Harry Potter And The Betrayal

Chapter 98: Dantes' Deadly Duel

Molly and Arthur Weasley stared around the Great Hall in surprise. The tables and benches were gone. Instead there were wooden barriers scattered around the room.

"You are a little late, Mrs. Weasley." Dantes observed. "I was beginning to wonder if you had changed your mind and decided to sacrifice your honour."

"Not on your life!" Molly hissed.

"Fortunately for me, my life is not on the line and neither is yours, since this is a paintball duel." Dantes pulled a shrunken case out of a pouch at his waist and enlarged it. Opening it, he pulled several items out and handed them to Molly. "You will need these."

Molly looked at the clear, over large things that looked like glasses, a half mask looking thing that looked like it was to be worn on the lower half of someone's face and something wooden that she couldn't figure out. "What are these?"

"These," Dantes tapped the clear large glasses, "are to protect your eyes. The have been treated with an Impervius charm so that the paint won't stick to them so that you will always be able to see. The mask is to be worn so you don't accidentally swallow or breathe in the paint. And last but not least," he slid his wand into the groove on the top of the wooden thing, "this is similar to the muggle pistols used in muggle paintball tournaments. It links to the core of your wand and allows you to aim and fire the orbis pigmento spell that produces the balls of coloured paint."

"You have got to be kidding!" Molly stared at the things in disgust. "We are supposed to be fighting a proper duel, not a children's game. I didn't come here to play some game with you. I came here for a duel to defend my family's honour."

"Actually madam, children in the muggle world and even in the parts of the magical world where this is paintball is used as a form of training and entertainment do not take part in the tournaments, because the paintballs themselves can cause bruising when they make contact. It is primarily adults and older teens that engage in this sport. And as I also told you, madam, unless you want to wind up severely injured or dead, you will stop disputing the original terms agreed to by your second. I have no problem fighting a real duel, but be warned, I will fight to win if that is the case and to me winning will be you dead or permanently incapacitated . I haven't lost a duel yet and you won't be my first." Dantes' expressionless face convinced Molly that he was deadly serious.

"How we know which of us won the duel if we simply use paintballs?" Molly wanted to know. "In a normal duel, the winner is clear because one of the duellists is down and unable to continue duelling."

"That is quite simple, madam," Dantes assured her. "In muggle paintball tournaments and some of the magical ones I have seen and participated in, they have a time limit usually of about thirty minutes to an hour. The ones covered with the most paint are the losers and that is the method we will use. If you are agreeable our duel will last thirty minutes and then we will see which of us is the loser."

"Very well," Molly huffed.

Dantes showed her how to put on the glasses and mask that was to protect the lower half of her face. He also showed her how to make sure her wand was properly slotted in the strange pistol shaped handle so that it would still fire spells.

"Now madam, since you are unfamiliar with the spell we will be using and the means by which it is fired, you may have twenty minutes to practice it." Dantes told her. "The spell is quite simple, a first year could do it. Simply aim at one of the wooden barriers and say orbis pigmento while thinking of the colour you would like the ball of paint to be. Once you can fire it well, we will have our duel."

The three men watched from near the wall as Molly Weasley practised the spell and learned to move around the barriers and obstacles.

"Your wife should've worn different clothes, Mr. Weasley." Dantes observed as she moved around the room. "Her mobility is going to be affected by that skirt of hers, but unless she is good at transfiguration, it is too late for her to change into a pair of pants now."

Arthur had to agree with that assessment, but simply said, "Molly never wears pants. She says it's not proper for a lady to wear men's clothes."

"She may regret that choice before this is over. I see she has also found out that the pistol grip will allow her to fire other spells if needed." Dantes commented, as a red bolt of spell energy hit the barrier Molly was firing at. "The designers left it that way, since some tournaments are fought in the woods where magical creatures among others are roaming about and they didn't want to take away a person's ability to defend themselves, by having to waste time removing their wand from the pistol grip."

As Molly fired several more standard spells at the barrier, Dantes shouted. "Since you now seem to have the paint spell down practise time is up, madam."

Arthur looked around the room and realised that someone was missing. "We need a referee to start and oversee the duel."

"Who would you suggest?" Harry asked.

"Either Dumbledore or Flitwick," Arthur suggested. "Both of them are considered expert duellers, though Flitwick has a Mastery in Duelling along with his Charms mastery."

"If he is available, I would prefer this Flitwick." Dantes named his choice. "Can he be gotten here quickly?"

"He teaches here." Harry told him.

"I would prefer the Headmaster to start the duel." Molly countered.

"I think Flitwick has seventh year Gryffindors right about now," Arthur commented. "Ron and Hermione are both in his class so I know the schedule."

Dantes shrugged, "then let it be Dumbledore."

"Tibby," Arthur called one of the Hogwarts house elves.

When the house elf appeared Arthur made his request and the elf disappeared with a pop. It reappeared a few minutes later and whispered something to Arthur. Arthur nodded his thanks.

"Dumbledore will be down in a few minutes." Arthur announced.


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