Harry Potter: A Different Sirius

Chapter 124: Beyond the Books

Charlie tested Harry's knowledge of spell identification and was exceptionally pleased. When he wasn't teaching recruits he spent time with Harry on dodging drills, first aid, and apparition. Their friendship struck most everyone at the training facility as odd. Mostly because Charlie was such a curmudgeon. Harry didn't care; the crusty trainer was a warrior and was teaching him to be one too. Sirius and Harry's other teachers were always mindful he was a child and balanced their desire for his performance level to rise against his feelings. Charlie just expected him to do better no excuses, no whining, suck it up and improve or else. Harry thrived on it.

The third week of their jaunt to Chicago, Sirius was running a training exercise for a mixed group of advanced trainees and updating aurors. Harry was ecstatic because Winry and Radar were two of the updating aurors and he got to participate. They would run the exercise three times so each group got the chance to act in each role: observer, aggressor, defender. They had aurors surrounding the site whose job was to prevent security breeches by muggles or anyone else. They were in one of the forest preserves near the O'Hare airport and the scenario was that Harry was a principle to be defended, which meant he wasn't allowed to do much. That was okay, if a little boring because it was learning in a live situation with real aurors. Harry was young enough to appreciate it.

Moody was puzzled by everything he'd observed the last four hours. He'd hired twelve locals to help and scouted this location throughly before coming up with a plan. The plan was simple they would slip through the security net early then observe until Moody gave the signal. Chambers had sent a notice that the exercise would be run three times. Moody had warned his team that they may have a long wait because he wanted to know the flow of the exercise before attempting to snag Harry. He hadn't really expected to see such a happy young boy who seemed ready to react. Moody had maneuvered so he'd be in perfect position to dart the five people protecting Harry and snag him. His team would have the job of knocking out the remainder of the people here for the exercise. Moody had stressed again and again until they got there that these were law enforcement aurors but that they didn't want war with wizards in the US. Orders were knock the aurors out and snag Harry, and if possible snag Black if not take Black out. He heard Sirius' sonorus and signaled his team to be ready to go.

"Alright everyone. Here we are, trainees it's your turn. You got to watch how it is done by the pro's." Sirius grinned at Winry and Radar on the far side of the field. He didn't know the other experienced aurors but he was pleased by the bar they had set for the exercise. They had been the defenders the first time through then the attackers in the second round. First and second rounds they had won. "Team 2 your the attackers this go round. Team 3 you're defenders. Go!"

Sirius and his guards and the observing aurors were shocked when on the word go. Everyone came under sudden spell fire not just team 3. Sirius, Dani, Charlie, Winry and Radar were among the first to respond unfortunately they were on different sides of the exercise grounds and Harry was equally far from both of them. Sirius' attention immediately snapped to Harry. He spotted the blur of a disillusion spell. But before he could fire off a stupefy he got hit with a bludgeoning curse not straight on but enough to hurt. He would have to hope all the training he had given Harry was enough and turned his attention to his immediate problem of several attackers with no compunctions of doing nasty spells on him.

Harry was shocked and instinctively dodged the stunning spells fired in his direction after his guards dropped from darts. What the hell was happening? He started to move for Sirius when he felt himself grasped from behind by someone he couldn't see. Damn it! He brought his elbow back as hard as he could into what he hoped was his attackers solar plexus. Then deliberately dropped his weight to the ground hitting hands down and one foot under him. Taking his free leg he did a sweep intending to knock his attacker on his ass. He was surprised that one of the legs behind him felt like wood. Since he was practically in a sprinters crouch and his attacker had released him he bolted towards Sirius sending up an accidental if instinctive shield.

Moody couldn't believe what had just happened a kid had knocked him on his ass. Sitting up quickly he fired three stunners at the sprinting figure. The first hit a shield the second would have hit him in the shoulder but the boy somersaulted and the next two went over him. Taking careful aim Moody fired a fourth and a fifth knowing there was no way for the boy to avoid them. The fourth hit and collapsed the feeble shield. But just when he thought the fifth would connect he heard the distinctive crack of apparition.

Back at the WIS facility, alarms were going off. Trainers scrambled the most advanced trainees that weren't at the exercise, grabbing vests and first aid kits and apparated to the exercise site.

Sirius wanted to chew out the people that were supposed to be his guards unfortunately he couldn't because they were down. He swore, "I knew I should've grabbed my vest this morning, But no trust your team I said." He fired a blasting hex in the direction of one of his attackers. "I forgot the bloody cardinal rule." He fired another curse in the direction he thought was another attacker. "There's never enough security and there's no such thing as paranoia!" Sirius was crouching but still had at least three attackers still firing at him. When he heard the crack of apparition from the direction Harry had been in. He half turned to look only to have another crack happen in front of him. He took two steps towards Harry when he noticed that two of his three attackers stepped forward and fired simultaneous sectumsempra curses. Harry was in the line of fire. Sirius dived forward without thinking and protected Harry's body with his own.

A/N: I thought about leaving it there but I promised a long chapter. Also credit for the cardinal rule goes to noylj, Thanks

Winry, Dani, and Walter had finally fought clear of their attackers as they heard the crack of Harry's apparition. Charlie just apparated so he was behind the third of Sirius' remaining attackers and stunned him.

"Sirius!" Harry's panicked cry echoed through the grove. His Godfather was on top of him unconscious and bleeding. Harry's eyes went electric blue as a sudden wind came whipping through the grove.


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