suddenly snap back to attention, as if he had been lost in thought.

"Oh, sorry! I'm Justin Finch-Fletchley. Nice to meet you all."

After shaking hands with the others, Justin stared straight at Harry and said, "I know who you are. I mean, I’ve heard of you before coming to Hogwarts."

"Champion of the Southeast Junior Boxing Tournament, Wimbledon Youth Tennis Champion—you totally owned Carlton Marlin with that incredible slam dunk! I mean, who can even imagine pulling off a 210-kilometer-per-hour serve? And you were only ten!"

Justin couldn’t take his eyes off Harry’s well-built arms, muttering in disbelief, "When I was ten, I was reading the Encyclopedia Britannica, and you were out there doing all that!"

He suddenly looked up at Harry, wide-eyed. "When my dad found out you didn’t attend our school, he nearly drove over to your house himself."

"Huh?" Harry looked at Justin, thoroughly confused. "What are you talking about?"

"He's the headmaster of Smeltings."

"Ohhh," Harry nodded in sudden understanding. "That explains a lot."

With the initial awkwardness behind them, the group quickly became more comfortable with one another, especially after Justin brought up Harry’s past achievements. The atmosphere in the room grew livelier by the minute.

In less than half an hour, the four boys had moved past the initial awkwardness.

"I never realized the Muggle world could be so exciting," Rolf said, glancing at Neville. The two of them nodded in agreement. Having grown up in the wizarding world, this was their first real glimpse into the Muggle side of things.

"Of course. Even without magic, it’s still an amazing place."

"But now we’ve got magic," Harry said, flashing Justin a grin. The two Muggle-born boys exchanged a look of shared excitement.

"Which makes it even better!"

After chatting excitedly for a while, the weariness of the day began to catch up with them. They exchanged goodnights, and as the dormitory lights dimmed, Hogwarts castle slowly faded into the night. Only the soft, silver moonlight outlined the castle’s hazy silhouette, preventing it from vanishing into the starry sky.

Perhaps it was the feast, or maybe it was the fact that he was finally at a school filled with magic, but Harry, usually a sound sleeper, had a dream. It wasn’t just the usual green flash of light; this time, his dream was far stranger and more vivid than ever before.

He saw towering trolls in armor, goblins fully armed for battle.

He saw a shadowy figure, barely older than himself, firing bursts of gunfire.

And then, he saw blinding green lights, spreading like a spider’s web—death and destruction on a scale far greater than anything Voldemort had ever unleashed.

(End of Chapter)

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