Harry Potter : Flash Forward

Chapter 140: CH 140

Prophet. That's why I knew I would need the services of someone of Miss Pentridge's skill set.

"In other words, Sir, it's just a matter of anticipating likely outcomes and being prepared for them in advance. I... we... anticipate probable actions, logically deduce likely consequence, and envision outcomes. Then we plan our responses. If Action A occurs, we enact Reaction Plan X; if, however, Action B occurs, we enact Reaction Plan Y. It's really that simple."

Ackerman snorted in self-amusement before he slowly shook his head with a wry grin. "You have the mind of a master strategist, Mister Potter," he mused. "No," Harry disagreed. "We, together, have such a mind."

Nodding, Ackerman asked, "So, you have no idea who or why someone wanted you to compete?"

"There are many possibilities, Stewart," replied Harry. "I can tell you this: Whoever placed my name in the Goblet with the intention of my name then being selected has to be a suitably powerful wizard, or witch. They have to have figured out a way to confuse the Goblet, make it think there are four schools competing - or just that four names need to be chosen. Then they had to convince the Goblet that one of the names that needed to come out was mine. That means I can confidently claim that it wasn't one of the students.

"Logic dictates that then leaves one of the staff members of the three schools, one of the Ministry officials involved, or... unlikely... an entirely different party who snuck into the school and wasn't caught coming in or going out. Of the three we believe the first is most likely. I also believe 'who' will become apparent if we can figure out 'why'. And vice versa.

"There, we also have various possibilities. As this is a competition for of-age participants, and I'm only fourteen with a fourteen year old's education, there's a likelihood I can very well die. Therefore, this could be a subtle attempt to kill me. This could have also been done by a fan boy or girl, who wants to see me earn even more fame and glory, and hasn't really thought it through. Or, someone has some other nefarious purpose and wants to make sure I'm at a certain place at a certain exact time; or simply might try to beat the Goblet and sacrifice my magic. "Personally, I think it's the nefarious deed option. I think someone wants me to be at a specific place at a specific time; probably to kidnap me. As I can receive no help in the tasks, there'll be no one close by during the tasks that can immediately come to my aid." With a shrug and a mock sigh of annoyance, he said, "But, it's just a hunch."

"And your hunches are usually on the galleon," stated Daphne.

"She's right," piped up Hermione. "You have a pretty good habit of doing that, you know. Almost uncannily so. Personally, I think what you think is a hunch is when your subconscious has already figured it out and is trying to prod you in the right direction."

Harry just harrumphed before he thought about it for a few moments, then nodded in agreement. "I suppose I can't dispute that," he mused. "It makes a kind of sense."

Turning back to Ackerman, he said, "Anyways, Mister Ackerman, everything we know can be easily explained by deductive reasoning. If you get a chance, have a look through a few muggle bookshops for a book that covers what muggles call Critical Thinking. I believe you will quickly discover it would be a very useful tool in your profession."

Nodding back, Ackerman replied, "I'll do just that, Mister Potter. Thank you. And, I do apologise for doubting you."

Harry waved it off and said, "Yes. Well. How about you give us your views on the contract."

With his own sigh, Ackerman cleared his throat and said, "In a nutshell, you're stuck. You have to compete. However, there are some advantages to you out of this. Firstly, you can go ahead and demand emancipation, if you want it. You have the right to be seen as an adult in the magical world, though not in the muggle world. With the three Heads of school, the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, and the Head of the Department for International Magical Co-operation all agreeing you have to compete, they're all stating you're of-age. That means, they effectively emancipated you.

"Secondly, you're entitled to certain privileges. You're entitled to skip any and all classes, even exams. You can come and go from the school, as you please; so long as you're doing so for 'Tournament' purposes. You're entitled to your own apartment; but, seeing as you already have one, that's moot. And, you can request special meals and times. But, I guess, with your own elf you already get that."

Harry and the girls were nodding along at the right times.

"Now," continued Ackerman. "I wasn't... I didn't understand how it was you 'knew' what was going to happen; so, Miss Pentridge did not come with me today. However, I will ensure she continues to monitor the media for slander and defamatory remarks.

"She's also been hunting down all the authors and printing houses of those books about you and will soon make her move against them. Plus, she's been tracking down those who've used your name and or image without your consent. The problem, here, is that Albus Dumbledore claimed magical guardianship over you and authorised many of them."

Harry growled under his muttered various imprecations.



"Those, we are still going after," continued Ackerman, as if he hadn't heard. "However, all we can do with many of them is send legal cease and desist notices. If they then continue, they're ours to sue. And, then we'll go after them for the lot."

Harry could only nod in disappointment.

"Even so," continued Ackerman. "I daresay we're going to end up driving many of them into bankruptcy."

Harry's head shot up at that and stared back. "I really don't want to bankrupt them, Mister Ackerman. I really don't want to see their employees out of work over this." "Then, I believe," replied the older wizard, "That, if such a case would drive the miscreant into bankruptcy, through us you offer to buy them out of the remaining debt."

Hermione please."





Ackerman switched his attention to her and replied, "Basically, Harry claims the business in lieu of the debt. If the debt is greater than the worth of the business, on Harry's behalf we make them an offer to hand the business over to Harry to clear the debt. Unlike in the muggle world, the wizarding world still has debtors' prison. It's part of the minimum security wing of Azkaban."

In shock, Hermione exclaimed, "But, that's barb..." "Hermione!" snapped Daphne, cutting her off before she could launch into one of her rants.




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