Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1162: Theory of Charms

Knowing that Evan was going to take the exam, Colin, Vicky and others went to bed early, wishing him good luck.

The dormitory was quiet and no one spoke.

Evan stared into the deep darkness for a while, and then the definition of basic Charms suddenly appeared in his mind.

He thought about it for a while, shook his head and fell asleep, feeling that the night passed quickly.

If Evan said that he was not nervous at all, he would definitely be lying. He probably handled it better than others.

At breakfast the next day, none of the fifth years talked very much. Harry absentmindedly fiddled with his knife; Ron buried his face behind the newly delivered Hogwarts Magic News; Parvati was practicing incantations under her breath while the salt cellar in front of her twitched; Neville kept dropping his knife and fork and knocking over the marmalade. Hermione was still holding the thick Achievement in Charming and muttering to herself, but Evan didn’t let her flip through it anymore!

Once breakfast was over, students from other years went off to lessons. Colin, Ginny, Elaine, Luna, and other students not taking the exam, and members of the D.A. came to greet Evan, gave their best wishes, and left the hall.

Then, Evan, the fifth and seventh years milled around in the entrance hall.

At about nine o’clock, the doors of the Hall reopened.

The Heads of the Houses, holding their lists, called the students forward one by one to reenter the Great Hall.

They would be responsible for checking the students to ensure that they did not carry any prohibited items.

Professor McGonagall gently waved her wand lightly at Evan and let him in!

Inside the Great Hall, the House tables had been removed and replaced instead with many tables for one, all facing the staff-table end of the Hall. The examiners from the Wizarding Examinations Authority would guide the students to their assigned seats.

In addition to the test papers, each table also had spare quills, ink bottles, and rolls of parchment for calculations.

Perhaps due to special arrangements, Evan’s seat was in the first row. He could see Dumbledore, Sirius, Professor Marchbanks and an older wizard sitting at the staff table not far in front. The four of them were talking quietly.

When Evan came in, they all smiled and nodded to him.

Evan also nodded. Obviously, their conversation just now should be related to him, otherwise the two examiners should not know him.

He turned around and looked, only to see Hermione sitting in the fifth seat of the third row, while Harry and Ron’s seats were a little further back.

Further back were the seventh years.

When all the students came in, Professor McGonagall closed the door and was the last to come in.

“You may begin!” She turned over an enormous hourglass on the desk beside her.

As soon as Professor McGonagall finished speaking, more than two hundred test papers on the tables turned over instantly.

Evan heard the sound of quills scribbling, and he lowered his eyes to the first question: a) Give the incantation, and b) describe the wand movement required to make objects fly…

This was the Levitation Charm, the incantation being Wingardium Leviosa, which they had learned in the first year.

When mastered, the spell could be shortened by omitting four syllables. If using different ancient runes to cast this spell, there were thirty-six different ways to do so, with the simplest requiring only one syllable. When cast quickly enough, it could be instantaneous.

Evan hesitated for a moment, whether to write down all thirty-six different incantations, or just give a simple answer…

Using ancient runes to cast spells wasn’t something a fifth-year wizard could generally master.

However, Evan looked at the size of the blank between the first and second questions. Simply writing the Levitation Charm and describing the wand movement seemed too broad; it certainly couldn’t be that simple.

He thought about it, lowered his head and started writing.

Anyway, there was enough time, it wouldn’t be wrong to write a little more, right?

This kind of question was not difficult for Evan. He found the exam overall to be quite easy. The only trouble was the last few questions.

For example, listing all Cheering Charms and their casting methods; without limiting the specific range and side effects, Evan could list over eighty such spells in one go.

Another example was the final scenario analysis question, which set a scenario and asked to achieve the desired effect using no more than three spells. Evan found this condition too broad.

Two hours passed quickly as he wrote continuously, filling the entire exam paper with his answers.

Professor McGonagall stood beside him and watched for a long time, then silently handed him a stack of parchment to write his overflow answers on.

In short, he was probably the last to finish the exam.

Reflecting on his first O.W.Ls exam, Evan thought that exams were really a strenuous task.

Fortunately, he had eaten a lot for breakfast; otherwise, he wouldn’t have had the energy to write everything…

“Well, it wasn’t too bad, was it?” asked Hermione anxiously in the entrance hall, still holding a pile of parchment tightly in her hands. Like Evan, she had written until the last moment. “I just ran out of time, I’m not sure if I did myself justice on Cheering Charms. Evan, how many did you come up with?”

“Eighty-three, but some of them are Dark magic. I only wrote more than sixty in the end,” said Evan.

Writing down Dark magic in a theoretical Charms exam was definitely not a good idea.

As soon as he finished speaking, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and others who heard Evan’s response all looked at him in shock.

“Well, what’s wrong?” Evan looked at them strangely. “Is there any problem?”

“Nothing!” Harry and Ron exchanged glances and shook their heads in unison.

“Are there that many Cheering Charms?” Hermione flipped through her study notes. “I’ve only written thirty-eight. Can Dark magic make people happy too?”

“It can produce similar effects. Some Dark Arts believe that inflicting cruel harm or abuse on someone’s body can produce a twisted sense of pleasure, continuously stimulating sensory emotions. Ultimately, it gives the caster a considerable amount of joy, with the pleasure level proportional to the extent of harm caused, reaching unimaginable levels. The effect is several times that of an ordinary Cheering Charm…”

“Well, tell me all the Cheering Charms later. I want to check them. I hope I won’t lose too many points for this question,” said Hermione. “By the way, did you put in the countercharm for hiccups? I wasn’t sure whether I ought to, it felt like too much — and on question twenty-three —”

“Hermione, could you two please stop discussing this?” said Ron sternly. “I only wrote down one Cheering Charm, and we’ve been through this before… We’re not going through every exam afterward; it’s bad enough doing them once!”

“Yeah, you’re right,” said Hermione. “We should prepare for the afternoon exam now.”

During lunch, spread the word about Evan writing down over eighty Cheering Charms.

The whole Hall was buzzing about it. Many students only knew one Cheering Charm, and those who knew two or three were rare.

No one had written as many as Evan and Hermione. They obviously didn’t spend enough time on non-textbook magic books.

Of course, everyone was used to Evan doing such things by now! Seeing their reactions, Evan realized he might have overdone it a bit.

If he had known earlier, he would have written a few less and kept consistent with Hermione, and he would probably have gotten full marks for that question.

Writing down so many Charms was quite tiring…

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