Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ★ Eleven

The day came to end, as the once blue sky faded into an ocean of blackness; the waning gibbous moon shimmering brightly amidst the lustrous stars, as they glinted high above the castle grounds. Silence and quietude submerged the halls of the now sleeping school, with only the occasional sound of sweeping robes, as the prefects patrolled their designated route. The rules were adamant and simple: no one was to set foot outside their dormitory upon nightfall, as those most adventurous and rebellious would not go unpunished.

"The coast is clear." Peter muttered, as he gestured to his friends. Sneaking out of their common room, the mischievous quartet ventured down the empty halls of Hogwarts. Free to roam about, and sprinkle their mischievousness throughout the school, they proceeded down the Serpentine Corridor to Professor Khallavar’s classroom.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Peter asked nervously.

"Have we ever failed at a prank mate?" James responded, a boastful expression waving across his face. The troublesome quartet prowled inside the darkened room, each holding a carmine pouch. "Just stand guard for us. And don’t forget! No lights!" Peter nodded in understanding.

"This is wicked." Sirius muttered, smiling broadly, as he sprinkled some Impishiun Vimpes Powder upon the narrow redwood desks. Carefully concocted using a pinch of Druxe Dust and Oogling Pixies, its usage was strictly forbidden, and its punishment for doing so, was quite severe.

"Let’s get this over with! If we’re lucky, we might even have time to get down to the riverside." James teased, as he sprinkled his pouch’s content. He had kept a close eye upon his best mate’s latest nightly escapades; his deductions accurate, as he had noticed Sirius leaving a quarter before eleven, to return later, about a quarter passed midnight.

"We wouldn’t be missing much mate." Sirius replied defensively, for his friends could see right through his profession. Few minutes passed, for their future prank came to completion. They stood in admiration, a broad smile spreading across their faces, as they gazed upon their impish accomplishment.

"Can’t wait to see the look on Khallavar’s face!" Sirius exclaimed with an impish smile. "This is gonna be good!"

"The surprise he’ll get, when he opens up the curtains." James replied with a mirrored expression, as he could already see the infuriated Professor raging out of his classroom.

"Guess we’re done here." Remus muttered.

"Just one more thing." James replied, as he walked to a single desk down by a small alcove. "This, is Severus’s seat." He placed upon it a single Sluggish Toadis. Set for their next adventurous destination, their enthusiasm was cut short, for unexpected company soon arrived. With little time to warn his friends, Peter transformed into his Animagus form, and waddled his way out of Turris Magnus, barely enough time before changing back into his normal self.

"Who goes there?" A voice echoed, as a robed figure sauntered inside, his face outlined by only the dim glow of his wand. "Come out now! I know you’re in here!" Nothing but silence, when something soon caught his attention. Amidst the darkness, he could see movements whooshing across the room. Casting a brighter Lumos spell, he proceeded further in, for he soon stumbled upon the source of motion.

"Impishiun Powder!!" He exclaimed in trepidation, for it was already too late. Pouncing out of hiding, the three marauders rushed out of the classroom, but not before casting their newly discovered Firagam Lumos spell. A bright and gleaming light engulfed the room like a firebird whirling, as thousands of minuscule creatures began fluttering amidst the chaos. A early prank which resulted nonetheless in a victorious and prideful expression flashing upon the mischievous trio. Swathed beneath the Invisibility Cloak, they return to their dormitory.

The commotion echoed throughout the tower, reaching far, to Professor McGonagall’s office. Awakened by the ruckus, she proceeded with haste down to Professor Khallavar’s classroom.

"What in Merlin’s name happened here!" Minerva exclaimed, as she cast the Immobulus spell. "Mr Harles?"

"Impishiun Sprites." The young man answered in a peeved tone, as he brushed the pixie dust off his attire and disheveled hair. Minerva simply shook her head, as she knew of the culprits.


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