Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 51

Chapter 50: Set Off

Yin Shi just passed the next day. Except for Zhao Sihai’s team, the rest of the troops were led out of the city by the team leader. Except for the team leader and the corporal leader, the soldiers didn’t know where they were going.

Zhou Shixiang hoped that every soldier in the Taiping Battalion would clearly know what he was doing and what he was going to do, but reality did not allow him to do so, because they were not soldiers in nature. Once you tell these recruits that they are going to fight with the Qing army in Deqing, I am afraid that morale will drop to freezing point in an instant, and half of them will run away when they reach the ground. There is no other way to eliminate a soldier’s fear of the enemy than to make the soldier more terrifying than the other.

Therefore, in order to prevent the soldiers from fleeing in large numbers because of fear, Zhou Shixiang had to hide it from them. In his plan, these recruits were not the key to victory in the battle. The purpose of bringing them was to let them experience the real battle scene besides bluffing. , As for how many people can survive, it depends on whether the plan is successful.

War will kill people. There is no war without the dead. Zhou Shixiang, who was a soldier in his previous life, will not have the kindness of women.

Cruelty is the true nature of soldiers in this era, and it is also the capital of success.

Why were the Manchus able to enter the Central Plains and seize the Han people? Because they are crueler than the Han people, cruel to the point of beast-like existence!

Of course, Zhou Shixiang didn’t want to turn himself into a beast, he just wanted to make the enemy feel fear.


Just as Zhou Shixiang had been worried before, not long after the team left the city, the old and weak women and children from the rear camp who arrived after hearing the news were crowded with the city gates. , a young woman was even more worried and cried. And the recruits in the team also became panicked after leaving the city. If it wasn’t for the constant scolding from the commander and the whip that fell at any time, none of them would be willing to move on.

The cry of the old and weak women and children in Dongcheng quickly disturbed the residents of Luoding who had not participated in the Taiping Camp. They ran over from their homes to watch the excitement. Some were guessing the purpose of the Ming army leaving the city, while others were gloating at the rear camp. The old and weak women and children pointed and pointed, probably thinking that the Taiping Camp also ran away with their men. While gloating at the misfortune, he is also glad that he was not deceived by the small profit of Taiping Camp, otherwise the fate of Lafuzi would fall on himself.

Originally, the old and weak women and children in the Houying camp were only worried about their own men. Although they cried, they were not chaotic, but after hearing the gloating words of the residents who did not join the army, they immediately became chaotic, crying and calling for the man to come back. The scene was repeated several times. out of control.

Song Xianggong, who had predicted the reaction of the elderly and weak women and children with Zhou Shixiang in advance, made the quickest response after the incident. While appeasing these women and children in the name of Lord Zhizhou, he ordered Zhao Sihai to lead the troops to drive them back to the camp. At the same time, he released the prisoners who were not with the army from the prison, and after explaining to them, let them terrorize the residents with sticks, knives and guns, and occasionally shout at the gates of the big houses. be controlled.

Facing the swords and guns in the hands of the “murderers” released by the Ming army, the residents of the city were all chilled, and obediently hid in their homes and locked the door, lest the chaotic situation of robbery and murder on the night of the fire would happen again. The old and weak women and children in the rear camp also realized that things were not what they imagined, because Lord Zhizhou was still in the city, and a team of young men did not leave the city. It seems that Lord Song was right, his men went to Gaozhou with the army to transport grain. , instead of being pulled away as a master.

In order to completely stabilize the hearts of Houying, Duke Xiang of Song stayed in Houying all day, and from time to time called the old man in the camp to play chess with him, or drink a few pots of tea. There are swords and guns outside, and tenderness inside, and both sides work together, and the situation in the city is quiet again.

On the bright side, the city calmed down, but the undercurrent was surging in private. The manpower available to Duke Xiang of Song was too small. In addition, the officers and servants deployed by the Zhizhou Yamen were all the original people, and these people were also scheming. That kind of people cannot rely on them to monitor every corner of the city. As a result, several big households are still ventilated in private. Lu Changyuan even secretly sent people to call a few yamen officials to his house to talk secretly. known to outsiders.

“Sir, you don’t seem to be able to go to the sun?”

“Oh, oh, wrong, wrong, hehe.”

The absent-minded Song Xianggong forced a smile in front of everyone, but his heart was very uneasy: but I don’t know if this battle can be won?


Shao Jiugong got his wish and was awarded the post of pioneer officer of the former battalion by Zhou Shixiang.

These Jiangxi soldiers were engraved on their backs. Like Duke Xiang of Song, they knew that they could not turn back. If they could not defeat the Qing army, their fate would be worse than that of the Ming army, so they worked hard. It just made them wonder, how come there are only so many people in the Taiping Camp, and there are only three hundred people in front and back, and they are all young and strong from Luo Dingxin. With such a small number of people, can they really fight against Zhang Mazi’s Green Battalion?

Shao Jiugong also felt that something was wrong, but it was difficult to ride a tiger, so he could only bite the bullet. In order to reassure the soldiers under his command, he talked about the plan he had made to Zhang Dade in the past, and he talked and planned with great excitement, which made the soldiers feel at ease. Every one of them said that if that Zhang Mazi was really stupid Pig, then this battle is easy to fight, then everyone will kill pigs and eat meat!

Song Erniu, who walked in front of the entire camp, was the tallest and tallest in the entire camp. All six members of his family joined the Taiping Camp, which would carry an embroidered “Taiping Camp” embroidered by Duke Xiang of Song overnight. The three-character banner walked like a tiger with a proud look on its face.

The weapons equipped by each team were basically seized from the Qing army in Jiangxi, including swords, spears, hooks, and shields. The whole battalion, including Boss Hu and Zhou Shixiang, had no armor, and there were not many cotton armors. There were only six pieces, which were taken from Kong Guoliang’s personal soldiers. Boss Hu and Zhou Shixiang wore one piece each, and the other four were given to Ge 5. Ge Liu, Peng Dazhu and Baldy.

The seven captured horses were given to Shao Jiugong, so that they could lure the enemy. Zhou Shixiang’s own Mongolian blue horse was originally intended to be ridden by Boss Hu, but Boss Hu refused to ask for it, saying that it was a gentleman who didn’t take the favor of others. Helpless, Zhou Shixiang could only lead him. After all, Boss Hu, the main general, had no horse, so how could he, the former commander of the battalion, have the nerve to ride a horse.

Luoding was more than 100 miles away from Deqing, and the marching speed of the former camp was only less than 40 miles a day, so it was not until the third day that they reached the crossing of the Xihe River, which was seven miles away from Deqing. Along the way, they hit a Qing army post, captured seven Green Battalion soldiers and more than 20 masters inside, tied them all and followed behind.

Although the recruits didn’t know what the commander was doing with them, they could still identify the direction. In addition, they beat the Qing army’s post, and gradually they knew what they were going to do. At this time, Zhou Shixiang didn’t hide it from them, telling them that they were about to fight with Deqing’s Green Camp. If they lost the battle, not only would they lose their lives, but also all their wives, children, and children who stayed in Luoding.

While the recruits panicked, Boss Hu asked Ge Wu and Ge Liu to **** the seven Green Camp prisoners to kneel on the ferry, and then cut off their heads in front of the recruits.

“If anyone dares to run, this is the end!”

Ge Wu viciously threw a severed head in front of the soldiers, and all the recruits suddenly shouted.

Shao Jiugong thought that his chance to show had come, he patted the horse’s **** under his crotch, led his men to rush in front of the recruits, and said viciously: “The Deqing Green Camp is nothing to be afraid of, their garrison was my defeated general back then. Now that I’m clear anyway, you guys are afraid of a ball!”

“Our Lord Shao is the nemesis of Zhang Mazi. Brothers, don’t be afraid. When Zhang Mazi’s head is chopped off, the Lord will invite us to drink and eat meat!”

“Eat meat in big chunks and drink in big bowls!”

How could a group of Jiangxi soldiers who had no choice but to become the Ming army make these Luo Ding recruits timid?

Under these threats and enticements, the recruits became more courageous. They looked at the corpses of the Qing army on the ground, and then looked at the Jiangxi soldiers who were still in the Qing army a few days ago. Think about Luo Ding’s Relatives, the thought of wanting to run faded, and some daring ones even started to draw out their knives to wipe them.

Boss Hu ordered the entire battalion to cross the river, and Zhou Shixiang climbed up a high **** north of the ferry to look around, and finally chose this West River ferry as the ambush site.

The location of the ambush has been determined. The next step is to select the ambush locations for each team. The West River is not wide. Both sides of the river are hills and the vegetation is relatively lush. Therefore, there are many places for Tibetans. The key is whether Shao Jiugong can attract Zhang Dade. How many people have been brought in.

Too many people will definitely not work. The best situation is that Zhang Dade only brings a few personal soldiers over. As long as Zhang Dade and his personal soldiers can be killed, the remaining green battalion soldiers will not be a concern.

Boss Hu was still a little worried about Shao Jiugong and his Jiangxi soldiers. He told Zhou Shixiang that he would bring a team of soldiers with them, but Zhou Shixiang persuaded Boss Hu to stay here and command the overall situation. He led Shao Jiugong and the others to lure the enemy.

Boss Hu was willing to let Zhou Shixiang take the risk, but Zhou Shixiang insisted on going, saying that he had a big blue horse, even if things changed, he could escape safely with this big blue horse. With him there, the recruits can feel a lot more at ease, otherwise, when they see that the general is not there, these recruits will collapse.

Boss Hu said that Zhou Shixiang couldn’t help him, so he repeatedly told Zhou Shixiang to be careful, and Qian asked Wan to watch him and Shao Jiugong lead people to Deqing City.

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