Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 27 John, I'm Waiting to Eat the 3 Sandwiches You Made (Add more for Jing Xiaolou a)

Chapter 27 John, I'm Waiting to Eat the Sandwich You Made (Add more for Jing Xiaolou a)

In the evening, after dinner, Newt and David accompanied John to the simple wooden house.

"Feeling alright?" David asked.

"Very good!" John breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "When the moon was full before, I was alone, and I didn't have any potions. Now I am with you, there is nothing better than this .”

"Okay, I'm going in, stay away from me later." John pointed to the sky, and the moon was about to rise.

David gave him a hug, and John walked into the rickety cabin.

Soon, the moonlight was shining on the earth, and the moon had risen to a high place, revealing its round shape.

A shrill howl came from the cabin, and after a while the howl turned into a wolf's howl.

John has turned into a werewolf, but he hasn't adapted yet, howling crazily, crashing against the wall of the cabin, making a booming sound.

Under his impact, the wooden house swayed back and forth, but fortunately it was relatively strong and did not fall down.

Hearing John's painful cry, David couldn't bear it. He said, "Grandpa, is there no way to keep John from changing his body on a full moon night? For example, let him stay in a closed room on a full moon night." Space, a place where the moonlight cannot be seen?"

Newt thought for a while, and then said: "Werewolves are actually ordinary wizards who are sick. There is a mutated magical energy in their bodies. Usually, that energy is suppressed by them, so they will not transform, but this The magical power has been gradually increasing, and on the night of the full moon, the magical energy contained in the stronger than usual moonlight will detonate this energy, turning them into werewolves."

"The full moon is just a lead, it can't play a decisive role. Even if they have been in a world without a moon, when they can't suppress that energy, they will still become werewolves, and they will suffer more, and even die directly. " Newt's tone was a little sad: "Although the moon will make them experience this pain regularly, it can also make them live safely."

"Then can't this disease be cured?" David frowned and said.

"In theory, it is possible, as long as it can neutralize the energy in their bodies, just like Wolfsbane potion, if a werewolf takes it a week before transforming, the potion will continuously ease that energy, making the werewolf You won't lose your mind when transforming." Newt said: "David, do you want to try to study it in the future?"

David thought about it, maybe he could try it in the future. After all, John has become a family with them now, and there is also the uncle Lupine who has only met him a few times but treats him very well.

If they can be successfully invented, they will be able to live with everyone like a normal wizard, without having to hide from XZ.

Moreover, Hogwarts also has Snape, the master of potions, I believe he knows a lot.

David was thinking silently in his heart, how to let Snape pass on his skills to himself at Hogwarts. According to Newt and his narration, he was not an easy person to get along with, but he was not easy to get along with in David's previous life. From the remaining memories, he seems to be a nice person?
Not long after Newt and David finished talking, the calls in the wooden house stopped, not even the sound of insects and birds, and the silence made David feel a little uncomfortable.

"Come on, he should be able to control himself." Newt held his wand and walked over to push open the door.

John's body has completely turned into the shape of a wolf, with sharp fangs and long claws. He curled up listlessly in a corner of the wooden house, avoiding the moonlight.

This is the sequelae of Wolfsbane Potion. Although it can keep werewolves rational, it can also make them weak and listless.

"Are you okay?" David asked softly.

John raised his head and glanced at David, nodded slowly, and then buried his head down again.

Newt waved his wand and restored John's torn quilt to its original state. He said, "David, let's go and let him stay alone for a while."

David obediently followed Newt and walked out of the cabin, but soon he ran back again and said loudly to John, "John, come back early tomorrow morning, I'll wait for you for breakfast, the sandwiches you made Much better than Tina's cooking."

After speaking, David waved vigorously, turned and left.

John stared blankly at the direction of the door, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he stood up, bathed in the moonlight again, and then he lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed.

The next morning, David got up early, and when Tina got up to make breakfast for him, he ran over to stop Tina, "Grandma, I made an agreement with John, and I will cook it for me when he comes back." sandwich."

David pushed Tina to the side of the sofa while talking, and Tina smiled and patted his head.

Not long after, there were hurried footsteps outside the house, and then the door was pushed open, and John came in panting. His face was pale, but he was in a good state of mind. He obviously had a good rest last night.

As soon as John entered the door, he looked around eagerly, and then he saw David sitting at the dining table, with a questioning look in his eyes.

David patted the table and said, "John, you're back. I want two sandwiches!"

A big smile appeared on John's face, and then he looked at Newt and the others again.

Newt waved his hand, "Just prepare it for David, we've already eaten."

John nodded, and walked to the kitchen in a few steps, and soon there was a clanging sound inside.

After a while, John came out with two plates, on which were several attractive sandwiches, and two cups of hot milk flying beside him.

As soon as the sandwich was placed in front of David, he immediately picked up one with his hand, said thank you, and stuffed it into his mouth and took a big bite.

Compared with David's wolfing down, John is much more refined, he chews every bite slowly, like a gentleman.

He is tasting the delicious food, and David?Just filling my stomach.

After David finished eating the food on the plate, poured down the milk next to him, and burped, there was still a lot of food left on John's plate.

"David, wait a minute, you go clean the garden." Tina came over and said.

"Okay." David said, leaning back on the chair back, he still needs to slow down.

At this time, John next to him began to chew, no longer as elegant as before.

Tina noticed it and said, "John, you don't have to go later, go and have a good sleep. The bed in that cabin is not as comfortable as at home."

"Yes, yes, you don't have to go, I can do it by myself." David echoed beside him.

John swallowed the last bite of the sandwich and said, "It's okay, I slept well last night, and I also need to exercise to move my body."

 Thank you very much Jing Xiaolou a for your reward, this is the first time I received it, I will add a new chapter for you, hope you enjoy it!
  There is another chapter in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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