Chapter 96: Measuring Magical Reserves
Flitwick turned back to them, away from the chalkboard. "Or, in other words, the more flamels you can produce, the brighter the light… I need a volunteer."
Granger's hand instantly shot into the air.
She gave the girl a half-lidded look.
Tracey giggled.
"Yes, Miss Granger, please come to the front of the class."
Granger stood up and swept to the front of the classroom.
She spotted John Potter sitting several rows down, looking at Granger the way a just-kicked puppy might look at its owner. She smirked.
Flitwick produced an hourglass from under the desk.
"Now, Miss Granger, what I'm going to ask you to do is to hold your wand out in front of you and close your eyes."
Granger did so.
"We're going to go through a basic visualisation exercise to enable you to cast the spell. Don't worry if you don't get it right the first time. That's very common. Now, imagine it being really dark, so very dark that you can't see anything. You also know there is a monster nearby but you can't see it. You also know that this monster is afraid of the light and that if you can produce light, you'll be able to get away. Can you imagine that?"
Granger nodded.
"It's really dark and you need that light. You need it right now . Now, cast the spell!"
"Lumos!" The dimmed classroom lit up. Illuminated by a single point of strong light.
Flitwick turned the hourglass over. The sand started to fall. "Oh, very well done, Miss Granger, keep it just like that, yes, that's it, just like that."
Granger opened her eyes and stared at the light. A thousand laughs danced in her eyes.
Flitwick tipped his own wand to the tip of Granger's and muttered an incantation of his own. The professor's wand shot out a number, much like a tempus spell shot out the time - 12.07.
The light shone brightly for a little while more, then, suddenly, it dimmed, not going out, but not nearly as strong as before.
Flitwick flipped the hourglass over and tapped his wand on the top. Another number shot out of the wand - 18.42.
"The first number is the flamels Miss Granger is capable of producing. The second is how long she can keep that rate of flow up before the reserves of her wand and body are drained. Multiply the two together and you get what we call the maximum immediate reserves - the maximum number of Merlins that Miss Granger has access to at full power."
The chalk on the board wrote '12.07M/s x 18.42s = 222.33M'.
Once those reserves were used up, Miss Granger only had what little magic flowed directly from her core, which almost always has a much lower flamelage than our wands have. That is why the lumos spell eventually dimmed.
Flitwick glanced at the wand held in Granger's hand. "That is quite a wand, Miss Granger. Dragon heartstring I presume?"
"Yes, Professor."
"Good, good. Well done. Three points to Slytherin. Please sit down."
Granger walked back up towards her and Tracey, looking very pleased with herself.
"What I want you all to do now is practise the lumos spell. Once you're sure you can cast it at full power, I will measure your maximum immediate reserves. If you are waiting or finished, please read and make notes on chapter one of An Introduction to Magical Theory. "
Daphne jabbed her wand. "Lumos." A bright light lit the end of her wand. She was pretty sure it wasn't quite as bright as Granger's had been.
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore read the letter again. He wasn't sure what to think. He'd just got back from checking the ministry records and Miss Granger's parents had indeed appointed Lord Slytherin as their child's magical guardian. That wouldn't be easy to reverse.
Not without the Grangers willing assistance. Not only that, but Lord Slytherin appeared to have put it into the head of both the girl and her parents that he was dangerous enough that he shouldn't be left alone with a child. Him . The headmaster of a school. Did Slytherin really believe that? Or was it just a ruse to distance this family from those who might clue them in to the power he now wielded over them?
The door to his office opened. He pocketed the letter.
"Ah, Professor McGonagall. Are we ready?"
Professor McGonagall stood in the doorway, wrapped in her hardworking travelling cloak. "Yes, Albus." She hesitated. "I really don't know where all this came from. They seemed to be a perfectly normal muggle family when I talked to them last year." She coughed. "Although, now I think about it, they might have been a bit more accepting of everything than most muggle families are."
Dumbledore nodded. "Let's hope we can get this all straightened out as soon as possible. I do have an appointment with Gringotts straight after, and I don't need to say how dangerous it is for Miss Granger's family right now." He walked over to the floo and threw a pinch into the fire place. "Crawley."
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