Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 24 I used to be a clerk in a potion shop

Chapter 24 I used to be a clerk in a potion shop
"It was the man I hit in front. He was lying on the grass all the time, and for some reason, he broke the rope of the carriage behind him to save the cub." Tina said strangely: "So We put him in a box and brought him back, and by the way, asked about the R organization."

After she finished speaking, she waved her wand, and a clear spring gushed out from the tip of her wand, pouring on the young man's face.

"He broke the rope?" David was a little puzzled. Isn't this person in the same group as those people?
Infernal Affairs?
Soon the young man frowned, opened his eyes a few times before he opened his eyes, he was stunned for a while, and soon saw Newt and the others standing in front of him.

He widened his eyes slightly in horror, and twisted his body desperately to break free from the rope on his body, but he stopped after only a few twists, the violent movement just now tore his wound.

"Who are you?" Newt snapped.

"John, John Smith," said John in a faint voice.

"When did you join the R organization?" Newt asked.

"No, not a few days." John seemed to be even more frightened. After he said a few words in a low voice, he lost his voice, and his whole body shrank together, his body trembling slightly.

"You..." Newt was about to continue to question, but seeing John like this, he couldn't help slowing down his voice, "Tell me, how did you join? Why did you think of joining them? I don't think you look like you are with them. people, and you seem to have helped us."

"Me, I didn't know they were thieves at first. I was sleeping in the forest, and then they found me and said they could give me a job, so I went with them." John whispered: "I really I didn’t know they were going to steal Myramon, if I knew, I definitely wouldn’t go.”

"I think you should tell me the truth at this time." Newt frowned and became more serious. It's not a good excuse for a wizard to betray himself casually for a job. He said he was an undercover agent for the Ministry of Magic. , Newt felt it was easier to accept.

John flinched in fright at the sound of his voice, and bowed his head again and remained silent.

Tina stepped forward and tugged at Newt's sleeve, and asked Newt to stand aside. She squatted in front of John and said softly, "You said you met them in the forest? Son, what trouble did you encounter? Do you? If you speak up, maybe we can help you."

John was silent for a long time, when Newt and the others felt that he would not speak again, his lips moved slightly, and a few words popped out: "I am a werewolf."

If David hadn't been focusing on him all the time, he almost didn't hear what John was saying.

David frowned and looked at Newt, asking his opinion.

A look of surprise appeared on Newt's face, and he said, "Werewolves? Your parents"

Before Newt finished speaking, John raised his head immediately and said eagerly: "No, no, they are not werewolves, they are all normal wizards, and they died long ago."

After John finished speaking, he lowered his head again. After a while, David saw a teardrop falling intermittently, dripping on his pants.

"Oh, we're so sorry, kid, then how did you become a werewolf?" Tina said in a more gentle tone.

"I am a graduate of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Pukech College. After graduation, I found a job in a potion shop. The owner is an old gentleman in his 70s. His name is Luke Wilson. That one People in the street call him Old Luke, he is a very poor potionist, he can only make some simple potions." After a while, John said softly, his tone was full of nostalgia.

"But he was very kind to me and never hid anything from me. He also taught me some useful methods of processing medicinal materials and formulas of potions, and old Luke also said that after he died, his potion shop would be handed over to me. Management, if only I could drop a flower and pour a glass of strong drink on his tombstone every day after he's dead."

"I told him at that time, you can rest assured that after you die, with my talent, I will definitely be able to carry forward this small shop. At that time, I will definitely plant flowers next to his tomb, and I will also dig for him in front. A cistern in which to store fine wine."

"Back then old Luke would always sit around and laugh."

A smile appeared on John's face, as if he was talking back to old Luke, but the smile disappeared quickly.

"Then one day, some medicinal materials in the store were not enough, we went to the forest to pick them, but old Luke was not feeling well for a few days, so I told him to rest in the store, and I went alone."

"Unexpectedly, not long after I entered the forest, I met a few wizards. They attacked me crazily and chased me. I couldn't run past, and I was stunned and arrested by them."

"When I woke up, I found that I was locked in a cage by them in a dark room, and there were more than a dozen people around me like me. When it was time to eat, a few people would come to give us food. of."

"This kind of life lasted for several days. We asked them several times in the middle of what they were doing to arrest us, but they never answered us once."

"Until one night, the moon was very bright that night, and the light came in from the small window, illuminating the whole room brightly, and the atmosphere in the room was more active than usual. Several people were talking non-stop, saying that they At this time in my hometown, there will be many performances on the street, and a lot of delicious food will be prepared at home. Under their leadership, I can't help but think of my family."

"This atmosphere lasted for about half an hour. The door diagonally opposite to me suddenly opened with a bang. We all thought that there were Aurors coming to rescue us. Everyone stood up excitedly, shouting frantically, begging them Save us, but, but."

John's eyes widened blankly, his face was full of panic, and he spoke quickly. He thought of the night that frightened him again.

"The ones who walked in were not wizards, but several terrifying werewolves. Their eyes shone with terrifying light and they had long claws. The moment they appeared, they rushed towards us, tore off the chains, and bit us On my shoulder, strangely enough, after he bit me, he was not hurting me and struggled away."

"Not long after being bitten by him, my body felt hot and the pain was unbearable. It didn't take long for me to pass out."

"When I woke up again, it was already the next day. The people who usually brought us food came to the house again, took us out, and gathered them in a playground. I looked, my house There are only 7-8 people left, and the rest of them don’t know whether they were killed by werewolves or they didn’t survive the pain.”

"Those people told us that now we have become werewolves. People like them are not accepted by society. If we want to survive, we must join them and resist the rule of wizards. They will return us It depicts the beauty of a world ruled by werewolves."

"Later, they began to train us, asking us to attack other wizards and increase the number of werewolves. They even asked us to attack children. They would give us a bottle of Wolfsbane potion for every person they caught."

"But I don't want to do that. It's painful to become a werewolf. Every time the moon is full, I will go through that kind of torture. And if I don't take the wolf's poison potion in advance, I will completely lose consciousness and become a wolf. Total beasts, and I don't want them to be like that."

"So I waited for a long time, and finally I got an opportunity. Suddenly many wizards came to attack our camp that day. I ran out while they were fighting. A place where you can live peacefully like an ordinary person."

"However, the moment I became a werewolf, all this has been irreversible. As they say, werewolves are not accepted by most people."

John raised his head, stared at the ceiling blankly, tears kept gathering in the corners of his eyes, and then slid down his face.

Newt stood aside silently, looking at John, wondering what he was thinking.

Tina's eyes had already overflowed with tears, and she wiped them with her sleeves from time to time.

David opened his mouth, wanting to say something to comfort him, but he didn't know how to speak.

 Please recommend tickets, please collect, thank you everyone, hope to have a good time


(End of this chapter)

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