Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 54 Why Are You So Familiar?

Chapter 54 Why Are You So Familiar?
"What are you two doing?" As soon as Professor McGonagall's figure appeared on the edge of the grass, her voice reached everyone's ears.

"David, what do we do now?" Hermione said in a panic.

David winked at her to signal her not to worry.

"You are the first student I have seen who dare to do this after working at Hogwarts for many years." Professor McGonagall walked in front of Harry with a livid face: "You should be glad that your neck didn't break."

"But, that's Malfoy." Harry explained, but was soon interrupted by Professor McGonagall, who said sternly, "I don't want to hear any explanation now!"

Then David saw Professor McGonagall looking at him, and he smiled hurriedly, but Professor McGonagall ignored him.

She glared at David and said in a low voice, "David, not only did you not stop him, but you also made him do such a dangerous move! Gryffindor got 10 points deducted because of you two, I hope you two will take it for granted." Quit!"

Professor McGonagall glanced at Harry next to him again: "Also, Potter, please follow me now."

After she finished speaking, she strode towards the castle with big strides.

Harry turned his head to look at David, opened his mouth, but said nothing. He lowered his head in frustration and followed Mrs. McGonagall towards the castle. He felt that his study life at Hogwarts was over. It's over, and he will soon return to the home that disgusts him.

There is more than one person who thinks like Harry. After Professor McGonagall took Harry away, Hermione hurriedly said: "What should I do? David, Harry will be expelled! Professor McGonagall will definitely call his parents to take him away." He takes it back!"

The fact that Harry was about to be expelled had already made her forget about the deduction of points for David and the others.

"That's right, David, you have to think of a way! Why don't you go and find Professor Dumbledore?" Ron, who was still cheering for Harry just now, was also frowning.

"Don't worry, Harry is fine." David whispered with a smile.

"You're still laughing!".Hermione hammered David: "And how do you know Harry is fine?"

Just as David was about to explain, Mrs. Hooch came back angrily. She obviously knew about Harry and Malfoy.

After Mrs. Hooch criticized Malfoy sharply and deducted 5 points from Slytherin, she announced that today's flying lesson was over.

Then Mrs. Hooch left in a hurry, and Neville was still waiting for her in the hospital.

She said nothing about the expulsion, and Hermione and Ron were a little relieved at this point, but Harry was still with Professor McGonagall.

After returning to the Gryffindor lounge, Hermione immediately asked, "Will Professor McGonagall fire Harry for this? She seems very angry today."

Of course not, Dumbledore's plan cannot do without Harry!
Of course, this cannot be said to Hermione and the others, and there is another reason why David is so sure.
"Harry is a natural Seeker," David said.

"But does it have anything to do with him not being expelled?" Hermione asked, frowning.

"Of course it does. Professor McGonagall is a big fan of Quidditch, and" David whispered, "Last year, Gryffindor lost to Slytherin by a large margin. It's been a few days and Gryffindor needs a new Seeker now."

This incident is also a scar in Gryffindor Quidditch captain Wood's heart. David didn't dare to say it out loud in the lounge because he wasn't sure if Wood was in the dormitory. alright.

"That's why you used the Amplifying Charm. Did you let Professor McGonagall hear it on purpose?" Hermione said, "But did Professor McGonagall just let Harry know his talent? She is"

Hermione didn't continue, but David knew what she wanted to say. Most students in Hogwarts thought that Professor McGonagall was an iron judge, and she never took sides with any house or student.

"Maybe she won't in other matters, but in this one, she will take sides with Harry, don't worry, Hermione," said David.

At the last Quidditch World Cup, Newt and Tina didn't have time to accompany him, so they entrusted him to Professor McGonagall and asked her to take David to watch the game.

Only then did David know what crazy fans are. He felt that all the games he had watched with Newt and the others were for nothing.

From the beginning of the game, as soon as the British team scored, Professor McGonagall would raise her arms and shout, which was completely different from her usual serious appearance, and sometimes even shouted loudly with David.

But in the end the championship was taken by the Canadian team. Professor McGonagall was very sad that day, and went to the temporary tavern tent next to the venue to drink too much. If David hadn't been following Professor McGonagall, he would have thought that Professor McGonagall bought it. up.

Of course, this matter cannot be told to Hermione and the others, otherwise David thinks that Professor McGonagall might let him experience the power of Adawa eating big melons in advance.

"Will Harry join the Quidditch team?" Ron no longer paid attention to whether Harry would be expelled, and all his attention was attracted by the word Quidditch: "I mean, Harry will be the first student in as many years to join the Quidditch team in his first year?"

David shrugged. "I think so!"

"Cool!" Ron said after a while, "Should we thank Malfoy, then?"

Seeing the strange expressions on David and Hermione, Ron hurriedly added: "If it wasn't for him, Harry wouldn't have joined Quidditch so early, could he?"

After dinner in the evening, David was going to the library to read for a while by himself, while Ron stayed in the auditorium and waited for Harry. He wanted to hear Harry say that he joined the Quidditch team as soon as possible.

As for Hermione, after confirming that Harry would not be expelled, she became angry because Harry violated the rules, and Professor McGonagall didn't seem to punish him, which made Hermione feel very uncomfortable, which violated McGonagall's rule. The beautiful image of Professor Ge in her heart.

And Ron was still very proud, so she went back to the dormitory alone angrily.

After reading books in the library for a while, David suddenly heard a bang, and a book fell in front of him.

David looked up, and it was Hermione who looked angry.

"Harry was not punished at all, and Professor McGonagall let him join the Quidditch team." Hermione said angrily, "The two of them were very proud in the auditorium!"

David didn't reply right away, he turned around and apologized to Madam Pince, she was now angrily waving her feather broom, if Hermione didn't do what she did just now, she would have kicked that man out of the library.

"Didn't I tell you earlier?" David said in a low voice.

"And they actually promised Malfoy to go to a duel at night, and they want to violate the school rules!" Hermione lowered her voice, but her tone was still very angry: "Professor McGonagall didn't punish them, let them get carried away, they will be punished Welch catches it, and the next day we'll see that Gryffindor's hourglass is missing a lot, and we'll never get the House Cup this term!"

"Midnight duel?" David said in surprise, he didn't expect Harry and Ron to have such leisure.

"Don't worry, Harry and Ron will be fine. They don't know how many spells together, and the duel is just for fun." David said: "As for Filch, he always Likes to hang out on the first and second floors, prevent students from going to the restricted area, and I will tell them Filch's course of action, and they won't get caught."

David felt something was wrong just after he finished speaking. He looked up at Hermione and found that she was staring at him with very dangerous eyes.

"Why are you so familiar?" Hermione couldn't hear the slightest emotion in her voice.

The sound also interrupted David's thought of making another trip to the Forbidden Forest while Harry and Ron were out.

How to answer this question?

Waiting online, this time is more urgent than last time!
 Woohoo, Two-dimensional recommendations are too difficult to wait for, everyone can vote for more recommendations to comfort me, thank you everyone, hope to have a good time!

(End of this chapter)

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