Chapter 137: CH 137
Accepting it, Harry tied the shrunken contract to the owl's leg and sent it on its way with a big slice of bacon.
Opening it, he quickly scanned through it before he looked to his bondmates. "Listen to this," he said. "Stewart's coming to see us on Monday immediately after class. He's asked for a copy of the contract..."
"Which you just sent," interrupted Daphne.
"... And he'll go over it before he comes and sees us," he continued. "For now, I'm not to make waves... too late... and just go along with everything."
Hermione had the Daily Prophet before her and read a front page article to them. *#*
Last night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, everything was going as planned for the draw of the three school champions of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, writes Monty Wordsworth. Those plans unravelled when, in a major surprise, the Goblet spat out a fourth competitor, Harry Potter (14).
It was clear young Mister Potter did not expect this, as he was as shocked as everyone else when his name was read out. To show everyone he had no idea as to why it had happened, he quickly made a magical oath to that effect. Mister Potter made it very clear he had no desire to participate in the Tri-Wizard Tournament and demanded of the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, to 'get him out of it'. However, once selected as a champion by the Goblet of Fire, the contract is ironclad. Mister Potter must compete. That will make him a fourteen year old wizard in a Tournament designed for those of-age.
This reporter visited the offices of Potter's legal representative, Ackerman and Co, and spoke to Mister Stewart Ackerman. "I have not had opportunity, as of yet, to speak to Mister Potter about this matter," he informed me. "However, I expect Mister Potter to be contacting me via owl very soon."
Said owl arrived only moments later.
The other three, true, champions are Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts; International Quidditch star, Victor Krum for Durmstrang; and daughter of the Head of the French MLE, Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons. All three are seventeen years of age.
Questions need to be asked concerning how Mister Potter's name was both entered and selected by the Goblet to be a competitor. As an ancient magical artefact, the Goblet of Fire would require a significantly powerful wizard or witch to confound it enough to force Mister Potter's entrance. What is the Ministry going to do to find out how this happened?
Our readers want to know!
"That's better than the last time through," muttered Harry. "This time, it's at least the truth." Making sure they weren't been watched too closely, the three excused themselves from table and returned to their apartment. Almost immediately, they cast disillusionment and notice-me-not charms on themselves and used the castle's secret tunnels to get out of the school. They headed direct to Gringotts.
Entering, the magic of the goblins stripped away their charms as they walked in through the doors. The three were met right inside and escorted directly to the Potter Account Manager, Sharpclaw.
"Good morning, Mister Potter," smiled Sharpclaw as they walked in to the office. "I see your... belief... was correct."
With an acknowledging nod, Harry replied, "Good morning, Senior Sharpclaw. Yes, I was; mores' the pity. I take it the paperwork is ready?"
"Indeed," replied the goblin, sliding a set of documents forward across his desk as the three bondmates sat in the available chairs opposite.
Harry sat forward and reached for the offered quill. Sharpclaw, as efficient as expected, had marked each parchment where he was to sign. After carefully reading through the documents, Harry signed his name in each marked place; and slid the document with the quill back across the desk.
"Roughly, how long will this take?" he asked his Account Manager.
"The filing will take place today," replied Sharpclaw. "If there is no one to speak against it within seven days, it becomes effective immediately."
"Next Saturday, lunchtime, then," muttered Harry.
Nodding, Daphne said, "We just need to keep quiet about it until then, at least. Once the seven day waiting period has passed, it cannot be reversed."
Turning back to Sharpclaw, Harry said, "I just have one more job for you to do today, Senior Sharpclaw."
Nodding, the goblin slid a document each towards both ladies.
"What's this?" asked Hermione.
"Your access to your vaults," replied Harry. "You need only sign in the one place, where indicated," stated the goblin, offering a quill to each.
Daphne took her quill but paused as Hermione said, "Harry, there's no need for this. I don't need your money."
With an exasperated sigh, Harry replied, "This isn't about whether or not you need my money, love. This is about me being able to provide for you both; plus, any children we may have in future.
"You are my bonded; and, it's my responsibility to care for you. If I don't do this... or you don't accept it... that may give others ammunition to cause our bond to be stopped before it's even properly finalised.
"I hope that both of you, before too long, will be Madame Potter to my Mister Potter. Those rings you wear signify that. So, please, accept the access, alright?"
With a sigh, Hermione accepted the quill and signed, as Daphne did the same.
Sharpclaw took both documents and filed them in a slot on his desk. He then snapped his fingers and two keys appeared. He slid one to each girl. "Your vault keys, ladies," he said. "Please take good care of them as you're each responsible for them. Lose them and its nine galleons each to replace them."
Both girls picked up their keys and dropped them into pockets.
"I believe that's it, Senior Sharpclaw," said Harry, rising. "Thank you for your time. It is, after all, money."
"I am at your service, Mister Potter," the goblin replied.
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