Harem Reborn

Chapter 34: Duelist's Tear

Before we went to face the demon dragon, Nemicoramus, we all decided to get supplies. The girls also decided on our groups, to Iona's displeasure. Tilly and Lavender dragged Iona to Master Darbon's smithing shop, while Victoria and I went to look for other unique magical items that could help us.

Victoria looked a lot different today. Gone was her blue armor, and her coppery hair fell to her shoulders, framing her beautiful face. A blue dress hugged her body and accentuated her curves, the sight of her had made my breath catch, and my mind slipped back to the coffee shop.

"What are you daydreaming about?" Victoria asked, pulling my hand after I had stopped in thought.

"Sorry, you look really good in that dress, Vic. I always see you in that blue armor, which looks good, but the dress reminds me of the coffee shop."

It was good to talk freely about this kind of thing and not worry about blacking out. At my compliment, Victoria became red in the face and started to act shy. The tomboyish attitude was gone, replaced with the girl's innocence that always had my latte ready in a world built to take me down.

"Come on, we still have five levels to climb," I grabbed Victoria's hand as I broke the awkward silence and pulled her along.

We made a cute couple as passed through each checkpoint without a problem. Even though each noble level had a gate, it was a matter of walking straight for five levels before you ascended to the next rise in the city's circular structures. We only had to climb at the ninth level to get to the tenth, and once at the top of the next ring, a different type of city awaited us.

"Wow! Dave, it's like before!" Victoria spoke with awe and excitement while clutching at my arm.

"No, kidding! I wonder if the coffee shop is hidden somewhere in here?" I asked mischievously, not thinking that it would have much effect, but Victoria froze in place, stopping my movement.

"I-I-I g-guess w-we could l-look," Victoria's face had burst into a flaming red, and she looked like she was starting to sweat.

"What's gotten into you, Vic?" I questioned her in confusion, at the same time, wondering was she ok?

Victoria buried her face in my red sleeve and let out a deep breath.

"I'm fine, let's go," she muttered and straightened up.

Victoria's face cooled, and we follow the concrete path that led from the gatehouse to the sidewalk of the main street. The first shops we saw weren't that impressive, places like Kodio's Gem Screen Repairs and Brisbob's Neutronium Core Charging. We finally found a shop on the bottom of a massive geometric structure. The entire thing defied the Laws of Physics, leaving both of us like gaping fish walking up to the entrance.

"Prismatic Crystal Armory, hmm? Just from seeing the outside of the building make me want to go in," I say with excitement.

"How does It stay up like that?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe invisible chains are anchoring it down?"

"Let's go inside and find out for ourselves," Victoria said as she pulled me by the hand to the single door to this gigantic monolith.

(Meanwhile at Darbon's Smithy) Lavender, Iona and Tilly

"Why Did I have to get dragged down here with you two? That blue armored bimbo is with him now, so why can't I? OUCH! Hey!"

Lavender had dropped a hard chop down between the pigtails of the complaining Iona's head. Tilly was using her magic to work the demon stainless steel into a plate suit for Victoria. Iona didn't know that Tilly and Lavender planned in private to make some new special syringes to mollify the always complaining Iona.

"Let's go for a walk. Your fits are starting to distract Tilly," Lavender said as she grabbed the now protesting Iona's wrist and dragged her away screaming.


Tilly laughed as they left, and her master Darbon spoke up. "You got a good set a friend's there girl. I hope ya take real good care of them and they be doin' the same for ya, ya know, right? Ya seem different now, ya know? That boy's really somethin', eh? Seem's like he ain't just be changing you either."

Tilly redded when Darbon referred to Dave, which made him laugh out loud and patted Tilly on the shoulder.

"Just keep goin' and do yer best. Right my gurl?"

(Following Lavender dragging Iona)

"What is wrong with you, beast woman! Why are you so strong?" Iona complained as she dragged behind Lavender.

"This would be easier if you would just walk."

"HA! This cartage is a free ride for me and not the first or last time I will be carted this way. I even have reinforced heels!"

"I don't even know why I'm doing this! Your such a brat, and you're older than me! So you should be the one to treat me!"

"Treat? Hmm? What are you talking about wom..."

Iona's words cut off as Lavender stopped and let go of the hand she had been dragging. Iona hit the ground with a *Thump* and let out a groan. She scrambled up and glared at Lavender.

"Were here," Lavender pointed as she pointed to a wave-shaped store colored in green and yellow.

The sign above reading: Jelly Jims Gelato

"Why?" Was all Iona could say.

"Just get inside."

The two walked into the wave-like shop, and Female Slime-Kin stood behind the counter. The shop had three tables and an L-shaped counter that the yogurt icecream hid behind. Lavender noted this barrier's use as she had to pull Iona away from the glass before she got drool on it.

"What can I get you and your daughter, Miss?"

"I will have pineapple, and what will you have, Dear?" Lavender laid on the sugar and spoke the last word with a dash of vinegar, and Iona looked ready to explode.

"Strawberry, and make it a double!" Iona was seething inside, but the idea of gelato was more appealing than revenge.

"A double?"

"Oh yes, let My Little Miss Darling have whatever she wants!"

"Oh yeah? Then I will also have a double scoop of choco-nana in a sugar cone, My Old and Decrepit Mother!"

Sparks flew between the girls as they waited for their gelato. Lavender made Iona eat all the that she ordered and almost ended up throwing it all back up. The two fought but soon headed back to Master Darbon's Smith.

(Walking inside the door of the impossible geometric building with Dave and Victoria)

The room that we walked into wasn't what either of us had expected. Steel walls lined the room and an elevator at the end—quite anti-climatical after such a grand entrance.

Victoria and I walked to the elevator and stepped inside. The same steel walls lined the interior, and we both turn around to find only two buttons, up and down. I tried to press the up button, but the door just closed, and we didn't move.

"What's wrong?"

"I pushed up, Isn't that the direction we want to go?"

"Maybe try down, ya know, since there aren't a lot of other choices, like, even to open the door," Victoria laughed, but it felt a bit forced.

She was right, and the elevator started moving after pressing down. I think I felt longer than it took, but maybe, in this case, it could have been longer. Victoria had molded herself into me, and I was sad to have her warmth go, but when the door opened, those thoughts left.

Glass or crystal of every type and variety displayed on a single 15x40 meter area. Rows upon rows of glass cover case filled with exciting items line the store. We stepped out of the elevator, and suddenly, a small flying Television, about fifteen centimeters tall, greeted us.

"OH, BOY! We haven't had guests down here in forever! You guys even have noble names, and you didn't get you inside boiled too! Man, I sure am glad to see new faces, and the master will be thrilled! My Name Is 10101001001010101, but you can call me Tenten for short! Follow me, and I'll show you around," as the Little TV spoke, it went through more ranges of emotion through his expression than I thought possible with only two circles, dots, and a line.

The floating TV puttered along, explaining different Items and weapons with great enthusiasm. I look to Victoria, and she just shrugged, taking my hand. We followed along with the robot and listened to some of the explanations.

"And over here is the Ion Glass Cannon! This bad boy packs a punch and will blow the lady's skirts sky high! just don't drop it, or the reactor will go off and possibly destroy a level or five of the Noble Fifths."

The robot had pointed to a clear glass rifle with a triangular barrel and a glowing blue core near the handle. Victoria gripped my hand tight when Tenten mentioned the part about the catastrophic explosion that occurred if dropped. I used my other hand to reach over and ruffle her hair, and she turned up to frown at me. I gave her a warm smile, and her frown melted away, and she leaned into me.

We followed and listened to Tenten's explanations, but we enjoyed just walking and looking at all the different things until we ran crystal rapier. The crystal of the blade was tinted blue while the handle was grey. Victoria fell in love with it before Tenten even could mention it. Letting go of my hand, she stepped forward and pointed to it.

"Can you tell me about this one?" Victoria asked Tenten excitedly.

"Ah, the Duelist's Tear, that is a fine choice, my blue-dressed beauty! This lean, slicing machine is a water user's best friend! The Tear can cut wave from thin air!"

"Oh, Dave, I want it. I want it!"

"How much for the Tear then Tenten?" I asked the TV guide.

"Oh, ho, ho, ho we don't do money here. Listen, I'll grab this, and then we can all go see the master!"

Tenten grabbed the Duelist's Tear and led us to a room in the back. The hall lit with a purple glow as we followed, and soon, we came to a room with curtains covering the glass walls. The door's swung open, and inside a crystal throne sat.

Upon the throne sat a young woman with a body like diamonds, her hair reflected purple light, and she stood from her throne. As she stepped down, a shear white crystal dress flowed around her body.

"I have been waiting for you, Dave."

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