Harem in a dungeon from another world

Emerie Made Bare

The walk back to the apparment was a short one. I open the door, letting the girls in. 

"Malph... iphed ip?" Emerie remarks as she enters. 

"I have plans to get an actual house now that we got a bit of treasure from the dungeon." I say locking the door. "Now then... Aya, Emerie.  I wanna see you both."

"Yes master." Aya says stripping.

Emerie sighs. "I kneph thiph waph mummin..."

she undid the buckles on her boots, and slipped them off. Then she undid the top, and laid it on the sofa in the living space. Finally she undid the side of the bottoms and laid it aside. Then she turned to me, crossing her arms to cover her boobs. I give her a look.

"You should know better. Arms down."

She sighed. "Camph mame me pher phryim..." she then hesitantly lowered her arms to her side.  And finally she was bare. Her figure was similar to Aya. A thin, yet toned frame, though aya was curvier by a touch. Emerie was about an inch or so taller, and deffinatly had larger breasts. I motioned for her to spin, and she hesitantly did so. Her red hair went to just below her shoulders, and her ass had a nice shape. As she finished the turn, i noticed unlike Aya, Emerie hadnt been shaved.  Top and bottom both red. 

"Weph... mae momephin.... or do momephin... or momephin..." Emerie said. "Juph....phanmen mere iph embarraphing."

"He is." Aya said. Then she looked to me for permission to speak. I nod, curious to what she was going to say. "Your being inspected. This is masters first time seeing you."

Emerie looks away. "Phime... i geph ip."

I pet Aya's head. "Good girl." She probably picked that up from her time with the slavers. Come to think of it, she knew exactly how to stand when i had...inspected her.  Both girls were beautiful.  But undeniably dirty from the dungeon... "at ease. Im going to go get us some dinner from inn, while im gone you two clean up."

"Yes master"

"Yeph mapha...."

"You can take the gag out for now Emerie." I say as i go to leave. She wastes not time taking it out.

"Finally! Thank you....." I give her a stern look. "Right....thank you....master."

I nod content and go out the door, leaving the two girls alone in the small apparment.


After he left Aya retrived a bucket or water, and set it to heat on the stove. For her part, Emerie took a brief look around. She had called it small... but it was larger then her own rented room...Divided into 3 sections, a small kitchen and dining area, a living space with sofa and a fire place, and a bed room... with only one bed... she gave a half grimace. No doubting where she would be made to spend the night... at least the bed was large enough. It could easily hold three... which it probably would.

 Emerie bit her lip. She wasnt going to admit it, but... that was the part she was kinda looking forward to... shed had dates, and some boyfriends before... but nothing that had been... serious. Not bed serious anyway. And now, it looked like she was going to get that experience... the thought briefly excited her. Screw the slave stuff and this damned magic... but sex? That piqued her curiosity. 

"Water’s ready!" Aya called from the table, bringing Emerie back to reality.  

She made her way back over as Aya began cleaning herself with a cloth, scrubbing her arms as Emerie sat next to her.

"So...Furball..." Emerie started. 

Aya stopped briefly, but continued washing herself. 


"What’s it— or he—like? You know... at night?" Emerie asked, trying to get her words out.

"Master is very warm to sleep with." Aya said as she began scrubbing her legs. "I don’t think he has had much experience himself, but the one time I serviced him went well enough. Better then my first time."

Emerie blinked. 

"Wait... you’ve only slept with him once?" 

Aya nodded as she took the cloth across her torso, scrubbing herself clean. 

"Most of my service to Master has been in the Dungeon. This will only be my third night in the apparment."

"How long has he had you...?" Emerie asked quizzically.

Aya began cleaning her breasts, causing them to jiggle slightly. 

"Oh... about...five days i think?"

Five days? She was this loyal only after five days? He had technically only had Emerie for two days now. This was her second night in captivity.

"Why are you so loyal to him?"Emerie questioned, a slight furrow to her brow as she did.

Aya made a small hum as she replied.

"Our master was divinely appointed. It’s his destiny to own us." 

Emerie stared at her. The damn furball has lost her mind! Divinely appointed? As if it was her destiny to be a slave girl. But she didn’t get the sense that Aya was joking. 

Aya wrung out the cloth and passed it to Emerie. The red head hesitantly took it. 

"So... why do you think its his destiny to own us...?" Emerie asked as she prepared the wash cloth for herself. 

"Guardian Ceraphina told us." Aya replied.

Emerie dropped the cloth. "Guardian Ceraphina... Wait, you mean the goddess?!"

Aya nodded. "Correct! Though she told us not to call her that."

Emerie slowly picked up the cloth. Great. She had been captured by crazy cultists, not that she really could do anything about it. 

"I....see..." She said slowly as she began to clean herself. The warm water on the cloth felt nice at least, and it helped her feel a bit refreshed. It had been sometime since she felt clean... she scrubbed her arms and shoulders with the cloth, feeling the warm of the cloth on her collarbone, and across the back of her neck. She then moved it down her chest, paying particular attention to her boobs. Really outshine the furball...men loved boobs right? Maybe she could curry favor since hers were bigger... she moved down to her legs, and made sure they got plenty of care. She glanced at aya. 

"D...do you mind looking away?" She asked.

Aya tilted her head. "We are slave sisters... you dont have to hide."

Emerie grimaced. Not that the cat didnt have a point... they had already seen each other naked... and tonight would share the same bed.  So would this really matter? Emerie sighed and took the cloth to her lower regions, giving everything a good scrub. It was a bit embarrassing to do this with someone else right there... but it did feel really good to be clean again. Made her miss the hotsprings in the mountains.  Maybe the master would take them there? She might drop some hints once she was sure she was in good standing. He was aggravated enough with her to have her branded.... so she needed to earn some goodwill. 

With the cleaning done, she sat the cloth next to the bucket, and leaned back. Next to her Aya's eyes gleamed.

"What?" Emerie said gruffly.

"I think master is going to love you! Your so pretty, slaves like you dont last long in the markets."

Emerie grimaced again. That was probably a compliment... but it didnt feel like one... "uh...thanks...i guess."

Aya smiled. Apparently she truly was happy with her lot in life... the wierdo...

"You mentioned markets a few times before... is that where he got you i guess?" Emerie continued.

Aya nodded. "Yes. From Mistress Marvain, where we were earlier. I was there for... two years i think befor master got me."

"Two years? You were for sale for two years?" 

Aya nodded her ears dropping slightly. "Yeah... my kind are not too popular in this region."

That was true... Emerie herself didnt care for Nekotype demi-humans. Given the war in which many of them fought, it wasnt suprising that many didnt want anything to do with them...

"I can imagine."

The conversation was cut short as the master returned with food. Emerie was suprised that they all had the same meal. She was sure shed be given second rate food now that she was a slave, and yet her plate and Aya's contained the same food as the master's. Some kind of cut pork, and grilled vegetables.  And after rations and such in the dungeon... it really hit the spot. Unfortunately she couldnt fully enjoy as her nerves where starting to get to her. It was getting late, which means soon after eating.... it would be time for bed....

I apologize for how long this took to get out. Life got a bit busy on me last month and effects rippled into this one. Hopefully things should be better paced now.

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