Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 41 How dare you do this!

Chapter 41 How dare you do this!

"David, do you want to go to the library together?" Hermione asked after David had finished his breakfast. In fact, she had already finished her meal and was just sitting by the side waiting for David.

"But... class is about to start." David took out his pocket watch and looked at it. The hour hand had already pointed to eight o'clock. They would have the first history of magic class at nine o'clock. He originally wanted to go to the castle after breakfast. Wander around and observe the surrounding environment.

"There's still an hour left!" Hermione said: "We can just read the book again. This is our first class, so we should prepare well!"

"Okay, okay." Seeing Hermione's attitude that if you don't agree, I won't let you go, David had no choice but to agree.

"Then let's go!" Hermione took the lead in picking up her satchel and walked in one direction.

Her satchel was bulging to the brim, wondering if Hermione had stuffed all the books she needed all term into it.

David went up to take her satchel and put one of his books in it.

Passing through several corridors, David suddenly heard meowing sounds coming from the corner ahead.

"Shh." David made a quiet movement and walked slowly to the place where the meow came from.

A scrawny, dark gray kitten was patrolling the hallway. It was Mrs. Norris, the cat owned by Hogwarts administrator Mr. Filch.

Seeing David turning from the other side, Mrs. Norris immediately turned her head, stared at David vigilantly with her bulging eyes like light bulbs, and her voice grew louder, as if to warn David.

"Hi, do you want to eat?" David took out a pack of dried fish, poured a few into his hands, and squatted in front of Mrs. Norris.

Mrs. Norris yelled twice, and took a few steps towards David's direction. Then it sniffed at the small fish, and suddenly couldn't resist the temptation, and cautiously approached David's hand.

David tried his best to keep his body still, and Hermione also held his breath so as not to disturb Mrs. Norris.

Mrs. Norris had just swallowed two dried fish when David heard footsteps coming from the direction it had just come.

"What are you doing!" An angry shout came from the end of the corridor, and Filch ran over panting heavily.

"What are you doing to Mrs. Norris!" Filch saw Mrs. Norris eating something from David's hand at a glance, and suddenly became furious. He walked up to David in a few steps.

"How dare you, how dare you do this!" Filch hugged Mrs. Norris in his arms, and threw all the dried fish in David's hand to the ground.

"Don't be angry, these are ordinary dried fish, which are good for Mrs. Norris's body," David said.

"Shut up." Filch stared into his eyes so hard that his already bulging eyeballs looked like they were going to pop out.

"Okay, okay." David took a step back, bowed and apologized to him: "This is my fault, I apologize to you."

Filch glared at David again, "From now on, you are not allowed to feed Mrs. Norris again!"

David shrugged.

Then Filch left with Mrs. Norris in his arms, "Honey, how can you eat what other people give you? They are all bad people, and you will get sick if you eat it." Filch walked Said on the side.

"How could he do that!" said Hermione angrily.

"It's okay, I did something wrong, I shouldn't have given it something to eat without authorization," David said.

When he accompanied Newt to Hogwarts before, he saw Mrs. Norris. At that time, Newt said that it was a little malnourished, and it would get sick if it continued like this. Newt wanted to treat it, but Filch Don't trust them.

So before going to school, David specially made some small dried fish, thinking that he could feed Mrs. Norris some when Filch was away, so as to nourish her body, but he didn't expect Filch to react so strongly. Kind of underestimated how important Mrs. Norris was to Filch.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, let's go to the library." Seeing that Hermione was still full of anger, David said hurriedly: "If it's later, you won't have time to preview."

Hermione snorted, and walked towards the library with her school uniform pulled by the wind.

David shrugged and followed. He didn't understand why Hermione was so angry. He was the one who was yelled at by Filch. Hermione stood by, and Filch didn't even look at her. Could it be because of Filch's anger? Qi ignored her?

When there were still 10 minutes to go to class, David and Hermione hurried to the Transfiguration classroom. At this time, a small number of people were sitting in the classroom. They were chatting and venting their excitement for the first class. .

David saw a tabby cat squatting in front of the classroom, he stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

Hermione also saluted, but she obviously didn't understand why David did this, her little face was full of doubts.

After finding a place to sit, Hermione said, "Why did you just do that?"

"That's Professor McGonagall," David said.

That tabby cat is Professor McGonagall's Animagus, David has seen it before, at that time he thought it was an ordinary cat, and he held it in his arms and stroked it twice, but was soon caught by it Breaking free and becoming Professor McGonagall, this frightened David, and he didn't dare to see her for several days.

"Professor McGonagall!" Hermione amplified her voice a little in surprise, "How could that be!"

After Hermione said Professor McGonagall's words, David heard the students around him quiet down for a moment, and then the whole classroom was so quiet that even a needle could be heard.

"The tabby cat is Professor McGonagall's Animagus. Look around the tabby cat's eyes, is it the same as Professor McGonagall's frame?" David closed his mouth after finishing speaking, the classroom was too quiet, he It feels like a sin to speak up.

The students who came in behind were also frightened by this scene. They hurried in and found a place to sit upright, not daring to make noise.

This depressive atmosphere lasted until after class.

"Ron, come on."

As soon as the words fell, two figures pushed open the door and rushed in.

"Great, Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet!" The red-haired Ron said happily, "It would be a disaster if she found out that we were late for the first class!"

"Really? Mr. Weasley?" The tabby cat on the podium jumped forward and turned into Professor McGonagall.

The atmosphere in the classroom that had just become more active fell silent again.

She looked around and said, "Of all the students, only Scamander and Miss Granger found me, and I'll give Gryffindor two points for that!"

"As for you two." Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and Ron again: "Do you need me to turn one of you into a pocket watch or a map? Then you won't be late!"

 Please recommend tickets, please collect, thank you everyone, hope to have a good time!

(End of this chapter)

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