Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore

Chapter 10: Breaking the Chains

August 14. Later that evening, Harry returned to the warehouse he was staying in, and began putting together a plan of action. To date he had six years of public school education and four years magical school education. Realistically, he wasn't schooled enough in either world to do anything, and he really did not feel connected to the magical world anymore. Examining his feelings and evaluating his options he felt his best option was to go into the military.

He would be trained to fight, to defend himself and his country; he would earn a small stipend from the military (not that he really needed that); and according to the recruiter, he could continue his education through either a military academy, or after-service education. Either way would give him the education and skills he would need to survive. That being said, he knew he had to continue not only his magical education, but improve his range of magical skills, wandlessly. Wandless wasn't defenseless, and couldn't be traced.

He had six weeks to improve his non-magical education and his physical fitness if he wanted to be accepted to the Royal Marines. They would not accept idiots. He'd have to get the curriculum for grade 6 to A-levels. In the meantime, he could do something about his physical condition. He asked Dobby to get him a good set of potions equipment and basic set of potions ingredients so he could make some basic healing potions.

When he asked Dobby if he could get him some nutrient potions, Dobby told him they had to be given by a healer. Harry then asked Dobby if he could arrange a healer through Griphook at Gringotts. If he was going to be at his best for the PJFT he had to also be healthy. A Goblin healer was scheduled for a "home visit" the next day.

August 15. The Goblin healer came early in the morning and performed a full body scan and found some alarming findings: several badly healed broken bones, malnutrition, several magical bindings, magical tracking spells, and a magical leach (in his scar of all places). The healer recommended bringing him back to Gringotts for healing in a controlled environment.

Harry explained his predicament, and suggested, if the healer could re-break his bones and heal them at their current location, Dobby could watch over him. The healer replied that any magic of that level performed outside the "magical realm" is monitored by the Ministry, and they would send people to investigate that kind of magic.

Harry conceded to being transported to Gringotts, provided his identity be kept secret, even from Goblins (outside the healer and Griphook). At Gringotts, Griphook met them at the entrance to the medical facility. The healer explained their findings and recommendations. He recommended dealing with the magical leach first, the bindings last, and the breaks and other general medical conditions in the middle. By attending to the leach first, it would only have the limited magic it already had to fight with. If they waited until after releasing the magical bindings, the leach would have more magic available, making its removal more difficult.

Harry was lead into Gringotts' ritual area. The Goblins asked he disrobe, wash himself with a special cleansing soap containing cedar, rosemary, and juniper. They then led him to a ritual bath – he was required to fully disrobe, and immerse himself in the bath of flowing (cold!) water while the Goblins chanted in their language a cleansing chant. Following the bath, at the Goblin's request, Harry cut his palm, allowing blood to be caught in a cup.

The cut was then healed, and he lay down on a stone ritual bed and runes where painted in his blood around the scar on his forehead and over his heart. Each cluster of runes was connected to the other with additional runes. The lower half of his body was covered in a clean white hemp cloth. He was then asked to move to the center of a ritual circle and to lie on the floor.

Harry felt the floor was surprisingly warm, and not "stone cold" as he was expecting. On the north end of the circle, near his head, a small pile of earth was placed. At the south side, a bowl of salt water; to the east, a glass globe of air; and to the west, a stone bowl of fire. Several bowls of burning incense were also placed around the circle – he could smell cedar, juniper, rosemary, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood. The Goblin Healer explained that these herbal incenses would help him to center himself, clear his mind, and ground his soul in preparation for the cleansing.

As he lay there, Harry could hear the Goblins begin their chant. It lulled him into a trance, its rising and falling tones felt like waves washing over him, soothing him, lifting his soul. At some point, he felt a "stretching" of his self, and then searing pain. The pain, accompanied by what sounded like a scream, was gone in seconds. The chanting continued, soothing him again, and then it was over.


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